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Life Is A Simulation Prison! – Death, Parallel Universes, Spacetime & Consciousness | Donald Hoffman

Tom Bilyeu

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Ever wondered if we’re living in a simulation? Or questioned the true potential of AI and its consciousness?

In today’s episode of Impact Theory, Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist and consciousness expert, is here to challenge your understanding of reality and consciousness.

Hoffman’s proposed theory of consciousness flips your everyday assumptions about what reality is on their head, arguing that our perceptions of what we experience in the physical world aren’t as real as you’d like to think.

Do you think it’s possible life is a simulation and we’re in some version of a virtual reality headset?

The metaphor of the virtual headset explains why our experiences are limited and there are things like freewill that we never truly experience. And if that’s not heavy enough for you, Hoffman brings mathematical equations into the picture to explain that all consciousness is mathematically structured.

Some of the topics we touch on include:
– Is cause and effect real?
– The God hypothesis and consciousness
– Why your reality isn’t real
– The truth behind consciousness
– How evolution hides the matrix
– Testing reality & spacetime
– Can you actually escape the matrix?

Whether you’re keen on technology, interested in the mysteries of consciousness, or just love a good intellectual challenge, this episode is a complete crash course into the world of Donald Hoffman and the illusion of space, time and reality.

Hoffman’s insights can help you see the world from a radically different perspective, inspiring you to question your assumptions, and rethink your understanding of “reality”.

Chapter Markers:

[0:00] You are an avatar
[34:39] Space & time isn’t real?
[1:16:22] How you live in the matrix
[2:02:37] How evolution hides the truth
[2:36:50] Why you’re not self-aware
[3:22:51] Consciousness & the beyond

Powerful Insights From Donald Hoffman:

“Behind spacetime there is an incredibly complicated realm to explore.”

“Consciousness is the ability to have experiences like the taste of chocolate.”

“What we are, are avatars of the one effectively and the one awareness is exploring all of its possibilities through different avatars.”

“No system can completely know itself.”

“You may be smarter than Einstein, but if you don’t actually put yourself using the tools of mathematics and so forth, that genius will never actually flower in the sense of reaching all the potential implications of what it means. And so that’s why we do science the way we do it, with mathematical precision, because for two reasons. If our ideas are good, we probably don’t understand all their implications, and so the math will come back and it’ll be our teacher. And second, certainly our ideas have their limits, and it’s hard for us to understand what the limits are.”

“What we believe does not really affect fundamentally what we see.”

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Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships


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23 thoughts on “Life Is A Simulation Prison! – Death, Parallel Universes, Spacetime & Consciousness | Donald Hoffman
  1. I don’t hate this conversion, but referring to the simulation as “inside the headset” actually makes them sound incredibly sort-sighted to point of approaching stupidity. We are less than a decade until we create virtual reality simulations without headsets.

  2. Sure … but science is based on proof and facts not on how probable something sounds. Life is life and its real until someone see the matrix with his own eyes and manage to get proof of what he see.

  3. Here are the answers to Creation.

    Understanding Creation

    I am a herbalist retired, full of the knowledge of health. I did not need God or so I thought. Then on Dec. 7/2022 I found a flaw in my research and died.

    I was gone for 27 min.

    When I was there, my guide from God asked me if I had any questions, and boy did I.

    Question: How is the universe created?

    Answer. It is a giant self-directing simulation, a lot like the Simpsons or South Park is to you.

    I suddenly understood how talking snakes, burning bushes that are not consumed, and talking donkeys all could exist. In a simulation, I can also have universal floods, resurrect anyone I wish, and have the original people named Adam and Eve, or, or, or? I can have anything I can create on a screen, with reality being anything I choose to design.

    The debate over what is real stops, when you look and see we are ones and zeros.

    Now look at how a web design program works, and use this to figure it out how our universe was created. Everything fits this way. Anything that can be created on a screen now becomes a reality within the program.

    Our mistake on both the Christian and Atheist sides has been trying to explain our creation by the internal rules of our simulation. If this was how web design works, we would have to be living by the rules of South Park and The Simpsons just to create them. We all know this is not how it works.

    In short, God is sitting at his computer punching in any keys he wants. He can change reality in any way, including pressing delete. Instead, he has chosen not to and gives us all a chance at eternal life instead. To start your Christian journey, start with this prayer, then find a good church and some good Christian friends.

    Jesus I believe in you, forgive me all my sins, come into my life and make it better, in Jesus' name, Amen.

  4. Dr Hoffman is the best at explaining what I believe is the most plausible theory of our existence. I love how humble he is yet so incredibly intelligent. He explains things so well that even I get it 😂. Thank you very much Dr.

  5. Water holds memory and we are 80% water so it is vital to rid this negative charge from within us. Urban culture and convenience is what's killing us all and making us so sick mentally. We were not evolved to live in a societal urban environment ment with emf and all types of other harmful byproducts of technology and the industrial revolution. Agriculture and industry has killed so so many and now it's just doing it slowly. First farmers got diseases like crazy cause the animals being close to living quarters. Industrial revolution has given us so much that we were never even meant to have to endure. Want to be happy…get your ass outside and start eating organic. I swear to you it will change the trajectory of your entire future.

  6. My theory is that we are in heaven. Heaven is all around us. Our concept of religious heaven is simply a strategy or tactic to keep us all distracted. For if we wait for change upon death it's too late and all of it is mighty convenient for the leaders and elitist cabal. I think religion keeps us behaving and is a manipulation tactic. I think we reincarnate and experience life over and over in different forms. Until we are ready to transcend this dimension. A big part of it is to heal the trauma and erase that negative memory from the water that makes up 80% of our body. If we die with trauma I think we get another go to release it all but we couldn't know this cause if we did we may make the same mistakes…we surely would cause we don't make great decisions at times. One way to fight back against said trauma is to adopt the concept that all negative experiences gave you the wisdom needed to break free from this matrix and be in harmony with the yin and yang within our being.

  7. One time ifelt like i woke up but i was like in a bubble full of liquid attached to wires and cables, it was just for a very short time like 3 or 5 seconds and then i woke up again and i didnt know if it was just a dream. I never forget the feeling i had laying confused in my bed.

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