
Linguistic Data Analysis – The BNC Frequency Search

The Virtual Linguistics Campus

This video clip is part of a new series of software-supported linguistic data analyses, in this particular case, the “frequency-of-occurrence” analysis of words in the British National Corpus. The central research question is to generate a list of the occurrences of word-forms derived from the base GENERAT(E). .


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4 thoughts on “Linguistic Data Analysis – The BNC Frequency Search
  1. Thank you Jurgen for this vlog. I'm a Pole, who has been living in the UK for over 10 years. To memorize thausands of words, colocations and idioms in English I use a very sophisticated educational platform with electronic flash cards . But I am searching corporus to determine how frequent is a given word, colocation, saying or idiom.

  2. There is a big problem with verity of English in the UK. Even in London we can hear old posh RP, modern RP, Estuary English, Cockney and MLE English. Useful for studying English would be a spoken regional corpus rather.

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