
Love By Female Companion Robots – Are They Real ? Artificial Intelligence and Harmoni 2020

TFlex Tech

Love By Female Companion Robots – Are They Real ? Artificial Intelligence and Harmoni 2020
Meet Harmony. She will be your “perfect partner”, the girl of your dreams.
Harmony was created by Realbotix. Realbotix was founded in April of 2017, with the goal of integrating robotic components and Artificial Intelligence, into high end silicone dolls.

Realbotix Robots have helped enrich lives by offering a true alternative form of relationship and are enjoyed by people, from all walks of life, for a variety of reasons.

More than simple love dolls, these Robots often become companions and in some cases, they are helping, in the treatment of several illness.

To control the Robots, Real botix have developed, their own Artificial intelligence framework, and a multi platform software called “Harmony AI” .

But most important question Arises here, Does Harmony can provide real companionship ? Is it good for our Society? Does it reduce crimes against women ? What do You think ? These are some questions which has no answers !! But If you want to share your thoughts. Please share your views in comment section. And If you love this video then do subscribe the channel, and press the bell icon, to get latest updates.

ELON MUSK THINKS HE IS ALIEN – Musk Super Funny After Tesla Stocks Down
Tesla boss Elon Musk wiped $14bn (£11bn) off the carmaker’s value after tweeting its share price was too high.

It also knocked $3bn off Mr Musk’s own stake in Tesla as investors promptly bailed out of the company.

“Tesla stock price too high imo,” he said in one of several tweets that included a vow to sell his possessions.

In other tweets, he said his girlfriend was mad at him, while another simply read: “Rage, rage against the dying of the light of consciousness.”

In 2018, a tweet about Tesla’s future on the New York stock market led to regulators fining the company $20m and Mr Musk agreeing to have all further posts on the platform pre-screened by lawyers.

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F O R.
W A T C H I N G ★


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30 thoughts on “Love By Female Companion Robots – Are They Real ? Artificial Intelligence and Harmoni 2020
  1. You are crazy or what?
    She is a machine. She has not real feelings but feigned emotions. I am in favor of a sexy female clone created in some clandestine lab doted with IA and programed to fulfills physical and emotion feelings. A female clone has real blood, bones, heart, brain and doesn't acts likes a cool souless robot. Human clonacion can reemplacing the sexy robots in a near future. You can't have babies with a machine robot neither you can't smell the female human skin scent. With a robot you will smell silicon. A female clone with IA is a new enhanced version from the original human female. She has real feelings, blood, you can have babies with her, and everthing else. Created in some lab and doted with IA, programed to love you inconditionally and protect you (apart to do demestic tasks at home) . All that is possible. The only problem is that the human clonacion is forbidden and raise etical and religious problems. It is pure bullshit. What is good for us is ever welcome. The human clonation is good thing for you under controled conditions. They do perfect wives. They will protect you and will love you.

  2. When god created us he didn't make us to be robots, but it's so ironic bc we are making robots 🤷 to do what be forced for our "sexual need". U want someone like that then grab some ambition and find a "real life companion".

  3. …………………………
    In the future when robots are much more advanced to where you "can't tell", they will help Humanity: (Continued below…)

    1) There are many people who suffer from depression because of being lonely. If they have enough money they will not have to be lonely anymore.

    2) Biological Human females (real women) are extremely difficult. No matter how good of a guy one is, no matter what he does for his gf/wife, no matter how good he is in bed, etc.. The woman will still give him problems because she is irrational and unrealistic (lol). This will not be the case with androids. They will be true AI but still initially programmed (& with software updates) by man to have or not have certain tendencies, moods, etc..
    Your partner should give your life joy, not Hell !

    3) The more men (& women) who have robot companions will help with Human overpopulation which we have now. Birthrates will drop, because you can't make a baby with your AI partner! This in turn will help the Earth also and give it a little break and in time it can repair itself somewhat.

    4) Extreme strength, internal detection system of potentially dangerous situations and a very high intelligence will make them great bodyguards and helpers/protectors of the elderly, disabled or just any other person who possesses one. (the military of course)

    There are many more pros for the future android which I could state and discuss but rrrrright nnnnnow I am running low on pppppower and need to recharge.

    Have a pleasant day Human and be well.

  4. Nice!!!! Never ages too!!! no sagging breasts or dryspell research it and only cost 8000 dollars. hell lot cheaper than alimony payments and child support payments too!

  5. "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.” Come Lord Jesus! ✨

  6. These are not true robots. They are dolls with animated heads whose mouths can sync with some chatbot programming. They can to a certain degree create the illusion that the owner is involved with a real woman, but it is only an illusion. That doesn't mean it cannot be a pleasant illusion, however. Considering these "sex robot" dolls cost in the $10k to $12k USD range, they had better provide a pleasant illusion!

    But, they will still have all of the headaches associated with owning a non animated, non chatbot capable sex doll such as lugging its heavy dead weight body around, positioning it, and having to sanitize it after every use. These are all issues that don't exist with most actual living women. Keep in mind that there is a HUGE difference between the sex doll fantasy promoted in these never ending ads for these dolls and sex doll ownership REALITY. The owner of one of these will not fully appreciate that difference until the doll is delivered to his home. That difference can in intolerable for some and I've read of cases where a guy's multi-thousand USD doll arrived, he took one look at it, and then said "No…not for me!" That's when he starts trying to figure out how to get as much of his cost for the doll back as possible. If he's lucky, he'll find a buyer on the internet and "only" have to take a loss of a few thousand USD for his mistake.

    My recommendation for any first time doll buyer is to find the cheapest Chinese made TPE doll he can on either Amazon or eBay for well under $1,000 USD and get that. It will give him the basics and he can then decide if these dolls are "right" for him and if he might want to get a more expensive one in future. If not, then he's only wasted less than a grand and not five to ten grand. That will take much of the sting out of making the mistake of having allowed himself to be seduced by sexy doll photos online into buying an item he could not touch and lift before purchasing and which was NONrefundable.

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