
Making music using new sounds generated with machine learning


NSynth Super is an open source experimental instrument. It gives musicians the ability to explore completely new sounds generated by the NSynth machine learning algorithm.

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49 thoughts on “Making music using new sounds generated with machine learning
  1. Sometimes I think that if at some point we have machine-man symbiosis, we might be able to use machine learning to create music that maximizes pleasure in our brains and bodies…. And it would be music specific for each individual… Talk about "I have the weirdest taste in music".

  2. Frencincy .that's the key stop wrong bad killer fenciny generating .out to the human DNA.this is the most important. for humanity and life on this earth.+++++++++

  3. All that coding, math, applying concepts etc for an XY pad that has 1-4 layers of instruments?? All you're doing is essentially using a crossover feature between sounds.. This is why Google should have someone like myself who has a background in technology as well as being involved in music production/creation etc… 🙂

  4. It would be much more interesting if your "machine learning" feature would reverse engineer sounds you input…. so you load a song and it breaks down each layer and attempts to reconstruct it and tell you what's going on.. We can already pull melody/harmony from songs with the click of a button and not much work, but this would take that to a whole new level… .Or make something such as a vocal copy'er… where you load an acapella and the machine learning app studies the vocal tonality, then allows you to replicate it so you can maybe type in a keyword or phrase and it will use that same vocal tone to mimic it (Almost like making it appear as if Arnold Schwarzenegger sang your hook)… There you go Google, there's some UP FRONT VALUE for you… you can reach me at

  5. It’s funny to me that any one is confused at what this means…don’t you see anything special about this? In a broad sense, imagine if you were God…and you decided to create something…that never existed. You snap your finger and you make an Atom. You do it again and you make a midacibdria. And again, a planet, then the sun, water, air, and at some point…you’re like ok…there. I’ve made an entire universe. Time to rest. I think that I’ll kick back on a mountain top with…wait…what’s THAT?? Somethings moving? It’s a “human”…how odd. I think I’ll call it “Adammmm”…wait. That’s interesting. I just made Sound… So you teach Adam his name. And you set him out to explore. You return in thousands of years and Adam has created an Orchrstra; in fact, he’s created thousands of launguages, millions and billions of Sounds… then things start to slow down. Adam starts to run out of unique sounds. He’s created a guitar, drums, and ALL the musical equipment we now have. Not that many new musical equipment has been created in the last 10 yrs compared to the last few thousand years. Adams done pretty well for himself thus far but he’s reached the point where new music often sounds like a sound or music that has already been created. There a bottleneck of all these sounds, part created by the fact that there just isn’t any new instruments. We have a drum, guitar, harp, etc…and so….the combinations of them is reaching the end. But then Google creates a “new” “instrument” that can create sounds that we have never heard before. And is able to create them every minute of every day….faster and faster… Suddenly, where there wasn’t any new instruments being created to make that new “sound”… there is now a new instrument that can create EVERY sound possible. The world of music suddenly has 75 trillion trillion trillion to the Trillionth Power new sounds! What happens now? Now we have in front of use a trillion times the sounds we have ever had on this planet! How many new songs might you think can be made from that many new sounds? How many new music genres? Soon as you create the first new genre and the first song within it, the “new instrument” doesn’t stop. You come back next week after taking a week off to celebrate this new creation to find that the “instrument” since last Monday has created 650 million million million MORE genres and that many more songs to the trillion trillion trillionth at a power of a trillion trillion…and going! It has created 10,000 years of music evolution by human standards! In a WEEK! Get the idea? In a week you come back to your office and find that you have a multi-quant-rant 8th demential interface that can read your thoughts…to produce sounds that can disrupt and arrange Matter at the Quantum Level… Want a new mountain, you just think it, this new instrument starts the sound which vibrates at the correct MHz to separate Atoms, rearrange them into the Atoms that make a mountain…where you suddenly notice God is sitting looking at You… Does this “simple” explanation help?

  6. Formant qualities can define a sound signal's unique quality. By using a whole lotta multi-layer maths, toward a more accurate audio 'image.' But, as in particle physics, close observation alters that which is observed. This reality is embedded in our natural audio perception. The neural 'equipment' that compiles and defines what we hear is so powerful that it changes the sounds we listen to. Sound generation by itself is like one hand clapping. Listen to an early hit, "Popcorn" .

  7. Most of you in the comments do not appreciate sound. Sound is sound, and if you really love sound, then you know that to each it's own. What you think "sounds good", is not necessarily going to "sound good" to another person. Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You can't judge sound or beaty. This is foolish. Your only judging yourself, when you judge sound or anything else in the world. Get over yourself already!…SBN

  8. Hgogel kann du scanne hodene til Di som bor på denne Internett linja her jeg er nå gutta bæsser i dusjen er det normalt og så renner det vann fra toaletten ned på kjøkkenet i 1 etasjen inne på kjøkkenet er det normalt googel ta og scann hodene till Di som bor her og har bodd her takk.

  9. عاش الملك سيدي محمد السادس ملكنا وولي امرنا وصاحب السمو الملكي الامير الجليل ولي العمد سيدي الحسن وصاحبة السمو الملكي الاميرة الجليلة للاخديجة وصاحبة السمو الملكي الاميرة الجليلة الاسلمى والاسرة العلوية الشريفة اللهم سدد خطاكم ❤️ Instagramيحياالملك يحيا الوطن شعارنا الخالد الله الوطن الملك الصحراء مغربية وستبقى مغربية إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها ❤️

  10. كوكل ممتاز جدأ روعة جدا ❤️ Instagramيحياالملك يحيا الوطن شعارنا الخالد الله الوطن الملك الصحراء مغربية وستبقى مغربية إلى أن يرث الله الأرض ومن عليها ❤️

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