Art Theory

Manjul Bhargava, Fields Medal Symposium 2016: Patterns in Numbers and Nature

Fields Institute

Manjul Bhargava, Princeton University and Fields Medal 2014
Talk Title: Patterns in Numbers and Nature


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17 thoughts on “Manjul Bhargava, Fields Medal Symposium 2016: Patterns in Numbers and Nature
  1. Such an enriching and delightful talk.
    Manjul Bhargava’s desire to help students appreciate and study maths has been befittingly rewarded by including him in the consulting committee for New Education Policy by GoI.

  2. A good video. But strickly speaking prme nubers are used for encryption key creation and authentication. Typically a block cipher is used to encrypt the data and keep it secret.

  3. 8×0×1×1 +1 =1 (1^3)
    8×1×1×3 +3 =27 (3^3)
    8×1×3×5 +5 =125 (5^3)
    8×2×3×7 +7 =343 (7^3)
    8×2×5×9 +9 =729 (9^3)

    Very Good Video

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