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Many Worlds Theory implies your late loved ones may still exist! Quantum Immortality Explained.

Arvin Ash

Quantum Immortality – is it real? Quantum mechanics shows that all particles are not particles at all but really waves of probabilities. There are two common interpretations of how these waves become distinct- one is the “many worlds theory.”

The most conventional interpretation is called the Copenhagen interpretation, and it says that the probability wave collapses, and the particles become distinct at the moment they are observed. It should be noted that these observations are measurements and do not necessarily require a conscious observer.

A competing interpretation to this is called the many worlds interpretation. It postulates that no collapse actually occurs…That everything in the entire universe is wave function and remains a wave function. This interpretation rejects the idea wave function “collapse” altogether. According to this, probability waves never collapse but what we observe as a distinct reality only occurs for us in this reality, but does not collapse in another reality. So reality in continually branching off into parallel worlds whenever a measurement or observation occurs.

This is why it is called the many worlds interpretation because as wave collapse occurs due to observations, a parallel universe is created where wave collapse does not occur. This theory introduces the seemingly absurd complication of creating a near infinite number of parallel worlds, so why is it so widely embraced by physicists? Proponents argue that this interpretation actually simplifies and explains the seeming randomness of quantum physics. Since all possibilities are potentially real in various branches of parallel universes, there is no randomness. There is no chance. All possibilities occur in numerous parallel realities. It only seems random to us because we experience reality in only one of the branches.

All possible alternate histories and futures are equally real and can exist in parallel. So every time you had a brush with death, you died in one of the parallel realities, but the only reality where you remained conscious is the only reality that you are aware of – this reality. In that other reality, they buried you, and your loved ones came to your funeral. But as far as you know, you have always been alive.

Some have extrapolated this concept to mean that Whenever you might die, there will be another universe in which you’re still alive, because some quantum event (even if astronomically unlikely) will save you from death? This is the concept behind quantum immortality. If this theory is true, it would mean that there is a version of reality where any of your loved ones who may have died in your reality here, are alive and well.

Could quantum mechanics in some way be actually verifying the idea of an immortal consciousness, or even an immortal soul, which many people believe in? It’s important to distinguish the difference between an immortal consciousness and immortal soul. If a soul is defined as disembodied consciousness, then that’s not what would happen in the many worlds theory. Your consciousness is always attached to your body. And from the perspective of the conscious person, nothing happened. He or she never died.

In fact, if you can recall being in a close call, where you almost got killed, then almost certainly, you did get killed in a parallel reality, but your consciousness survived in this reality where you did not get killed. Hugh Everrett who proposed the many worlds idea in 1957 reportedly believed in this kind of “quantum immortality” and thought he would continue to live forever. In our reality, of course He died – suddenly of a heart attack in 1982.

But there are some issues with this theory. For one thing many worlds is not embraced by all physicists, but even the Copenhagen interpretation is not a majority consensus among physicists. Also, quantum events must obey conservation laws. You can’t cheat science in order to cheat death. So for example, if you fall out of a 40 story building, there could be zero chance scientifically that you survive in any reality. It is also possible that it is scientifically impossible for you to survive as a human beyond say 150 years.

And another issue pointed out by Max Tegmark is that this type of branching into multiverses only occurs where there is a binary option, in other words when the options are that you die instantly or survive. If your consciousness slowly fades away, for example a slow deterioration from old age, or due to cancer, then this interpretation likely would not apply. And of course, all bets are off if the many worlds interpretation is proven incorrect.

But if this theory is true, then anyone that has lost a loved one, can take some comfort knowing that the person whom you’ve been grieving about for years, is in fact alive and well in a parallel reality of the cosmos. We just don’t have access to that reality. At least no access that we are aware of.



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40 thoughts on “Many Worlds Theory implies your late loved ones may still exist! Quantum Immortality Explained.
  1. I think when you die in one Universe, your consciousness flees to the nearest you. That's why strangers seem vaigly familiar. And maybe that is where the Mandela Effect and De Javu comes from….

  2. Some of you will not understand my comment but when my Best friend, my dog named diesel, died and I had to put him down because of seizures, I could no longer stand seeing him disappear and being tortured by with the seizures were doing to him. It literally ripped me to shreds emotionally and physically I’ve never experienced such a pain and I’ve had family members die best friends die so yes I was in more pain when diesel died then when my father and best friend died. Anyway, I was an emotional and physical vegetable I didn’t know how I was going to go on and about three days after his demise of uncontrollable crying weeping wondering what I could’ve done what I did do wrong what I could’ve done differently I fell asleep through total and complete exhaustion and my beloved little boy came to me in my sleep sat next to me on the couch laid in my lap let me hug him and hold him and he told me that he was fine he was no longer in pain and that we will be together again and where he’s at he can play and run and I need to stop being so unhappy because he’s in a better place and he misses me but we will be together again. I woke up and although the pain of him not being with me was still there the comfort of him coming to me because of the deep agony I was feeling and going through he said he was allowed to come back and comfort me and tell me to not be so sad. God how I miss the relationship with that little guy that’s the only true unconditionalLoving relationship I’ve ever had and if there is an afterlife or another existence or whatever with this one and I would be content for being my little boy to be in a in an eternal loop of walking in the park and playing and just being together. It is amazing the regrets you have when you love something so deeply and you lose it. You question everything you said and did I miss my little diesel but as long as he’s not in pain and is happy and has enjoyed whatever life is where he’s at I love him enough that I would rather have her be there and to beHere. I yearn to be with you again diesel.

  3. After hearing religion try to explain the afterlife, I've gone on to study this where quantum physics and string theory take hold. The idea that we are living on one of MANY realities, where when we die in one reality, we do not vanish or go to an afterlife and instead get reborn into an alternate reality does start to hold more weight than the concept of us as a species vanishing or being judged by some figure in the sky. It in turn falls into the idea that what we do in each life does not mean much since we'll keep on getting reborn over and over again, where any and every reality you can and can't think of exists.

  4. What happens to other Parallel universe versions of you when THEY die? Do they go tp the same heaven we do? Infinite hells? Infinite heavens?infinity is just so infinite it just doesnt need the y in infinity because there is no reason y

  5. The karma from all your lives (branches) will collect and be applied to the lived (active branch). How you interpret this is up to you, there is no right and wrong lifeline “branch”, just an event that leads to an “unconscious slide” in one branch redirecting your consciousness to a branch in a parallel world that reflects your own changes in development through your life experiences. If you have seen Loki the Disney+ series it can give some great allusions to various many worlds theory topics. The variant you are is who you are using intention to attract unconscious “slides” to other branches you might like better. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK, lol.

    *once you have lost consciousness a slide is occurring, a very common slide event is sleeping. The more dramatic the choice (or perceived “accident”) of unconscious event, the greater the magnitude effect on lifeline “adjustments”. There are many qualities that go into these adjustments and honestly your interpretation of what is going on in your current perceived branch is actually the only right option for you. You can’t exist where you are not.

    Sometimes just letting go of control is harder but in the end can be far more rewarding, because you trust others will help get you there.

  6. For a long time I looked for some theory that suggests you never die because I sometimes have dreams I get killed and then I wake up. In some of those dreams I wake up in another reality inside the dream eventually waking to this reality. Finally I found it. Quantum immortality. Interestingly I woke up last night from a dream where I seen a meteor falling to the sky. We knew we were going to get hit and immediate extinction. After it happened I woke up here again. Then a video about quantum immortality popped up. This one is not the first video I watched this morning but the fact YouTube put this in my suggestions is interesting.

  7. This theory has some terrifying implications and it would take ages to go through all the ways you could cheat death, you might even die but some random particles just happen to form into an exact copy of you before your death so you're suddenly in this new body after you died, now I'm not a scientist and this is pure hypothesis but i personally subscribe to this because i do not believe in an afterlife and cannot imagine not existing, only time will tell

  8. yeh i know they exist the problem is the magnetic fields between humans disolve over time.

    I know i've died at least 3 times possibly 4.

    3 from blut force trauma to the head once by drug overdose.

    i'd assume there are other times cos i have vivid dreams and memories of some.

  9. Dear
    U hv ossam knowledge for parallel universe I want to know can we manifest my loved one who died unfortunately some time back and she alive in other parallel universe
    Can we use LOA Manifests her here with same age ,physical body and DNA
    and same memory and she come back at home alive soon
    And manifest my sister at home alive

    It is possible

    Pls reply 🙏 Awaiting reply 🙏

  10. Dear
    U hv ossam knowledge for parallel universe I want to know can we manifest my loved one who died unfortunately some time back and she alive in other parallel universe
    Can we use LOA Manifests her here with same age ,physical body and DNA
    and same memory and she come back at home alive soon
    And manifest my sister at home alive

    It is possible

    Pls reply 🙏 Awaiting reply 🙏

  11. Dear
    U hv ossam knowledge for parallel universe I want to know can we manifest my loved one who died unfortunately some time back and she alive in other parallel universe
    Can we use LOA Manifests her here with same age ,physical body and DNA
    and same memory and she come back at home alive soon
    And manifest my sister at home alive

    It is possible

    Pls reply 🙏 Awaiting reply 🙏

  12. Dear
    U hv ossam knowledge for parallel universe I want to know can we manifest my loved one who died unfortunately some time back and she alive in other parallel universe
    Can we use LOA Manifests her here with same age ,physical body and DNA
    and same memory and she come back at home alive soon
    And manifest my sister at home alive

    It is possible

    Pls reply 🙏 Awaiting reply 🙏

  13. (Should have watched the whole video first lol)

    Here’s what I believe is possible… Every time we have faced death, the body we were currently occupying did die, but our consciousness lived on in a quantum copy. So we might have “died” multiple times in the past.. but we don’t know because we just wake up in an parallel branch timeline. How many times have you had a close calls dying but woke up okay?

  14. Dream ( all Events ) are under the control of aliens.
    The spirit ( whatever form ) that comes in your dreams against your will are puppets of pleasure demand.
    Soul has no gender.
    The work of the soul is to be experienced.
    The soul cannot be experienced.
    Science deals with matter only and the soul is an atomic particle of consciousness.
    — Erwin schrodinger ( Noblest ).

    All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.
    — Max Planck ( Noblest )
    What are the forces in the universe about which we have no knowledge, but that unite, does not discriminate against anyone and controls us all.
    (1) gravity
    (2) EGO
    (3) Darkness
    (4) fear
    (5) dream
    force ?
    Slavery is a state controlled by the upper force.
    Excessive pressure of slavery creates a force that destroys this slavery.
    Common force ?
    Any desire of the universe produces a force according to its needs.
    But ' Miss' / sir principle is; I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
    We cannot get behind consciousness.
    Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.
    — Max Planck ( Noblest )
    Any desire of the universe produces a force according to its needs.
    Thinking and Imagination is a process that no rules apply to, and it is a state of consciousness of an endless singularity.
    Thinking is a process of changing ( as needed ) thinking of another thought.
    — Jiddu Krishnamurti
    Imagination means creating images.
    — Jiddu Krishnamurti
    Because the thought ( you are ) is not thinker.
    — Eckhart tolle
    And; there can be no thinker without thought.
    — Jiddu Krushnamurti

    You are the consciousness of this infinite universe which is experiencing this body.
    Silence is a state of observation of consciousness.
    There is no control of gravity here.
    You can observe gravity and all generated thoughts through this state without describing the observer
    ( 👑 consciousness 👑 ).
    Because; we cannot get behind consciousness.
    — Max Planck ( Noblest )
    The total number of minds in the universe is one; in fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.
    — Erwin schrodinger ( Noblest )
    Consciousness means infinite, unite and unchanable state; origin of everything.
    Because; consciousness never sleeps never changes.
    — Walter Russell
    We also need consciousness to talk to ourselves.
    between two Thoughts pure consciousness.
    — Eckhart tolle
    Now the question arises that even a single thought in the universe is not possible without consciousness. So where does the force for events like gravity, black holes, supernova originate from?
    Max Planck says in reference to any event happening in the universe.
    All matter originates and Exists only by virtue of a force.. we must assume behind this force the existence of a Conscious and intelligent mind.
    — Max Planck ( Noblest )
    He did not talk about any particular ( Aliens ) person, but according to the principles of quantum physics, he knows that such phenomena in creation are not possible without the desire of a concsious and intelligent mind.
    Alien life is quite common in the universe.
    — Stephen Hawking
    In the deepest sense the search for Extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.
    — Carl Sagan
    Extinction is the rule, survival is the exception.
    — Carl Sagan
    Epidemic Pandemic and Extension is part of our history.
    There is a lot of possibility of extinction of our earth within the next few months.
    The possibility of extinction is so strong that I never fully agreed to this statement in my entire life.
    The Intelligent and Conscious ( Aliens ) Mind is responsible for this extinction, which is currently on Earth, putting full efforts to maintain the pandemic.
    But they are not getting the results like the previous pandemic in history.
    Our core is consciousness. Therefore death has no meaning in creation.

    Present moment is not possible without consciousness.
    Difference between Conscious and consciousness ?
    You are an image based on your experience. And when you are conscious of a subject, then that image is conscious of the other image.
    Because the observer ( you are ) is total sum of past experience.
    Every thought is a judgement.
    — Eckhart tolle
    And; the judgement based on past experience.
    — Eckhart tolle
    Silence is a state of observation of consciousness.
    There is no control of gravity here.

    You can observe gravity and all generated thoughts through this state without describing the observer
    ( 👑 consciousness 👑 ).

    Stillness: the infinitely creative womb of all existence.
    — Eckhart tolle
    thoughtless observation is a state of present moment.
    Another word for it is: presence consciousness without thought.
    — Eckhart tolle
    The history of our earth is thousands of millions of years old. We must create force to save it.
    Because all matter originates and Exists only by virtue of a force.
    — max Planck ( Noblest )

  15. Forgive my ignorance.
    Does this mean with the progression of science and every breakthrough and observation another reality is created? Ultimately adding to the infinite number of parallel universes or does it also include everyone’s everyday decisions making and insane number added ever second, minute, hour, day, week, or year? VERY INTRIGUING

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