Herbert Marshall Mcluhan (*1911 – +1979) lecture recorded by ABC Radio National Network on 27 June 1979 in Australia.
For the best resource collection of his work check out the page Mcluhan on Maui (MOM) here: http://www.mcluhanonmaui.com/
The best documentary about Mcluhan (in four parts) is definitely CBC’s Life and Times: Understanding Mcluhan here:
part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvpPb89ChM0
People seriously studying his work I can point to Douglas Hofstaedter. His work resembles Mcluhan’s understanding on the basic mechanics behind the mind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8m7lFQ3njk
Further elaboration on the process chiasmus upholds for analogy and the role of metaphor as linguistic device under-grinding its mechanics might find ample references in Patricia’s Phd Paper Chi-thinking: Chiasmus and cognition here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/19115184/Chithinking-Chiasmus-and-cognition
Note that she departs from Mark Turner’s assumption of the parable as a substitute for chiasmus.
Then of course there is the great Noam Chomsky who Mcluhan mentiones in his letters as “stuffing language into grammar”. Transcripts of his theories on language and the mind can be found here: http://hotbookworm.wordpress.com/category/literature-feast/language-and-the-rest-of-the-world-noam-chomsky/
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40 thoughts on “Marshall Mcluhan Full lecture: The medium is the message – 1977 part 1 v 3”
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2:05, 2:17, 7:05
Ugh… Meaningless drivel.
It's like watching a brain surgeon explain his job to a room of people with severe brain damage.
Peter Gabriel's lyrics brought me here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9X2QtzCvBQ
Marshall Mcluhan walked up to me out of nowhere while I was waiting in line at a movie theatre talking about him. He told me off good about how I know nothing of his work. It was awesome. Woody Allen was there too.
su Marshall Mc Luhan I TEMI DELL'UMANO: Alberto Contri "McLuhan non abita più qui?"
Joe Rogan brought me here…
dumb australian crowd
I liked his comments on "artistic traps" however would take it further as talking and learning from one and another as occasionally sets netting to bind consciousness to. 🙂
Great thoughts
if you film tv it becomes observable . june pak that caused interferences? it might have an intention- im reinstating the reading here I guess that I am making decisions.
then put the tv on tv
Joe Rogan brought me here
Don't forget to put Marshall in context. In this time, our view of media effects are different.
5:29 advertising as a folk art
reading is guessing is a interesting idea
OK, so the beam of dinosaur question messer drinks seesaw relevance. Now with now now before. Me see ninja with berry optimization. I'm listen. I'm listen so rabbit of grumble sandwich be fire. We learn a big learn. Right?
the 'Star War' x
Much better reading his works than listening to him speak.
Nuh-uh, the medium is the means of delivering and receiving messages and the message is what is conveyed through the medium. Messages are sent through a medium. The medium is as much a message as messages are a medium. Hope I've been able to mediate mediumly the message of a what a medium is. Whoopi Goldberg from Ghost (1990) was a medium. I would also like to say the words meticulous, massage and medusa. Well, nothing more.
hmmmmm yesss
Türkçesi nerede?..
Elon musk brought me here
How lucky for a great Canadian Man such as McLuhan to go to Australia in the 70s, so many transformations were going on at that time both in Canada and in Australia!
Stella Morabito’s article brought me here. This man was so obviously thinking so much deeper than most around him. His insight is amazing.
Who's message is it? Certainly not God Almighty's Message. Ever learning …. never really helping anyone. All this talk, talk, talk. Mans intelligence is foolishness to God. The Message God sent to this age is not mentioned or acknowledged. What is this Message: the revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ, the opening of The Word of God. Television? Hellivision; Satan has taken control of what you see on t.v., hear on the radio, read in the paper etc… What message do you want? Where do you want to go at the end of it all? We are here to make a choice, Jesus lives in The Message He sent, the Message of the 7th Church Age. By vindication from God by the pillar of fire seen on many occasion (as led the children of Israel out of Egypt) and is still being seen today by those who believe. Voice Of God Recordings is the website you can access to hear this message. Tucson Tabernacle prints the book series "Supernatural: The Life Of William Branham", an account of this uncompromising Christian minister and prophet who could tell you what your dream was as well as the interpretaion as Daniel did. Could tell infallibly what your troubles where, the God of this message still testifies to anyone who wants to hear the Word of God to this generation. Thousands of people can testify. Saved by grace. Eliza
Old English rǣdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch raden and German raten ‘advise, guess’. Early senses included ‘advise’ and ‘interpret (a riddle or dream’) (see rede).
i disagree with him about a game being only a practice if it does not have an audience. come on we all played to win as children and we only had/have each other as an audience.
the host is a dope.
I always wonder if Marshall McLuhan lived now, what he would say based on his observation?
Problem number one for the current generation of college students is they dont know who the fuck this guy is. If they all sat down and listened to this guy the world they live in would make so much more sense.
Anyone else have no clue what this guy is trying to explain? If not please do explain on his behalf
I’ll translate: knowing you are being brainwashed is not an immunity from being brainwashed.
sentient being sent from the future
"Electrical re-tribalization of the West".
Dude had the jump on us forty years ago.
love it……reading..repid guessing..
an alternative to voilance are games electronic,bored,and imaginary
I wish he lived through internet times…