Consciousness Videos

Meet The Einstein of Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening | Ken Wilber


✅Advance your personal growth and discover how to create an integral life practice with Ken Wilber’s FREE masterclass. Access it here:👉

Want to learn how to change your life through spiritual awakening? Meet Ken Wilber, the foremost advanced personal growth and development teacher in the world. Ken Wilber has had a big impact in Vishen Lakhiani’s life. He is considered a consciousness expert and has helped many successful people around the world raise their levels of consciousness.
Watch this video to learn more about Ken Wilber and what he has achieved.

About Ken Wilber:
✅Ken Wilber – a.k.a. “the Einstein of consciousness studies” is an internationally acknowledged leader in philosophy, psychology, and religion.

✅He is the creator of Integral Theory: an all-encompassing framework for living and thinking that has been applied across fields like sustainability, psychotherapy, spirituality, education, business, medicine, politics, sports, art, and personal growth.

✅Ken’s work revolves around the need for a coherent organization of mankind’s rapidly growing knowledge base – which can in turn enrich and deepen the effects of each body of knowledge, turning them into something greater than the sum of their parts.

✅His theories and writings have earned him comparisons to William James, Freud, and even Einstein – along with a passionate base of students and followers around the globe.

About the masterclass: “How To Create An Integral Spiritual Life Practice.”

You’ll learn:
The framework for ultimate self-mastery & self-evolution. Learn how to distill and apply the truths from any body of wisdom (religion, science, politics and more) for a more holistic and expansive way of living.

How to experience a feeling of ‘oneness’ with the universe. Discover why, for thousands of years, every major religion has devoted some aspect of their teachings to achieving this mysterious state.

The 2 paths of human evolution: Waking up vs Growing up. Learn why elevating both your spiritual awakening and your psychological development is the key to your evolution, and to pushing humanity into a new state of unity consciousness.

Does being ‘spiritual’ necessarily make you more conscious? Discover the uncomfortable truth behind why even the most ‘spiritually enlightened’ individuals have inflicted pain and suffering on others.

The 4 stages of consciousness evolution. Understanding this powerful model alone will instantly expand your worldview and make you a deeply compassionate person to anyone, and even, all of life.

FREE Masterclass: Learn how to attain higher consciousness with the Ken Wilber integral theory in this FREE masterclass. Access it now:👉


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36 thoughts on “Meet The Einstein of Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening | Ken Wilber
  1. Do you think that someone make your house, even though you have never
    seen them? The house is the evidence of the builder. Same with this
    universe. It had a beginning, therefore it had to have a cause. And that
    cause, is God. This universe could not have created itself.

    So do you think God cares about how we live? If He has given us morality
    so that we have set up a system of law with courts and judges, how much
    more would the supreme ruler of the universe demand justice?

    Have you ever lied, stolen the smallest thing or thought a rude thought? If
    these were the things God would judge us by, would He find us innocent
    or guilty? The answer? Guilty. Sinning against an infinite authority
    figure brings infinite punishment. Hell.

    So how can we stop going to hell? Does doing good deeds take away our sins? If
    I get a speeding ticket in the morning, then do 5 good things, should
    the judge let me go free? No, the fine has to be paid.

    What about asking for forgiveness? If a criminal stands before a judge and
    says, I'm really sorry… Should the judge let him go free? No, because
    that would be a bad judge. If he forgave every criminal because he loved
    them, that would not be doing justice. Justice has to be paid. God is
    merciful, but not so at the expense of justice.

    The only way we can go to heaven is if someone pays our hell punishment for
    us. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life and then took all of God's wrath
    for our sins upon Himself on the cross. Since jesus paid 100% of our
    sins, there is none left for us to pay. Our punishment has been paid and
    we get off scot free. Justice has been paid and Gods mercy has been

    Our good deeds don't save us. Nor do they contribute anything to our salvation. Jesus paid it all. Just
    acknowledge your sins, and accept this gift of Jesus Christ to go to

  2. That wilber guy is such a charlatan, he just presented his dumb and inaplicable ideas in a complex way to impress people with weak minds and make them believe he is a genius hahahaha. Go search for any practical real world examples of the application of his concepts…. good luck finding them because they don't exists.

  3. If Bill Clinton said he's brilliant then I know it's true because Bill doesn't lie 🤥. But yes he is brilliant.

  4. And because others beliefs that he is good eo you believe it too? There's beings who knows 100 times more than all the smartest humans on this planet
    Does he knows about Hyperdimensional Consciousness? Or maybe Hypertranscendental Expansion of the spiritual consciousness?

  5. Imagine being inspire by someone because he has been quoted by a war criminal, a muppet and a charlatan of the highest order…. yikes…!

  6. It is so arrogant to tell me as a potential viewer that you're going to show me a 'powerful, deep conversation that will change the way I view the world'. If the respect and reputation of your guest is as you say it is then you have no need for such a pathetic sell on the video. Similarly if the video is as good as you think then you can let me come to my own conclusion about what it's done to affect my world view!
    To use your analogy, I think you need to go back to your primary school of personal growth 😉

  7. I watched the whole masterclass and I came here for the purpose of giving my feedback. I'm more spiritually inclined. I had been feeling so lost. I found some perspectives true but they didn't fully satiate me. I always had questions and doubts. Now after watching the masterclass, I feel much relieved and better that I'm not stupid. All those questions and doubt I had, this man so lovingly and kindly showed they surely make sense. It's amazing how he used his IQ to bring such profound knowledge and stats together which now makes so much sense- Intergral Theory, perfect name! I don't have money to watch the full course but I think everyone must invest atleast in this masterclass for sure. Thank you Ken Wilber for existing and using your gifts so effectively. I'm really thankful to you😭❤️

  8. He looks presently like Gollum from the movies about Tolkien books. No one ever talks about what Happened to him. Does he have cancer or something?

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