Consciousness Videos

Mind Over Matter Consciousness and the Nature of Reality! (Powerful truth!)


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Hi, my name is Justin, and I am a metaphysical teacher and long time observer. I study Quantum Physics, Quantum Jumping, the Law Of Attraction, and the nature of reality. Let’s explore this magnificent dimension together…

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20 thoughts on “Mind Over Matter Consciousness and the Nature of Reality! (Powerful truth!)
  1. Mankind has always been mentally and physically enslaved by criminals ( Governments )

    Their job is to keep humanity asleep and unaware they the each possess the power of God

  2. What bullshit. The universe it objective. It exists independently of the mind. This must be true. Consciousness is biological. The universe has existed for a lot longer than from when biology emerged on earth.

  3. Lovely work.
    Please do a video on extreme anxiety and fear. Its a very common problem now a days and so helplessing.

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