Consciousness Videos

Mindful in May: global online mindfulness meditation campaign

Mindful in May

Don’t just do something, sit there! #sitforsomething this May

Go to to join the challenge – register by April 30th.

Mindful in May is an annual one month, online global mindfulness meditation campaign delivered to your inbox daily in May, to motivate you to bring a new healthy habit into your life, while raising money to help the one in nine people on the planet who struggle daily without access to clean, safe drinking water.

Help spread the #mindfulripple share this video on Facebook and Twitter. And register a team to learn how to meditate or boost your practice at

#sitforsomething this May – do something that will change your own life and improve the lives of others around the world. Be #mindfulinmay

Starting on May 1st, you’ll receive a 31-day mindfulness program delivered by daily e-newsletters including weekly guided meditation downloads, exclusive video interviews with leaders in the field of meditation, mindset, wellbeing and cutting edge science to motivate your challenge.

While you meditate, your fundraising will bring clean, safe drinking water to thousands of people living in the developing world. Money raised will go to Charity Water to help build clean water wells in the developing world.

Join this mindful movement
Create a clear mind for you, and clean water for others.

Join us on facebook
Join us on twitter @mindfulinmay
Join us on instagram @mindfulinmay

Producer + Founder of Mindful in May: Dr. Elise Bialylew
Animation: Plainly Simple Studios
Concept, Script & Art Direction: Adrian Elton
Soundtrack: Adrian Elton


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