
Mobile Legends Dictionary Terminologies And Abbreviations Meaning Of Words Mobile Legends Bang Bang


Mobile Legends Dictionary Terminologies And Abbreviations Meaning Of Words Mobile Legends what does mean what is whats meaning 311 explained letters 3 1 1 Ace – When all heroes on the enemy team are dead.
ADC /Attack Damage Carry
AFK – Away from keyboard
Bait – Someone who is used to lure enemy Heroes
Def – Defend
Dive – To dive or tower dive someone is to fight them under their turret. This means that you will get attacked by the tower while you fight him and so receive a lot of damage.
DPS – Damage per second
Elo – Elo rating system
Elo Rating System – a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in competitor-versus-competitor games.
Farm – To kill minions, monsters and get gold. Someone who is
HF – Have fun
HP – The total damage a hero may take before dying.
HP Regen – The rate at which a hero’s health is naturally restored.
Hug – See tower hug.
Initiate – To be the first to engage in a fight.
Innate – A ‘4th ability’ that every hero has and starts off with at lvl 1.
Kick – Kick someone from the team. cr.Arvi
Kiting – is attacking an enemy and running from them all at the same time.
KDA – Kill, Death, Assist
KS – Kill Steal
Lag – is a noticeable delay between the action of players and the reaction of the server in a game.
Leash (purple/yellow) –
Macro – The one who has a insight that knows what is happening in
Marksman – are ranged heroes whose power almost exclusively revolves around their basic attacks.
Meta – Denoting a change of position or condition: “metamorphosis”; “metathesis”.
Micro – being able to click fast and have those clicks do something instead of just being spam hits.
Mid – The middle lane.
Missing in Action (MIA)
OMW – On my way cr.Arvi
OOM – Out of Mana
OP – Overpowered
Poke – Harassing the enemy team with long range abilities like piercing arrow and similar skills. This is done when the two teams are facing off before a team fight or when contesting an objective, in order to put the other team at a disadvantage when the fight starts.
Pro – opposite of noob, someone who is very good in game/ certain hero. cr.Arvi
Proc – Trigger effect / scaling cr.Legendary
Push- To advance in lane towards the enemy nexus with the intention of destroying towers, inhibitors or base.
Ranks – Warior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, Glorious Legend, Mythic
Reaper – A monster that gives red/yellow buff.
RG – Rank Game
Resilience – Reduce or recover quickly from difficulties: Crowdcontrol, stun, slow, etc.
Root – A unit that is rooted is unable to control its movement for the duration snare
Silence – A unit that is silenced cannot cast abilities or activate items for the duration.
Slow – A unit that is slowed has reduced movement and/or attack speed for the duration.
Snowballing – Getting bigger (stronger) as game goes on.
Spinner – A monster that gives blue/purple buff.
Stack – This word can be used in many different ways but always involves multiplying the effect of something. A stack is originally a more or less orderly pile or heap: a precariously balanced stack of books. There are items that “stack” or “pile up” a certain value for each time you do a certain action like auto-attacking using a skill or killing a hero.
Stun – A unit that is stunned is unable to move, attack or cast abilities for the duration.
Support – are the most selfless heroes in the game, forgoing personal power to assist their allies with potent utility and keep enemies at bay with crowd control.
Tank – tough melee Heroes who sacrifice damage in exchange for powerful crowd control
Tier – are usually to indicate the power that a player can contribute and how effective they are in a game.
Top – The top lane.
Tower hug – To stay near your tower to deter enemy champions from attacking you mrr
Trade – see exchange
Turret – Is a tower in MB gameplay, providing damage, vision, and general control of the surrounding map.
TY – Thank You
U2 – You too
Ult – Ultimate
Heroes in mobile legends: Layla , Gord , Miya , Fanny , Roger , Gord , Kagura , Bruno , Balmond , Alice , Yi sun shin , Zilong , Saber , Vexana , Argus , Diggie, Lolita , Ruby , Franco , Lapu Lapu , Natalia , Alucard , Rafaela , Estes , Nana , Eudora , Aurora , Alpha , Akai , Chou , Clint , Cyclops , Freya , Gatotkaca , Grock , Harley , Hayabusa , Hilda , Irithel , Johnson , Karina , Karrie , Minotaur , Moskov , Tigreal! Mobile Legends , ml , mlbb! Kings – Gaming new hero helcurt , zhask , Oddete , Pharsa , Valir , Jawhead , Angela , Gossen
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