Art Theory

Movements of uncommon sense – contemporary dance | Ana Maria Bîţică & Alyn Arhire | TEDxBucharest

TEDx Talks

Ana-Maria and Alyn perform a captivating choreography, showing the power and gentleness of two young spirits emerging in one single view of the metaphor of uncommon sense. Remember that feeling when your favorite song comes up? Your whole body just wants to move, shake and wave to the beat and rhythm, your blood starts rushing, your eyes slowly close and an expression of sheer joy takes over your face. Is it uncommon? Probably. But it makes you feel good.

Ana-Maria and Alyn, aged 12 and 15, gave into the feeling and started dancing ever since they can remember. Their talent, hard work and perseverance have brought numerous awards along a relatively short career, compared to others in the field. Their specialty is contemporary dance, both part of the ‘Dance Planet’ art school, they will delight you with a moment built by Cezara Blioju, one that has won them the first place at Young Star Ballet Competition that took place this year in Sibiu – a special mix of the common sense of musical acuity and the uncommon touch of today’s movements. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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