
Mystery of Life in the Paleolithic Age : Documentary on Stone Age Archaeology (Full Documentary)

Mystery of Life in the Paleolithic Age : Documentary on Stone Age Archaeology (Full Documentary).

This Documentary is very good and as educational as it is fun. It’s part of a series of exciting and informative documentaries.
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33 thoughts on “Mystery of Life in the Paleolithic Age : Documentary on Stone Age Archaeology (Full Documentary)
  1. It seem that men really only left brained. In talking about the caves how do we know some of these caves were not caverns or sinkhole. It only takes one major land shift or flood to change the landscape. They are pretty much incapable of extrapolating beyond their own experiences as modern male. They assume a lot and really can't prove much of it. We'll never know the entire truth. We might have learned from the indigenous tribes if we would not influencers or killed them off.

  2. I realize that today it’s fashionable to denigrate men and the role they played in pre-history, but even though it’s true men only provided half of the calories, (or even less), for Ice Age people, they provided almost all of the animal protein, animal fat, and hides these people needed to survive. Scientists now believe eating animal protein is a big factor in the advanced development of the human brain. In a very cold environment the human body uses a lot of calories to keep worm, and animal fat is a great source of ready to use calories. Animal hides make a better portable shelter than plant material, and in a time before weaving animal leather and fur made the difference between living or death from exposure. It’s true that all members contributed to the survival of the tribe, (men, women, and children), but to imply that the role Ice Age men played by bringing home pray animals was not decisive to tribal survival is pure modern PC dribble.

  3. Not worth the time it takes to watch. The speculations on the purpose of cave art were laid out in Jean M. Aule's fictional " Children of the Earth " series. This ' documentary ' is almost a plaigerism of Mrs. Aule's work.

  4. There’s some bullshit misogynistic comments here about feminists archeology. But what this documentary says about women’s role in paléolithique societies is nothing new and there is plenty of archeological and anthropological finds to back it up.

  5. remember these ppl were Samic People and not Europeans. We appears later on from somewhere? We Europeans are migrants to Europe.

  6. Actually, we know exactly why Stonehenge was built and why. In ancient manuscripts they told us why and archeological digs has confirmed it. Stonehenge was the place all tribes traveled to once a year to collectively decided who was to be tribal leaders. Who was to be king ruler etc. The real Macbeth treks us exactly why Stonehenge was about. If the kings rule was successful he/ she was likely chosen to continue rule. If not they willingly sacrificed themselves. Bodies were buried there. Any entire city was built not a mile away. Tribes brought their animals. Meat was plentiful, varied and for all. Macbeth even tells us why the axes are carved into Stonehenge. So I sure don't understand why everyone tries to make it or like the ancients were stupid. It is we won are stupid. Our ancestors were quiet brilliant actually. They traveled extensively. Spoke many languages. Had an extensive knowledge of mathematics and physics. We like to believe the Greeks were the first to think for the sake of thinking. To relish philosophy. However, we know this isn't true because of the writing of the geeks. It's well to refined to be a start up or new language. Also written tablets have been found that pre- date ancient Greeks by 10k years. Just because we can't read it doesn't mean we should just dismiss it.

  7. Animals survived the same conditions without intelligence. Intelligence has allowed people to breed weaker and weaker until they now have 1/5 the strength, pound for pound, of apes and lost most instincts. Civilization allows people to live with less individual intelligence as well as we all turn into silly putty.

  8. Women did the weaving. Men invented and made the tools for it, just like today when the guy buys his woman a new sewing machine for her birthday.

  9. Who ever said anything at all about a 'macho hunter SINGLE-HANDEDLY killing the mammoth'? As far back as I can remember, this was always thought of – and taught – as a team effort, and there is plenty of evidence in the form of cave-paintings to support this theory.

  10. This isn't much more than the musings of one guy who does some traveling in Europe and records his thoughts. He rips away at the unidentified assumptions of "archeologists" only to come up with his own assumptions. The earlier assumptions sound like the spew of a macho group of archeologists, where his spew sounds like feminist archeology. I'm a feminist but I don't want to apply my great ideas to my guesses about civilizations thousands of years in the past.
    The hot desire to apply our own narratives and beliefs to a distant history with scant data overwhelms this guy.

  11. The plethora of judgemental complaints – on 99% of YouTube videos – exhibits the Judgemental Egos and Narcissists whom just look for opportunities and reasons to vent their complaints – for their need to critize any other to gain a feeling of worthiness.

    It is massive and old – the volume of adolescent ego-minded whiners, bitching and complaining to feed off the energies of their Narcissistic actions truly a Sociologist"s buffett for study iin public comments and the 1st obvious message is the weak state the mass public is presenting with their Egos.

  12. Information and the General Public's Mind
    There's no way to say, with certainty, that women didn't, often or routinely, participate in the hunt, possibly up to 6mo pregnant.

    I do believe it took the greater number to be more certain of success.
    Men or women today, are not able to conceive ancient reality, for their current state of mind and experience.

    Scientists whom apply their "opinion descriptions" have caused serious negative mind-sets to all modern eras. Rarely are Left Brain egos able to be "Creative Minded" enough to conceive a reality that occurred 5000 – 50,000 years prior to their now.

    I can't separate educated in largely Left Brain subjects (w/o a balance of the Right Brain subjects), from those whom only completed High School or not.

    The narratives of most documentaries absolutely amaze me with the bulk of opinions, of inaccurate statements (when Facts are available), yet the lay public- expects and assumes the messages are true –

    This is how the current world's public remains so very adolescent ego-mindedness and prejudice, operating in a modern world, with a medieval mind.

    Can't you see how easily the Establishment is able to predict reactions, behaviors, and control such archaic minds?"

    Learn at least the basics of Rhetoric, Logic, and Persusaive Writing/Speaking if Journalism and Psychology of Advertising, and then one can sort the information they receive with much greater intelligence and wisdom.

    The subconscious operates as if all heard is fact – there lies our 99% status. – weakness.

    Know thyself and ""To Thineself be True"

    Balance ⚖⚛

  13. And then Goblecki Tepi was discovered in Turkey. That discovery supports some of the assumptions raised in this documentary. Hunter gatherers were able to build stone monuments.

  14. What a huge load of PC nonsense you will have to endure to watch this. You have to scrounge for any facts and information. This is what happens when brainlets run things. Why not have real archeologists and anthropologists debate about these artifacts? Besides, it's one thing to describe the objects, it is quite another to discuss motives or assign long dead people with emotions. To impute reasons for art by ancient peoples is speculative at best. We don't know the genders of artists or bead makers, and any conclusions stated in the documentary are foolish at best.
    In the northern parts where any archeological evidence exists, I am aware of only the Celts in the present day UK where women also fought battles alongside men during the Roman wars (as recorded by contemporary roman writers as well as archeological remains). Pretty much the evidence shows that almost all battles were fought exclusively between males (as evidenced by lethal wounds on skeletal remains), but there may be other tribes and races where women fought wars (but not many according to evidence).
    One other detail that is easy to miss from these shows is the incredible time span between the different cave paintings discussed. Some of the art from the same location is separated from the earlier by thousands of years. Altamira was 35000 years ago, while Lascaux was 17000 years ago, and immense span of time with respect to human history. The chronology of these artifacts was not made clear.

  15. A few points regarding the grandparent roles- we would be talking about grandparents who were approx in their 30's, since life expectancy was only about 40 years (on average) all the way up until about 1840AD. Women got pregnant during their teenage years, with appalling infant and mother mortality up about until the 19th century, and didn't then change much until the 20th century. (Visit any ancient cemetery to see the age of death- many women died in their teens during child bearing years.)
    Women were almost continuously pregnant or nursing infants their whole adult lives– there wasn't any time left in the day to do much else. By one estimate, women had about 15 + pregnancies on average (if food was available to the group , ie not starving) and up to about half the infants and young children died from disease. So young women didn't have much time to do other things apart from caring & feeding themselves and their kids. They could do things that didn't require much travel if they were nursing (not much evidence for nursemaids in ancient cultures). Collecting food, whatever was nearby was probably the most they could do particularly when their infants got too heavy to carry for long distances, and so the grandparents may have played this childcare role as stated in the video. They probably got pregnant again as soon as they stopped infant breastfeeding (and resumed ovulation as a result). A 25 year old woman could easily become a grandmother to her first born child while still getting pregnant herself.
     Feminist theory forgets to include all this vital information in their battle for revisionist historical significance. Feminist ideology is ignoring that women have always had this most single most important , irreplaceable role in our civilization. Instead of cherishing this role, they consistently denigrate it, literally the only role that could never, ever be possibly done by men. A tribe needs only a single male for reproduction, but a tribe would be dead within a single generation without large numbers of fertile females. This silly patronizing narrator going on breathlessly about how important women were to ancient people is really too ridiculous for words, but during the 90's was the last dying breath of the first type of feminism 1.0- that wanted to recognize the elevated role of women even more in our gyno-centric society. Western Civilization elevated women such that the entire civilization revolved around the lives of women. Laws all overwhelmingly in favor of women, physical work for women was made as easy as possible, and all manner of inventions and gadgets were provided to them to continue to function in their live giving roles. But this was not enough, they wanted to be men. Biology be damned, personal interest and aptitude be damned.
     Feminist drivel has since descended unchecked into the pits of hell for a further 20 years since this video was produced to ever greater levels of nonsense, completely free from evidence, reason, or accountability.

     If you are a parent, make doubly certain to protect your children from the mind virus that his Feminism 2.0 in modern campus culture. It's a disease that can take many years to cure, and it's highly likely that some women may never fully recover. As Islam replaces the Western peoples through the veiled womb as well as female pro-immigration voting patterns, all women's rights will be reversed in due course. It is bitter irony that modern Feminists played the major role in rejecting the societal superiority they already held, in favor of a return to being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

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