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11 thoughts on “Noam Chomsky – Consciousness, Language, and Mathematics
  1. Deep. He's forgotten more than the current batch of know it all blowhards will ever get.
    Sounds like he's saying this thing we call mind (and nature for that matter) remains, and may always be, a mystery. That we have/can get at bits and pieces only indirectly. Like the blind scientists trying to determine the shape of an elephant. We may never 'see' it. So we come up with – what we hope are – good models that we refine thru experiments. That there are probably aspects of nature which are completely beyond us, no matter how long or earnestly we try – we lack the necessary intuition. This notion may prick at our ego, but mother nature really couldn't give less of a f***.
    Even in advanced age, he's still a deep, careful thinker.

  2. Can we, after abandoning conception, retain a meaningful framework of contextual good and evil or do sociopaths win by simply having a unrestricted pool of resources to draw from? Form follows function to create the perfect tool but, then follows form by implicit sense and continuity.

  3. Very nice, sensible, even profound. Chomsky makes two points, at the core of which, I think, is the following:

    1. Mind/understanding come first, from the inner workings of the brain, then language builds around that, as an extension, and also as our internal monologue.

    2. We should get over the faulty intuition that consciousness cannot be made from a bunch of zombies.

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