Consciousness Videos

Observer effect / Quantum weirdness made not weird

Logical Morality

Again I am not a physicist, so if anything is wrong here, just let me know and I will fix it in the annotations, unless you are a whack physicist and believe the Copenhagen interpretation.

Intro music by Johan Reinholdz from Andromeda, Skyfire, and Nonexist.


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3 thoughts on “Observer effect / Quantum weirdness made not weird
  1. it is apparent that the conscious observer does play a role in quantum measurement. The particle only takes its position after a conscious observer has measured it otherwise it is a wave of potentials. If light photons affected electrons/matter then you would always get the same result whether a measurement was made or not. If it were explained this easily then I don't think Einstein and many other great minds would have been so troubled by it. you should look into it a bit more, you might be surprised!

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