
ODU Robotics – MAE 495, Intelligent Machines


Given four servos, Solidworks and a list of constraints on time, weight and resources. This is the product. Programming could had been much more invasive and Inverse Kinematics involved (Given x,y,z, auto orientate and move an object to a new x,y,z coordinate) but mapping a XBOX 360 controller to serial input seemed not only easier but more fun to operate 🙂

This was powered entirely via a single 5v USB, having an external power source for each servo would be much more desirable.


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One thought on “ODU Robotics – MAE 495, Intelligent Machines
  1. Could I set a coordinate to this arm in an arduino and make it go to the target? I mean, I would like to use it with a cam which sends the coordinates to this arm (through the arduino) and then it can pick something.

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