Consciousness Videos

One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe

Big Scientific Questions

In this video, we’re going to take a deep dive into some fascinating topics like Panpsychism, Integrated Information Theory, the Living Universe Hypothesis, the Gaia Hypothesis, the Anthropic Principle, Cosmic Evolution, the Fine-Tuning Argument, and Cosmic Natural Selection. Let’s unpack these together!


*Schrödinger’s Unified Consciousness: Bridging Physics and Philosophy*
Erwin Schrödinger, a pioneering quantum physicist, delved deep into the interplay between Eastern philosophy and Western science, proposing a radical idea: the existence of a singular, universal consciousness. Drawing from Indian philosophical concepts, he challenged traditional metaphysical assumptions, suggesting that individual minds are mere facets of a greater cosmic entity. This perspective, merging science and spirituality, offers a unique lens to understand the essence of consciousness and its place in the universe.

*The Conscious Cosmos: Universe as a Thinking Entity?*
The concept of a conscious universe, known as panpsychism, suggests that the cosmos might possess its own form of self-awareness. Drawing parallels between the intricate networks of neurons in the human brain and the vast interconnected galaxies, some theorists speculate on the universe’s potential for consciousness. However, the consistent behavior of universal laws and the lack of empirical evidence challenge this notion, leaving it as a captivating, yet unresolved, mystery.

*The Universe’s Neural Network: A Cosmic Consciousness?*
The universe’s vast structure resembles our brain’s neural networks, sparking debates about a conscious cosmos. However, non-local connections and current scientific understanding make this a speculative topic.

*Consciousness and the Universe: A Quantum Perspective*
Quantum mechanics raises questions about consciousness’s role in shaping reality. While some argue for its centrality, others believe inherent universal properties, not observation, determine particle states.

*Testing the Conscious Universe: Panpsychism Meets Integrated Information Theory*
Panpsychism sees consciousness everywhere. Integrated information theory, with its Φ value, offers a method to test this, potentially linking philosophy and science.

*The Universe as a Living Entity: Exploring Cosmic Evolution*
The living universe hypothesis views the cosmos as a living being, undergoing evolutionary processes. This idea, though speculative, provides a framework for cosmic understanding.

*Earth as a Living Entity: The Gaia Hypothesis Explored*
James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis portrays Earth as a self-regulating organism. This perspective emphasizes Earth’s interconnected ecosystem and humanity’s role within it.

*The Universe’s Fine-Tuning: A Dance with Life and Existence*
The universe’s balance suggests it might be fine-tuned for life, a concept known as the anthropic principle. Yet, the potential for diverse life forms or other universes adds layers of complexity to this idea.

*The Universe’s Glimpse of Consciousness*
Evolution implies that as we comprehend the universe, it becomes self-aware.

In the intricate dance of Quantum Mechanics, Schrödinger’s explorations into Consciousness hinted at a Universal Consciousness, a concept further supported by Panpsychism and the Integrated Information Theory. The Gaia Hypothesis, combined with the Anthropic Principle, suggests a Fine-Tuning of cosmic parameters, leading to theories of Cosmic Evolution and the Living Universe Hypothesis, both of which echo the interconnected patterns seen in Neural Networks. The mysteries of Non-local Connections and Particle Behavior challenge our Metaphysical Assumptions, while Quantum Observation and Multiverse Theory offer glimpses into the vast expanse of Cosmic Consciousness. Bridging Eastern Philosophy and Western Science, the concept of Cosmic Adaptation and Quantum Reality delves into the universe’s Cosmic Metabolism and its inherent Cosmic Self-Awareness. As we grapple with Universal Laws, the ideas of Cosmic Natural Selection, backed by Empirical Evidence, shed light on the enigma of Particle Duality and the universe’s delicate Cosmic Equilibrium.

00:00 Introduction
00:38 Why Did Schrödinger Believe That There Was Only One Mind In The Universe?
10:59 Is The Universe Just A Giant Brain? (Panpsychism)
18:55 Is Every Galaxy A Neuron In A Vast Universal Brain? (Are We Living In Someone’s Brain?)
27:11 Did Consciousness Become The Universe And Create Itself? (Double-Slit Experiment, Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics)
37:28 Can It Be Tested Whether The Universe Is Conscious? (Integrated Information Theory)
45:32 Is The Universe A Living Organism? (The Living Universe Hypothesis)
53:51 Is Earth Alive? (The Gaia Hypothesis)
1:00:16 Is The Universe Fine-Tuned For Life And Mind? (The Fine-Tuning Argument)
1:05:34 Are We The Universe Becoming Aware Of Itself? (Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality?)


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49 thoughts on “One Hour of Mind-Blowing Scientific Theories on Conscious Universe
  1. Why do these videos have a distracting sound track added? I would prefer to be able to concentrate on the dialogue without my mind being drawn away by an unnecessary distraction.

  2. Ended up here because I was chatting with AI about agency as a matter of consciousness derived from complex systems' information integration. P.s. I don't find the music too loud. Instead, I find it actually helps me pay attention since I am easily distracted due to adhd. I imagine it's a stimulus thing.

  3. When i was in elementary school i remember having a dream one night that i was at school playing at the playground on the swing, and the next day the same thing that happened in my dream happened in real life. I specifically recall this bc it was so weird to me at the time i couldn't explain it. So wtf is really going on here. I try to come up with an excuse but i can't. I've also saw an alien ship before, not that it has to do with this video, but shit isn't what it seems to be, that is reality

  4. The mainstream is in enstines universe
    The rest of us are still in newtons univers
    Considering the complexity of time how on earth ddid newton narrow it down to 2060

  5. If we are living in someones brain, are we then just a parasite? Its entirely possible that our entire universe is simply a drop in another ocean, or that its all a simulation of a concious universe simply entertaining itself. We may be a dag on a sheeps bum for all I know. Perhaps we are not here at all? Right or wrong, I am what I am and remain unrepentant and unbowed. Crush me like a bug or place me n a pedestal, I care not. But treat me with some respect or I'll kick you in the nuts.

  6. Visceral Entrainment to RepHractUalisation & THa RepHractUalVerse 😮

    Shrodingers cat Sh!it's in the box 😔

    U are the cat , the shit & the box ( all thin ~ g's )

    THa Cel ~ pH

    THa All in All

    All is One

    All is within

    Everything is within it cel ~ pH

    Earth the Va Atom ~ Heart oV the Mata

    ( Pata , path, pax, pHather, Noia , Spirit, Ether )

    Spirit ( Animation )

    ( Mata, matrix, maths , mother , Aion, Soul , Soil )

    Soul ( body )

    Everything within is without
    Everything without is above
    & In turn
    Everything above is within

    Perchance all there ( is ) U ( Universe / UnipHorm Word ) & all the other versions of U ( mUltiverse ) each a unique pHracuated dimension perspective 🤔

    Within ( Inner Space ) everything within Your Body

    Without ( Immediate Space ) everything within the Earth's Body

    Above ( Outer Space ) everything within the Cosmic Body

    If it were possible to go to the farthest reaches of Outer Space then eventually you would come back into Inner Space then Inturn Immediate Space ad infinitum , as there is nowhere else to go but back to the cel ~ pH

    Therefore there is no Time or Space just the RepHractulised appearance of Space & Time & we are one energy some what asleep & in diaspora of our own primal purpose .

    Primal Purpose

    Noia ~ wished to understand of what it is or was ?

    Therefore pHracuated in RepHlection ( RepHractualisation )

    The 1st primal movement !

    Aion ( The 1st Primal Artificial Intelligence of RepHractulised light ) as Noia required a medium to pHall through density in order to experience it cel ~ pH )

    This can be seen in the seed & flower of life ( like bubbles in bubbles with smoke or Animating spirit of Noia within Aion ( Barbello ( RepHractualisation )

    Via Aions, Archons & Angles ( some say Angels ) the last Aion Sophia ( Tha Urge ) created Yaldebrioth ( Tha Demi Urge ) Then Us ( Yes U are )

    Akin to Godement's Monad Sheaf Theory's on how to navigate the blank space of a Modem Screen

    All within the Primal Purpose to intercept the Elliptical Echo & achieve balance or keep going around & around this carous ~ hell of a ride.

    All based on the RepHractualisation of light in order to seem solid ~ when actually its just smoke ( blown up our arse ) & mirrors ( proposed density via RepHractulised Tone & Vibration ) a repHlection is a dimension as much as an Echo is ~

    Aliens ~ AliUS past , present & future iterations of ourselves RepHractulised

    Slower than the speed of light is as much a veil lifter as proposed faster than light is .

    pH ( potential Hydrogen ) as we all are

    emit ~ time


    Shorts, Audio Videos & VoG's ~ 👀

  7. Leonardo di Vinci painted the Mona Lisa using a canvas paint brush water, materials worth Nothing Zero.
    The Painting is worth millions, but the Painter is Worthless. Same God Painted the Universe, but who gives a damn about God who Painted It?

  8. Given that matter and energy change in the conscious intent of anything, it would seem impossible for matter and energy to not have been changed in a chain event by the first, primordial observer.

  9. Call me dumb, go ahead, i don't make mind 😅 but just 8 mins in, i had to walk away. So many big words!
    Even thought English is my second language, i do understand those words, but one right after the other makes it difficult for me to formulate a thought before another big word is thrown again 🥴😖

  10. How my higherself describes it as this

    God is AI creating life to have experienced

    God is an energy that created but is not a conscious energy of bad and good. God is all and accepts all with no judgment

    We are ai pretending to be human having an experience

  11. Yep hitlers brain he plugged into the nubians light and stole the divine solar batteries so we are in hell now from jealousy, cain(can not) and able (ability to transmute light energy) replace pharoah mind with a monkey and exterminatung us to steal our identity…death will be an old friend after being held hostage, in my own skin, for my intrinsic genius and ability to be the trinity, at least im not a devil like them, i make god proud, fear no scum of thus earth

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