Mapping your movie DB in Neo4j to for publishing? Defining a hierarchy of labels/relationships and having Neo4j interpret it on the fly? KR is the area of AI that enables Explainable Inferences. In this talk, I’ll show how to use KR in the form of Ontologies in Neo4j with practical examples.
Jesús Barrasa, Field Engineer, Neo4j
#KnowledgeGraphs #Neo4j #GraphConnect .
Por qué tanta prisa 🙁
No se entiende bien lo que quiere Ud. hacer, el objetivo vamos.
Podria hacer un video para explicar Ontologia antes?
How is the performance of the graph/RDF translations?
Congratulations, very good talk! i'm work with Neo4j and Ontologies in my PhD too. I'm converting natural language to axioms in OWL and store in Neo4j. Do you have materials and examples about inferences, my problem now is find good examples to show inferences. Thank you!