Onur Mutlu Lectures
Talk at the Huawei European Research Symposium, Paris, France, 26 November 2019.
Talk: Intelligent Architectures for Intelligent Machines
Speaker: Professor Onur Mutlu (http://people.inf.ethz.ch/omutlu)
Slides (pptx): https://people.inf.ethz.ch/omutlu/pub/onur-HuaweiEuropeanResearchSymposium-IntelligentArchitecturesForIntelligentMachines-November-26-2019.pptx
Slides (pdf): https://people.inf.ethz.ch/omutlu/pub/onur-HuaweiEuropeanResearchSymposium-IntelligentArchitecturesForIntelligentMachines-November-26-2019.pdf
Really great talk! I enjoyed it a lot, specially the and/or examples of data works with rows
ab+bc+ac => where c is a row of just 1s reduces to b+a which is just a vectorized operation and where c is zero reduces to ab, was not explained but I assume thats where it leads to