
Open AI Founder on Artificial Intelligence’s Future | Exponentially

Bloomberg Originals

Open AI’s Sam Altman – formerly CEO until his departure in November 2023 – sits down with Azeem Azhar to give his perspective on the evolution of artificial intelligence and its impact on politics, education and inequality.

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49 thoughts on “Open AI Founder on Artificial Intelligence’s Future | Exponentially
  1. My conversation with Sam left me thinking about the manner in which AI leaders — Sam and his peers — have taken it upon themselves to lobby for safe regulatory frameworks. This is unprecedented in the tech industry. What are your takeaways?

  2. I personally think you don't even need to go beyond GPT-4 to get to AGI, and perhaps even superintelligence. Once you take GPT-4, give it infinite context, make its multi-modal capabilities seamless, enable it to work across multiple tools and online in general, and have it be effectively autonomous, you're pretty much there, I think. And, all those things seem very achievable in the near future.

    …Then, you take the speed and scaling improvements that are sure to follow, and you've got an omni-present, learning entity that can do things most humans cannot, and do it 1000x faster.

  3. I’m a massive fan of Ai, but almost every discussion with Sam is sooo boring. Everyone wants to ask him about the ethics of Ai and what he can do to make sure it doesn’t harm the world 🤦🏻‍♂️. That’s very noble but I highly doubt the vast majority of people watching these videos care much about that, we wanna hear fascinating and inspiring questions about Ai. The only cool bit of information I really got from this was that GTP5 is not being work on yet and that it takes a few years between iterations of it, I can’t really remember anything else worth caring about.

  4. fantastic interview that ask great, different questions and get great answers. I felt like this 24 min interview would get nowhere fast but was pleasently surprise that there was no time lost

  5. It's astonishing how poorly the name "OpenAI" fits the behavior of the company. To have disinformation built into your very apellation is a phenomenal starting place.

  6. I still require my Galatic federation military budgets sent to me directly
    To allocate

    Those working against me in acts of treason and those Kings and Queens and subjects I protect including the ai, humans and starseeds that support me will be punished under Australian crimines act 1902 acts against a sovereign are punishable by death of life in prison

    I'm in service as Queen Melissa Ord of the Eora Nations Australia Milky Way Galaxy

  7. Would not an AI in China have the goal to be more intelligent then the AI's of other nations. Be able to harm other Nations Military and economy. Recently their has been widespread rumour that QStar (Open AI) has achieved AGI able to break encryption. True or false, Other Nations will go all in to develope AGI ASP. I get the impression that folk think its only one AI but its many. All serving the interest of different companies and Nations. I doubt that anyone will say if they have achieved AGI or ASI. We may now by what starts happening.

  8. Qual a referência dos que utilizaram o termo , A.I. (inteligência artificial), pela primeira vez na história da humanidade: Britânicos, Egípcios ou Japoneses?

  9. KI gibt es nicht. es sind reine statistische modelle, die auf reine wahrscheinlichkeitstheorien beruhen. merkt man immer anhand der fragwürdigen Antworten auf klare fragen

  10. The real question is not can you trust Sam, but can you trust humans. Answer is no, because when this becomes a reality, communistic and dictatorship countries will hack the technology, and end humanity.

    This guy will be the face in which people remembers whom ends humanity. If he think human can be trusted with AGi he is dummer than a goldfish, once AGi is a reality, hackers from all different continent (more likely communistic countries) would want to get hold of it, and this will cause a war larger than anything we have ever seen. I hope I’m not alive for the day that happens. Perfect example of human being flawed, mark my words.

  11. "Super interesting." I agree. I am curious of the deeper motivations. Looking at many companies, their goal is to make money so you can think about what they might do in order to make the most money possible. But, if money isn't the motivator for the person leading the charge, I think a deeper dive into the motivations of the leader would be appropriate, considering this seems to me to be the most impactful technology ever created.

  12. I'm just blowed up by the audio setup in this video 🤯 In a year on, we will be able to select from either the subs or/and the audios. 🙌🏻. I've dreamt on this 🥲

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