
Part 15 – Dinesh D'Souza Debates Daniel Dennett

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Dinesh D’Souza, Christian and best-selling author, will face off against Tufts professor, author, and atheist Daniel Dennett in a debate on the existence of god. The resolution for the debate will be as follows: “God is a manmade invention.” Daniel Dennett will be arguing the affirmative, and Dinesh D’Souza the negative


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39 thoughts on “Part 15 – Dinesh D'Souza Debates Daniel Dennett
  1. I hate it when religious people say we are only atheists because we dont want to face punishment for our actions.It is the lack of evidence.When i used to believe in god i still did what I wanted because all I had to do was ask for forgiveness.Sorry,but if im single and have a chance to get laid,Im taking it.Just like swaggart,Baker,and all the other evangelecal christins.

  2. it is clear who got schooled. Dinesh has a lot of critical thinking to do for homework. His arguments were loud and not too coherent. I hear Professor Dennett nice and clear. Sound logic without need for defense. Dinesh has a lot of learning to do from Dennett. Sometimes, extracting fools can be a painful but humorous process.

  3. the question isn't "who created god", it's "where did god come from". creationists say there must be a god because there has to be an explanation for where all this stuff in the universe came from. but god is more stuff. so it does no good to invent the idea of god to explain y everything that exists exists, bc then ur just left with having to invent another idea to explain y god exists. anyway, we've learned thru science that things in the universe emerge naturally so the idea of god is useless

  4. If you have no problem with vastly complex beings like gods existing eternally, for no reason and with no cause, then frankly you should be a naturalist, because nature simply existing eternally is a much simpler hypothesis and you could just throw this notion of "creator" out the window as a giant red herring and call existence eternal.

  5. I don't believe in God because it's a simple and neat explanation. I believe in God because I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

  6. Dinesh avoided the question who created god? Time and space had a beginning …the big bang. and if god created the universe being time and space. Then he would be outside the realm of time and space. So if he created time and space he couldnt have been created… he would Just Be and nothing else. so he would be eternal and infinite as some religions have stressed.

    This is just an exercise, dont go nuts over it.

  7. 5:03 – Why is D'Souza now speaking for god? What information does he have that we don't? This is why you can't debate religious people. They just make stuff up without even realizing they have nothing to support their claims.

  8. Listening to D'Souza cling to an outdated christian belief that is still very popular is proof enough for me that god is not a personality, a he, or an force unseen to fear. In two words, "Man made" In three, "Uncivilized man made". D'Souza is an embarrassment to modern humanity. He speaks to us like we are children or lost lambs looking for someone to follow. He says millions of stars in the universe. L.O.L.

  9. I like how Dennett quickly gives a reasonable answer imploring people to read up on the subject and then asks Dennett Singer for his address. He knows he made his points clear enough and assumes people understood him.

  10. Good god D'Souza is a clown. A dishonest, disingenuous charlatan not fit to lick Dennet's boots. Xianity established equality for women? What bizarre alternate religious history is he referring to? I thought lying was a no-no among God-botherers.

  11. I love how Dennett used his last remaining time. It shows me he felt he said enough to explain his position on the topic of this debate. I hope he found the person he was looking for. 🙂

  12. well remember that its not just something, but something AND antisomething. theres just as much antimatter as matter in the universe so the sum energy/mass level is 0, so actually theres still nothing even tho it looks to us like something. u might say that an intelligence causes matter and antimatter to separate but the fact is that we observe this happening naturally so no intelligence is needed in the explanation. Causal intelligence is always excess that can be shaved off of the explanation

  13. Even if there is 1st cause god who fine tuned the universe, the cruelty of natural and human history including religious war makes it impossible to worship such a being.

  14. im not sure i do agree actually that there must be some force/energy to start everything. the universe might be able to pull its own feet out of its mouth. we know so little about that sort of thing, i dont see any reason to discount such a beginning.
    Also u say the wind moves the leaves but god is the wind. gravity causes things to fall but god is gravity. etc. -but if theres nothing god does thats independent of natural forces, y assume he exists? god's excess that is shaved off of the answer

  15. theres 4 fundamental forces in our universe responsible for all the "work" of nature. theres no force unaccounted for. u say that u think supernatural things happen, caused by some extra force/energy. can u give an example?
    and about this first cause thing: just bc we see cause and effect W/IN the universe doesnt mean that has to be true of the universe as a whole. if everything is in the universe and there is no time before it, then theres nothing to have any time over which to cause anything

  16. and supernatural realm is an oxymoron. any realms that exist beyond our own are just further extensions of nature, with laws and forces of their own that can be studied and understood.

  17. well i believe the conclusion that best fits the current evidence and thats that theres infinite universes. also i believe theres probly no permanent edges, no finite outermost realm.
    all of ur miracle examples r just rare events. each has a certain statistical likelihood. itd be a miracle if the things u mentioned didnt happened. since none come even close to violating the laws of nature, we expect them to occur w/ some frequency. which do u feel is most miraculous n we'll talk about that 1…

  18. 1/2) yeah im only talking about miracles that seem to violate laws of nature since the best evidence of god, and something we'd expect if he were actually real, is a force unaccounted for (though science would evetually understand it and then u couldnt call it a miracle since we know the mechanisms making it happen. so its gotta be something that doesnt act according to ANY laws, not even those of a different realm. could u say what part of the vid u find most convincing?

  19. 2/2) …and ppl adapt and change drastically bc that flexibility had positive effects on the survival of our ancestors and was therefore selected for by natural selection. its completely expected that some ppl will undergo changing events as drastic as these. can u pick a couple miracles that u think might convince me?

  20. of course. if god existed, itd change everything. but theres just no evidence. im completely open-minded but everything we know about the world suggests god doesnt exist. if i were to witness or hear about an actual miracle itd absolutely change my worldview drastically, but there always happen to be much more likely natural explanations. and i didnt watch the video, bc i can guess more or less what will be in it, so id like u to just paraphrase what seemed like the strongest stuff if u would…

  21. Disnesh D'Souza looks physically very much like Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean).
    They even made nonsense claims. 
    They differ though: Mr. Bean is funny and D'Souza just stupid.

  22. No Mr D'Souza the reason most of the questions came to you is people want to know why in the 2st century some are still holding on to ancient myths as though they were fact.

  23. The same old lie Mr Dennett you can know good and evil and be like God. I have never heard so much drivel coming from a philosopher as I have coming out of Mr Dennett, he didn't even give an answer to the question or even any evidence for the conclusion nor was the philosophical argument given any thought by the mass of confused and indoctrinated questioners "everything that begins to exist has a cause" "the universe began to exist" "therefore the universe has a cause" the questions were STUPID to say the least where in that statement does it say God began to exist? Christianity does not have a "created" God, are these the philosophers to be, are these "thinkers", do they "think" that is a valid objection.This is the height of absurdity in the "atheistic mind". The type of cause for the universe must be a spaceless, timeless, uncaused, immaterial and powerful freely able to cause, and, those attributes Christians see in the revelation we have about God. The atheist says "they don't know" while speaking out the other side of their mouth saying "it isn't God" so which is it. Either you claim knowledge or you don't. Until then I am very rational and reasonable to believe in and worship the Almighty God, the author and sustainer of life.

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