Consciousness Videos

Physical reality in spacetime as a simulation in consciousness – Donald Hoffman | Living Mirrors #6

Dr. James Cooke

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This episode is a conversation with Donald Hoffman. Don is a Professor of Cognitive Science at UC Irvine and author of The Case Against Reality. We talk about his interface theory of perception and his worldview of conscious realism and its impressive implications.

Welcome to Living Mirrors with Dr. James Cooke. Living Mirrors is a new podcast in which neuroscientist Dr. James Cooke will be interviewing people on topics like consciousness, science, spirituality, meditation and the renaissance in psychedelic research. Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.
Animations by Janko Pješivac

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#consciousness #science #philosophy
We live in a world filled with suffering, where attempts to help have been split into largely separate scientific and spiritual communities. As a spiritually engaged neuroscientist I hope to communicate how these seemingly separate world views can be reconciled. I produce weekly videos on topics at the intersection of neuroscience and wellbeing, including consciousness, meditation and psychedelic science.

Dr. James Cooke:
Neuroscientist, writer & speaker, focusing on perception, meditation, psychedelics, mental health and wellbeing.
PhD in Neuroscience, Oxford University
MSc in Neuroscience, Oxford University
MA in Experimental Psychology, Oxford University

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10 thoughts on “Physical reality in spacetime as a simulation in consciousness – Donald Hoffman | Living Mirrors #6
  1. I see parallels when the buddha proclaimed this self and world is an illusion in the scriptures and mr.hoffman views.👍

  2. There is an argument that the 'physical reality of spacetime' itself consists only of information and rules, in which case it can be called a simulation. Physicists have discussed whether or not quantum mechanics could be used to simulate all possible universes; if so then they would no longer truly exist as independent entities but instead would only ever really exist as simulations.

    There are many other arguments for why physical reality is made of consciousness, including the argument that the human brain is a quantum computer.

    But it's not even that the physical reality of spacetime is a simulation in consciousness; rather, the whole universe is itself an illusion and doesn't exist at all. This leads to paradoxes about whether or not anything exists.

    Arguments like these have been used to support the idea that it is simulated in consciousness by a computer or many computers; but this is not necessary. The fact that physical reality is an illusion leads to paradoxes about whether anything exists, so let's assume for now that the words 'physical' and 'reality' are ambiguous.

    If we assume that 'physical' and 'reality' are ambiguous, then the above arguments about whether or not physical reality is an illusion do not apply. We must still ask what then does exist.

  3. You don't destroy the moon when you look away, because there's always someone else looking at it, and we're all hooked up to the same programme..we are one consciousness experiencing itself subjectivley. .

  4. “I am YHVH, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:6). YHVH means Self Existent One. He is the Fundamental Consciousness (“I AM”) from where everything emerges, but remains in Him. YHVH is both the Source and Fullness of all reality. There is none else.

  5. Ah, to know the thing in itself…….a super quest. Hoffman just might beat Kant!
    However, I still like Shankara's fabulous oscillator:
    1. Brahman alone is real.
    2. This world is an illusion.
    3. The individual being is no other than Brahman.

    Thanks James for this video.

  6. So different species would have different headsets and for example a beaver might experience the red ferrari as something completely different to our understanding, so what experience is the real truth, it seems self evident that experience is an emergent process of the system sensing and perceiving.

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