
Picasso Love, Sex and Art BBC Documentary 2015

tala masca


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35 thoughts on “Picasso Love, Sex and Art BBC Documentary 2015
  1. Picasso is a weird figure in art history. On the one hand he's necessary, humanity needed to live out this particular aspect of art, break former conventions etc to move forward.
    However there's a lot of push back against him (I belong to this crowd too) because we are generally sobered by him distancing himself from the concept of beauty. In fact he's paving the way for modern art that mostly doesn't give a damn about beauty.

    Beauty is god and god died as Nietzsche proclaimed. But we need god and even atheists know in their heart that life's unbearable without beauty.

    So how to treat someone like Picasso who intentionally paints "ugly", unwilling to elevate us with his art because his need to be novel is greater.

    To me he's a kind of fallen hero. I'm glad he existed and did what he did because he unveiled the direction I as an artist never want to take. And because he did it already, I don't have to do it again. So I guess I ought to treat him with gratitude. 🙂

  2. Apart, des peintres Picasso, Toulouse lautrrec, le douanier reausau, Modigliani, pour ne citer que eux, dans ma mémoire il m'ont attiré depuis mes 14 ans par Vincent et c'est fleurs qui me font rêver et de Picasso l'ouverture, comme l'orchestre qui mène la baguette et la danse, merci à tous cela. De ma part Giusti je continue quand cette fin de mon temps. Mais, il n'y a pas de mais, les exception dans mon vivant maretron pour ces exceptions

  3. While attending the Sorbonne and listening to actual Art Professors, I learned that Picasso was so gifted in art school, he could paint in ANY style. If I remember, the professor said he was given a period of many months to pass in his Final exams. He did them in a few days and completely blew away his teachers. The mistake one makes now a days is that, he looks simple, but he could have chosen ANY method….Cubism, seeing things from many angles at the same time in his head, was his own idea….He is astonishing once you know his history. Beyond the critique of non-professional and even most professional critics. IMHO

  4. The changing of women through his life, having a lot of children and expressing his feelings and thoughts on painting makes me think that he was looking for something to satisfy some kind of emptiness in his life. Nevertheless, his work is extraordinary.

  5. Our Savior Who Art in Heaven, Please Bless Everyone on Earth.
    (Especially "The Elites" & Their Minions inside Our Governments) Who
    Plot Against God & Their Fellow Man. So They'll Not Themselves Fall
    Into The Snares They've Set for Others. (God Grant Them "The Wisdom to
    Change Their Ways" Before They May Pass & Face Judgement Day at Your
    Throne). In Jesus Name, Amen ♥

  6. "Go back to the very roots of Art. Learn to be clumsy again" 14:40 That reminds me of what I told an experienced elder woman who came to me for voice lessons (advice). She was not old, but I was only 18, and about to move in professionally, quite early. I just told her, you do too much — listen to Melba or somebody, or a violin solo. Don't do anything, but SING. But, also really SING.

  7. Brilliant artist but what a misogynist! What cad! In any event, I envy his passion & devotion to his craft. This & his discipline, I'm sure, had a lot to do with his longevity. Waking up each morning with a purpose, studies show, is one of the ingredients of a long life, Needless to say, all that sex didn't hurt either. A lousy husband & father, though.

  8. Interesting how you made no mention of Picasso's contact with and his highjacking of Cezanne. Picasso blatantly plagerized the original cubist – Cezanne…Be historical..instead of conjecteral …please.

  9. Picasso was the first major commercial illustrater and a cunning thief of other painters esp Cezanne. France's approach was purely scientific powered by relentless observation…Yes, Picasso the great scammer and destructor of Western art..too pathetic!!!

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