
Pioneers: Daniel C. Dennett. Do Lobsters Have Free Will?

Karol Jalochowski

Daniel C. Dennett from Tufts University is the most important philosopher of the mind of our times, a great reformer of the field of knowledge. He is also the author of several hundred sci- entific papers and more than a dozen books. For nearly half a century he has been searching for the answer to the question: What is consciousness? What is free will? How is reality born and how does it evolve? Is faith a natural phenomenon? What are the roots of irrationalism? The film is a recording of a personal meeting with the philosopher at his home in northern New England.

Written, filmed, and edited by Karol Jalochowski
Original music by Scott Johnson

Pioneers is one and only project devoted to the most unorthodox contemporary thinkers who have had the courage to challenge current paradigms. The emotions of discovering and stress-testing new theories; the passion which prompts one to go against the expectations of others, against the “publish or die” model; the joys and sorrows of exploring frontiers of the known and the unknown – this is what the series is about.

Other completed episodes of the series:

Daniel C. Dennett / Do Lobsters Have Free Will?
Freeman Dyson / Space Dreamer
Julian Barbour / Bottom’s Dream
Roy Glauber / The Bomb that Shook the World
Gregory and Virginia Chaitin / Against Method
Charles H. Bennett / A Drinking Bird Mystery

Supported by Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore


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13 thoughts on “Pioneers: Daniel C. Dennett. Do Lobsters Have Free Will?
  1. 2:05 the music volume to captured audio volume is atrocious. I really hope I don't have to keep adjusting the volume because we didn't catch more stuff in editing. The film Mr. Denette is in deserves good audio especially when you guys get all those cool shots. Reminds me of me making a simple mistake but getting something really good.

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