Art Theory

Portrait Drawing Tutorial

JD Hillberry

The same realistic portrait drawing tutorial I’ve been teaching in my live drawing workshops is now available for home study. Follow along step-by-step as you learn to draw. You’ll be able to use these same drawing techniques to render all your future portraits that have smooth even skin texture. More Details Here:


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46 thoughts on “Portrait Drawing Tutorial
  1. Вот это вот рисованием то не назовешь. Никакой индивидуальной черты художника. Это то же самое фото, абсолютно тоже самое, только карандашом. Такие раскраски надо относить к таким, кто рисует по клеткам. Обычные карандашные задроты, без грамма таланта. Ни построения, ничего, такими темпами даже ровный круг не нарисуешь, ебаный в рот)

  2. He talking all this stuff like his tutorials r free!
    Waaaay to expensive…regardless if u take lessons or not it takes never practice; trail & error trial & error perseverance, patients and commitment and more practice until death do ye part.

  3. I've been visiting my dad in hospital every day and was stuck for something to pass the time.
    I did draw years ago and have taken it up again drawing portraits from a lot printed pages from my computer.. 2 weeks ago they weren't too good but drawing them all the time has made them a lot better.
    The main thing to get in a portarit is the eyes and at first mine were rubbish but now they match and look right.
    Getting the eyes to match is probably the hardest thing for beginners to get right but mine are good now.

    NEVER GIVE UP and keep drawing !

  4. Lol am I the only one here who uses only one pencil and use my fingers for shadings cause I can't afford those expensive pencils😖 okey just me..

  5. I struggle with this; if a person works to achieve photo realism what distinguishes their drawing from the drawing of another? After all, the very concept of photo realism is contrary to taking artistic licence. Any licence taken would destroy the realism.
    Please understand, I am not being critical; I am in awe of the skill required to draw in this manner. However, I am at a stage in my own development as an artist that self expression is becoming more and more important.
    How does a person drawing in this style, distinguish his or herself?

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