Consciousness Videos

Principles For Success by Ray Dalio (In 30 Minutes)

Principles by Ray Dalio

Join me on a thought-provoking adventure in my new animated mini-series, Principles for Success. I’ve taken my book Principles, and distilled it into a 30 minute ultra mini series that focuses on the life principles that have helped me the most.

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Principles | #1 New York Times Bestseller:
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27 thoughts on “Principles For Success by Ray Dalio (In 30 Minutes)
  1. There's simply no price it can pay for each one of the lessons you're sharing, Ray. I had the pleasure to see you in person in San Francisco, during Dreamforce, and even covering the same topics, it seems that every time we listen to you or watch this video, something else new will pop-up in my head.

    As someone who moved to another country to live a better life, who's trying hard to cope with the challenges of building a family, advancing professionally, build my own business, I feel that I need to watch this video every single week.

    You have my word that I'll share it as much as I can to as many people as I can.

    Thank you so much for sharing this content.

  2. this is kind of mental masturbation tbh. Not saying there isn't value in this, but I feel as though people act like it's way more profound than it actually is.

  3. INTJ personality !
    I am an intj aka mastermind and that made me be alone, caused by ego and blindspot barriers.
    Thank you for opening a new door for me!

  4. Fight with COVID-19

    I understand the only step/ stage/ path/ source etc. has the bilateral effect.  It is not capable enough for success as well is capable enough also. The only difference is about the passion and reverence.

    With my own experience and reference to many sites like

    over and about the benefits of Holy Basil, Desi Cow Dung/ Urine/ Ghee, I understand that humanity can take benefit of these natural gifts to fight with COVID-19 at least as basic home remedy for prevention and cure.  We can also fill up our life style with Yogasan, Magnetic Water Therapy and Acupressure with help of medical treatment, if necessary.  My personal thought is only the carelessness is the root cause of all problems and the beginning towards the right path is enough to lead to the destination. 

    As all the mentioned products are in my approach, I believe can supply the required demand.


    Twitter: yogeshkhetrapal@yogeshkhetrapal

    Kindly mention the subject as “Life and Nature”

  5. I feel blessed to be able to access this quickly as a motivational platform to be a better self….so many amazing concepts and principles that each and everyone will benefited tremendously.

  6. You think you are a machine? Maybe, maybe not. Who is giving the machine (you) the direction? Why does the machine get out of the bed tomorrow morning? Has the machine ever thought about this question: why do I love applause?

  7. A good video but at the end of the day it all comes down on how you connect with the people you have meet in your life. Business is about how you connect with the right people.

  8. Amazing video and amazing principles! Thank you Mr. Dalio and all your team for sharing your wisdom. I found this video educational and inspirational. I will watching again and put it in practice. Thank you again!!

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