Consciousness Videos

Proof That Reality Is An ILLUSION: The Mystery Beyond Space-Time – Donald Hoffman | Know Thyself E63

André Duqum

In this thought-provoking episode, cognitive psychologist and author Donald Hoffman takes us on a journey through the mysteries of consciousness and reality. From questioning the nature of what we perceive to pondering the existence of inanimate consciousness, Hoffman challenges conventional beliefs and explores the profound implications of proving local realism false.
He delves into topics such as the illusion of free will, the role of love in metaphysics, and the possibility of reincarnation. Prepare to have your mind expanded as we contemplate the nature of reality itself and how this paradigm-shifting understanding will change everything.

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0:00 Intro
2:30 The Question of Consciousness & Evolution
9:56 Is What We See Real?
12:47 Implications of Proving Local Realism is False
16:55 Are Inanimate Objects Conscious?
24:53 What Makes Something Conscious?
29:06 We’re looking at the problem wrong
40:34 How evolution hid the truth from us
47:22 Conscious Agents: what’s outside of space time?
54:00 Are We in a Simulation?
1:00:40 Seeing the Oneness in All
1:02:38 Concepts of Karma and Reincarnation
1:07:00 Implications on how we act in the world
1:12:02 Self Compassion
1:13:35 Death & Facing the idea of impermanence
1:17:14 Does reincarnation exist?
1:22:41 Meditation & Spiritual Practices
1:30:30 The role that love plays in metaphysics
1:31:54 Free will & The illusion of choice
1:41:40 How Relationships Serve Purpose on the evolution of consciousness
1:45:23 AI & technology assisting the collective awakening
1:53:52 What it takes to prove this theory
1:58:30 This will change everything


Donald David Hoffman is an American cognitive psychologist and popular science author. He is a professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine, with joint appointments in the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and the School of Computer Science.
Hoffman studies consciousness, visual perception and evolutionary psychology using mathematical models and psychophysical experiments. His research subjects include facial attractiveness, the recognition of shape, the perception of motion and color, the evolution of perception, and the mind–body problem.
He has co-authored two technical books; Observer Mechanics: A Formal Theory of Perception (1989) offers a theory of consciousness and its relationship to physics; Automotive Lighting and Human Vision (2005) applies vision science to vehicle lighting. His book Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See (1998) presents the modern science of visual perception to a broad audience. His 2015 TED Talk, “Do we see reality as it is?” argues that our perceptions have evolved to hide reality from us.



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André Duqum

Meraki Media


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46 thoughts on “Proof That Reality Is An ILLUSION: The Mystery Beyond Space-Time – Donald Hoffman | Know Thyself E63
  1. I laugh . Imagine driving through an underground tunnel devoid of life and then closing your eyes knowing that you can not hit anything . If you did not see it . Ha Ha

  2. I could listen to you for hours, thank you. Dolores Canon and the old litteratures talked about it. But I understand the concept better with your metaphor. I felt like a victim to the phenomens around me and univers send me back more experiences where I felt more power loss. It feels like individually designed reality, I gossip I get more gossip "friends " 😅.. Until I learn the circel of contribution, taken and given, higher frequency. We can choose other levels just like the game. I love science. Its for sure more to Come 😊.

  3. Right of the bat this guy totally misunderstood what Hoffman is saying and claims our "BRAINS' create an illusion. Hoffman is claiming our brains do NOT exist when not perceived.

  4. Only those who have lived materially priveleged lives within a capitalist system think Capitilism is a preferable system of economics. Capitalism creates a hellworld just as readily and via the same principles of "human nature" * that creates a hellworld out of Communism. * (Human nature — Our biologically and culturally pre-programmed drives and beliefs about who we are.)

    Watch out for those programmed assumptions. Donald totally missed it on this one. The field of science is even now still heavily unbalanced due to a predominance of sexually male-dominated thinking. A more balanced inclusion of female influenced thought posits that *adaptability*, not competition, is the key to evolution. Adaptability, in addition to competition, conceptually recognizes and includes the value and necessity of nurturing, and relational networks (community) in evolutionary success.

    Competitive sperm can not successfully reproduce without the nurturing receptivity and creativity of the egg.

    What we need is a new form of economics, which expresses and values the balanced principles of the one consciousness. Not either/or… And.

  5. The moon does exist, just not as we think it does. It's more like a concept in the higher reality, and it gets rendered into our world when / as required. But the concept of it does exist all the time.

  6. From beginning of BigBang to the end of the universe,
    From beginning of Blackhole to the end of Hawking Radiation,
    Are….. Implications of…… Nature…… Reality.

    Quantum Information and Quantum Entanglement are Fundamental.

    Quantum Mind emerge.. Collection, Pattern of QuInfo and QuEntang.
    Quantum Body emerge.. Std.Model emerge, DNA, Protein synthesis.
    Mind and Body entanglement.. Consciousness emerge.
    Spacetime emerge.. Mass.. Energy.. Wave fn. Decoherence.
    Mathematics Emerge.. Intrinsic in the fabric of the emergence.
    Holographic Principle..Information Conservation, Energy conservation

  7. So, when I left the key for the handyman to come in and fix my kitchen faucet whilst I was at work, he found a real tap with a real problem, which he fixed. Ok, I did indicate that it was wobbly; but if I hadn't, surely he would come and still find that it's wobbly, no? And if he took a photo for invoicing purposes, wouldn't it look like the tap I perceive, even if I don't look at the photo? Isn't this an easy thing to experiment with? 🤔

  8. I have been perceiving or noticing my life experiences within other's around me. This podcast has opened up my insight of what I am perceiving which is that we are One . Or is it that I have multiple Avatars?

  9. People are wired to believe in what they see, good movies for example, we know there was a script, the ending already happened, just actors playing roles, yet we are captivated by the action and even watch it multiple times. Life is a big 3D interactive movie I guess.

  10. Donald keeps wanting to tie the world we live in to a VR headset, that's just wrong for so many reasons for a start. If they had not been invented, what would he use instead I wonder?

  11. we would never be able to leave our time and space, we are captives of our time and space, we may jump between dimentions, but again we become a captive of their time and space. so we would never know what lies beyond our time and space.

  12. Everything is real. Narcissist think that everything is there for them and they are right thinking so but they have it wrong, we are here for everything. Everything is real

  13. If objects aren't real and manifested only when observed, how come we all manifest some of the same things? Everyone sees the sun in the sky. I am pretty sure that everyone sees the house that I live in.

    Even more so, why can't I choose to not manifest the idiots that I encounter in my life?

    Do things that we don't see exist? Atoms? Sub-atomic particles? DNA? The core of the Earth? Do our hearts exist only when seen by a surgeon during open heart surgery?

  14. That everything is an illusion, created by our minds and doesnt actually exist is not his idea. This is stated in the teachings of A
    Course in Miracles. I would bet he's read that book.

  15. They are mixing Buddhist philosophy with headsets and computer simulations. What science! Hahaha Ironically he would make sense if he kept the Buddhism and threw away the pseudo-science. Alien computers! Hahaha

  16. He's answering questions about evolution when evolution has many holes in it's theory. Furthermore even if he were completely correct it answers nothing about why we have this drive to survive at any cost. In other words it just brings more questions. Funny that all his insights are based on things like video games. His assumptions that we are separate from the universe is itself a falsehood. Because intelligence doesn't and cannot arise from an unintelligent universe. And that is the key. Consciousness does not come from the brain otherwise cells, plants and nervous systems would not have it. This man needs Alan Watts.

  17. This is exactly what buddhism teahes, everything we see is an illution, an illution that is created by continuous on-off protons like a lit bulb. So what we get attached or what we crave for or be sad about is for nothing. There is actually nothing out there.

  18. If the moon is not really there unless we perceive it/acknowledge it, then why do we ALL see things the way they are? We all agree that the moon is a satellite. Why do we all see it that way?Why do we All see a rubber bouncing ball? Does the headset has the same program for all of us?
    Who decides this?

  19. If this proof does prove that reality is an illusion, then that proof must exist in that illusion and therefore the proof is not real. In short, this means an illusion proves reality is an illusion. If the proof is not real, then does it really prove that reality is not real?

  20. What made me question reality was dreaming, when i dream i can feel pain, touch n have vision. None of it is real but i can create everything on my own even well im resting..

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