Consciousness Videos

Prosperity Consciousness – How to use the power of your mind to create prosperity in your life

Brian Scott

In this episode, I tackle prosperity consciousness. How can we change the way we think to bring money into our life? Do you have a relationship with money? Are you giving yourself permission to be wealthy? Do you have deep subconscious blocks that are holding you back from true prosperity? This is such a complicated and fascinating subject and I try to summarize all of the literature in this genre. You can think and grow rich! I try to tell you everything you need to know to bring abundance and prosperity consciousness into your life.

#prosperity #lawofattraction #realityrevolution #moneymindset #thinkandgrowrich #abundance

Music by Chris Zabriskie
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0

Music by Chris Zabriskie
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International— CC BY 4.0

The parallel reality meditation –

Guided Meditation: Into the void –

Accessing Source through the void –

The Wealth and Abundance Meditation –

A message from your future self –

On Parallel Realities –

Energy –

Intuition –

Guided Meditation: Awaken Your Energy Centers –

The Confidence Meditation –

40 techniques for travelling through parallel realities #1-20

40 techniques for travelling through parallel realities #21-40

Guided Meditation: The Gratifestation Octave –

For coaching –

For all episodes of the Reality Revolution –

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44 thoughts on “Prosperity Consciousness – How to use the power of your mind to create prosperity in your life
  1. I am so grateful for finding you!!! I love everything about the work that you do , specially your voice! It brings me back on the right way of thinking !!! Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!

  2. I have tried to come up with (for my own understanding) what my “thoughts about money really are”… I have realized that I think that money is always in the other room…I can’t see it or feel it in my mind. That I can’t reach it…have it. Wow…I have work to do😙

  3. I just had a breakthrough… Every time I’ve done service for someone and they’ve offered to pay, despite their insistence I refuse to take it.. Sometimes I’ve ran away in order not to accept it… How do I change this mindset?

  4. I think my problem(and I think many others might feel the same) Is that I've had trouble justifying what I want to do. I don't see how it's serving others or really adding much value. What I really want is to live in the woods, garden, read books, and paint WHEN I WANT TO. I don't want to coach people, write self help books, or own my own business-even if it's art related.
    Right now I'm working as a hair stylist-something I thought would be creative enough to keep me happy while still serving others. I make enough (just enough) to cover my bills and buy art supplies. My clients love me and love what I do for them. But I feel totally drained and not very happy at all. I'm feeling kinda stuck, I want to do what makes me happy, but I'm afraid doing art fulltime would suck all the joy out of it just like it did for hairstyling.
    So when it comes to money and I try to fallow the instructions in so many books, and it comes to the point where they tell me "Dont focus on the money, focus on how you can add value, or how you can be of service" Or "do what you love and the money will fallow" I get stuck. I don't know how to be of service to the universe while maintaining my own joy.

  5. I'm literally only half way through this video (accidentally watching it again LOL!) and a couple of small 'shifts' happened within my subconscious it seems… I thought…and then 5 minutes later, a completely unexpected project offer lands in my lap. BOOM. I quoted the client, they accepted and now, I will have $350 on its way to me that I NEVER expected to come to me. I REALLY am so 'over' claiming that I grew up "the broke girl". It's no longer my 'story' 🙂

  6. Such a great reminder – and love these imaginary themes! Prosperity consciousness is linked with our grand awakening to the reality that we are One and it's in our best interest to share the resources for ALL to have health, wealth, love – in harmony with our planet's health as well. This is my deepest prayer for humanity every single day. 🙏🤍🕊🌹🌟

  7. Right when you said to be grateful for the penny you find on the street, I immediately remembered Wayne Dyer talking about that several times over the years, too! Nice we were thinking the same thing! I remember him & am grateful every time I find one! 😊 And what an amazing little boy he was to know the value of money at such a young age & always was thinking how to make it! A truly amazing soul!

  8. Thank you Brian for putting this video out there. Amazing amazing messages. I am so inspired so full of gratitude doe the encouragement it has given me. I’ve saved it share it and will keep listening to it over and over again. I’ve enjoyed your messages your Chanel and listen to you as I drive to wherever I have to go. Thank you a million times over.

  9. Thank you Brian for all your great insights. I read think and grow rich and read alot about the subject but you give a new dimension to it with a wonderful voice. Thanks for sharing this for free with the world 🙏🏻 any chance you want to share your podcasts also on spotify? Have a nice day, week,… 🍀✨

  10. Not for anything but accuracy, but on his 2005 tax return it shows that Donald Trump paid 38 million dollars in taxes on a 150-million-dollar income. I wouldn't exactly call that nothing or a low tax bill. That tax return is released, so it can be checked. Frankly, I think Trump needs to abolish all income taxes, be it on earnings or savings. The government should not get a penny of it. There are plenty of other taxes, fees, and everything else, and if we stop doing all the things we should not be doing and giving to people who are not supposed to be receiving our money, we'd be better off right there. Incomes would automatically increase from that one move alone.

  11. I had to pause this after listening for just ten minutes as I was filled with fire in my belly 🥰 just sheer excitement to get started again .Its as if you have switched my light back on Brian that went off through so many disappointments and painful experiences in life that I felt I had no control over !
    I became stagnant, stuck and just plodding along with no light at the end of the tunnel.
    I used to be so good at visualisation , but the death of my boyfriend with a terminal cancer , the diagnosis of my father’s dementia, losing my way through stress and leaving the best job I ever had sent me spiralling out of control .
    I have been listening to your podcasts and your voice and words soothes me , you fill me with hope and this particular one has set me up for the day and I’ve not even finished listening to it !!
    My son is a paramedic in the states , I lived there for 12 years and now I’m in the U.K. but is it selfish to want the best of both worlds ? A place in the sun to be near my boy and a place here to be near my elderly parents ? Anything is possible, you help me believe that . Thank you Brian for all that you do , you’re a beautiful soul and a very special gifted person .
    Now I’ll continue listening 🙏 😍

  12. I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. Money comes to me and increasing amounts from multiple sources for the good of all that I get to keep

  13. Can you please try to write just a little smaller on your white board. I can barely see what you are writing. If it was just a little smaller I guess your mission will be complete.

  14. Brian , just make sure they don’t think about (The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man 😊).New York has enough to deal with getting rid of that mayor and governor 😊😊😊😂🎤📡💕

  15. I imagine money is an attractive, kind, smiling loving person who is my best friend, loves sticking around me cos has fun and feels great in my company! But today w this audio, I’ve had breakthroughs. #1. I wasn’t giving”him” enough care,importance.. a friend owes me just $20 and told me was going to do the deposit and I said:”oh no worries, u can buy me drinks or din sometime”! After this audio, I realized and sent her a WhatsApp apologizing n explaining I needed to genuinely appreciate respect and care for money , so please yes do the deposit and so grateful !!!!!!

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