Consciousness Videos

Quantum Consciousness | Robert Wright & Stuart Hameroff [The Wright Show]

1:43 The Hameroff-Penrose theory of quantum consciousness
16:53 Why we’ll never construct a true artificial intelligence
28:16 The implications of quantum consciousness for free will
36:23 Do microtubules in the brain explain consciousness?
48:22 How quantum physics could help us understand anesthesia
64:57 Why Stuart doesn’t dismiss paranormal research
75:50 Could quantum entanglement explain paranormal phenomena?

Robert Wright (, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona)

Recorded June 8, 2018

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46 thoughts on “Quantum Consciousness | Robert Wright & Stuart Hameroff [The Wright Show]
  1. Two things that I was thinking about while watching this…
    1. Can you entagle two nuclear active Xenon atoms…and if so…what if you anesthetised 2 subjects with the entangled Xenon….what would they experience?…what would they dream…would their thoughts be connected in some way?…prety mad scientist but…what if?

    2. I was also thinking about the 21 grams experiments from way back when….when they weighed a body before and after death and it seemed to lose 21 grams…..ever tried weighing someone when they are aneesthetised?….again…mad scientist but….what if?

  2. Free will or determinism? of a giant corporation or the one meditating on the hill,your choice but the choice being made in bias of the overall set of circumstances we find ourselves in so we are given real choices by our environment and we literally can decide one way or the other but the fact that we HAVE to decide something means we are one way or the other propelling the collective forward which is deterministic as one way or the other. So its like ya,make up your mind…but carefully please so our destiny is more pleasant lol

  3. How why and where will a waveform collapse? I think need and the gravity of influence at large within a system dictates why you will find the photon here vs see the upper levels of what is taking place in the quantum where that particle can be either at one end of the universe or the other is simple..just not from our perspective which is limited.

  4. Pan psychism " how do you combine all the inner seperate conscious entities together to form our consciousness" my response is that there are firewalls between each one,each having their own seperate operation yet synchronistic with the organism. You have a bacterium say in our digestive track which now we know the gut is the second brain but this single bacteria only is a contributor to the integrity of the neural network,not the one who decides a big mac over a salad,but if you put enough stress on this bacteria,it will help create a condition of disease which may provide enough unease in the macrocosmic mind to favor the this is only in consideration of the 3rd dimension,but the mind inhabits all the dimensions so then each body in each dimension is but a regulator for the mind to determine one thing or another based on the conditions that particular body faces in its relative environment. So then consciousness is seperate from the body but when downloaded into its framework,is subject to the intricate nuances of cellular metabolism and identifies with it enough to " become" the body through a continuity of sensations that occur in the billions ect but are filtered upwards and distilled,routed through yes and no core routers so that at any moment yes..a trillion things just took place in our body,seperate entitys that have their own little lives but we get the bottom line..are we hungry,hurt,happy ect because to much info is unnecessary and actually detrimental to one who is in charge. So then the macro mind has no problem inhabiting a closed system,a body that offers input through its biological network of seperate conscious just copy and paste this upwards through the dimensions and you see that mind is seperate from body,the body is the hardware,mind is software so that our physical universe can be seen as a system of laws that God is outside of acting as the great mind in charge of the overall plan and we are the bacteria who for better or worse provide nourishment or sickness within the system. Each person though containing a fraction of God mind within that creates the same hierarchy in mindspace as does physicality with its micro and macro organisms. There are big minds like say an archangel or demon that within must contain in their mental body a makeup of smaller minds,heaven is lovely because that embodiment of minds found peace and harmony inside a fuzzy warm place that may be a large angel? And the angels that were cast down were parasites that got the old flush? Earth is said to be a sentient being so we have a precident right here for that,and we are responsible partly for the health of this planet but our awareness is not its own and vice versa,symbiotic though.

  5. I have been reading a lot about NDE (near death experiences) and what you first of all can see is the fact that "souls/spirits" do not talk physically but telepathically, so the question and the answer are all at once, you do not have a delay in the answering. Here as I can understand we answer with a delay before the brain even starts "hearing" the question, so we could presume the brain is just a machine to "talk" because we cann't do otherwise, but in fact the telepathic relation is still working in the background ….. but not consciously …. ????? So when I answer your question, I already did answer it telepathically before I start putting words on it … so we can understand the fact that when I lie to you in my answer, you can somehow "feel" that I lie to you because telepathically I did NOT lie to you, but my brain did put a lie in my answering words !!

    So first I answer you telepathically (without being conscious about it) and then my brain has to put words on it to answer you physically because well we live in a material world … and when I want to lie to you my physical answer will be different from my telepathic one and you will "feel" that !! You cann't lie telepathically !!!
    Here in this world we are always in delay with our reality/body material moving or speaking but in our soul's realm (which we are always in contact with !) we are pure instantaneous in the now !!
    Think about a ventriloquist and his puppet, you are the ventriloquist (in universal consciousness) AND the puppet at the same time (in material body world) !! But what do I know hahaha ….

  6. Einstein did not reject the Quantum Entanglement. He said that it is a spooky action at a distance. Because if Quantum Entanglement was right at that time, it supposed to be violating the theory of relativity. Now it is known that quantum Entanglement is happening and it certainly doesn't violate the theory of relativity. It is the limitation of our knowledge because of which we are unable to picture the Quantum Entanglement. It is just like we are unaware of how to find the way ATM.

  7. When it comes to the study of consciousness Stuart and Sir Penrose will go down as this centuries greatest minds. The "Grandfathers" of the blooming conscious era. They will look back in a hundred years and say, "How great it would have been to hear them speak." In time, Penrose will also be hailed for his cyclical universe theory. These geniuses are leading us into a new era, a higher awareness, and some people can't handle the "waves".

  8. Does anyone know what the study, mentioned around 3 minutes in, regarding people responding unconsciously and later becoming conscious, is called?

  9. You can't put all your eggs in one basket.The material world Wil always be real The other worlds
    Are just pieces of the same puzzle.But The spiritual world is more real than Our own! It's the will drives my Car.hahaha Here how you a get super Position Buy a Supercomputer .

  10. Jeez, let the man speak! Your annoyed facial expressions that scream "I don't care about the details just hurry and get to the point" are so rude and distracting. You can tell the man has a point he's getting to and isn't just blabbing about irrelevant nonsense just for the sake of it. In fact, at around 54 minutes he's speaking so fast in order to make his very methodical point as quickly as possible because he knows you're going to interrupt any second and try to make his point for him, which you tried (and failed) to do several times. These are complex concepts and theories, let him explain them. He's very aware that you're annoyed and impatient and he's making his case as quickly and efficiently as possible while not losing the important details that people like me came to hear. And you should at least attempt to hide your annoyance if only to appear polite because your autism is showing.

  11. i would really like someone to speak on both microtubules and cerebro spinal fluid in the same discussion. i would love to see those two subjects come together.

  12. Bob was so helpful in breaking up Stu’s Gish gallop. It’s so odd when people who are obviously wasaaay smarter than me are also obviously so wrooooong. I wish Hammeroff had used all this energy for something other than lending cover to Deepak Chopra and helping Penrose taint his legacy. Same goes for Chalmers.

  13. Human brains are quantum computers and when quantum computers observe themselves, it creates the self awareness everyone is confused about.

  14. There's something really troubling about Harnoff's speaking style and discursive meanderings that doesn't leave a viewer with a lot of confidence.

  15. Aren't particles simply a conglomeration of something like 12 different "fields" (think of the normal magnetic field) and these fields are just churning into spherically conceived forms, but when we look at the "particles" it's at best just as invisible at the sub-atomic level as magnetism's "field" is an actual whole thing like us big piles of matter/human bodies? Walking talking mega conglomerations of "fields" churning into their patterns, and for sure mathematics is the best language to measure into that tiny scale. Any of these designated "parts" we label, are just conveniences. The churning just goes on, and we use limiting labels to delve into what of these "parts" cause what. I'm an eternal return, infinite recycling of everything into every conceivable pattern forever, fan.

    Get a good field theory person on who explains the sub-atomic field world, the push and pull of the fields is reality, isn't that all it is? How do these fields do what they do, why are they even in their tiniest of existence even being these fields in the first place?

  16. This is an invitation to see a theory on the nature of time! In this theory we have an emergent uncertain future continuously coming into existence relative to the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. Within such a process the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual! The future is unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the individual wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. As part of a universal process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life the ‘past’ has gone forever. At the smallest scale of this process the ‘past’ is represented by anti-matter annihilation with the symmetry between matter and anti-matter representing the symmetry between the future and the past as the future unfolds photon by photon. In such a theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ with the classical physics of Newton representing processes over a period of time, as in Newton’s differential equations. In my videos I explain how this process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter.

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