Consciousness Videos

Quantum fields and consciousness


I understand uploading our brains to a computer is the cool new thing to talk about, but I haven’t heard anyone discuss Quantum Fields interacting with neurons. I don’t believe we will have true human consciousness uploads until we address the quantum world and how humans interact with it organically. I’m hopeful though.


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3 thoughts on “Quantum fields and consciousness
  1. but of course also, the hard problem of consciousness, which is not how the being behaves but what it experiences internally, that has no possible way of being generated in a turing machine as it's currently defined.

  2. complexity theory pretty much ensures a computer will not simulate even a second of a conscious mind. Basically, computers do not use all the laws of physics, but a subset (a subset making it a turing machine, a tiny subset)… and human brain does use all the laws of physics. Given that includes QM we know from complexity theory that faster computers will not solve the problem simulating it… And we do know it includes QM because it's chemistry, and QM is the physics of chemistry.

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