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13 thoughts on “Quantum Mechanics of the Human Brain & Consciousness BBC Documentary 2017
  1. I better go and read a chapter instead, I was here to watch something interesting not read a chapter on YouTube

  2. Whether it is a BBC documentary or not, I've got no idea. But it is definitely based on sound peer-reviewed cutting-edge neuroscience, well documented in scientific literature. As for the Quantum Mechanics, I've heard it and read it explained in much simpler terms. 🙂

  3. You make great points, but do so in a way (lexicon) that seems to be purposely exclusive. Why?

    If you would drop the lingo and explain things in plain language, you'd reach a lot more people with your message.

  4. 20 minutes into this and I don't have a strong opinion for or against this program, but it for damn sure isn't a BBC production.

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