Consciousness Videos

quantum mysticism 101: mysteries of reality ⚛️


today we’re learning about quantum mysticism and the mysterious nature of reality. you’ll learn how quantum physics is connected with spirituality and has metaphysical properties that’s consciousness-related.
we will discuss the fact that we can change the “reality” of our world by our perceptions, expectations or intentions with evidence to back it up from the cia.

the famous double split experiment will be discussed as well. to make it a long story short, particles behave differently when you observe them. so observing a particle has a profound effect on its behaviour. which sounds very odd but that’s the mystery behind reality.

i recommend you look into quantum physics after you watch this video, which teaches that everything that exists, even atoms and stars has a form of consciousness and is interconnected through a universal consciousness-the infinite intelligence ⚛️

#quantumphysics #quantummysteries #alberteinstein #consciousness #cia #hermeticprinciples #vibration #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #spirituality #metaphysics #hologram #ancientegypt #funfacts


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14 thoughts on “quantum mysticism 101: mysteries of reality ⚛️
  1. Hey Tay-You are onto something-but it is not the "thought" that is the Primary Driver of Reality. It is the EMOTION (Energy in Motion). The Universe does not "think" in English/Chinese/Arabic or even Math. Languages are local and limited technology. While emotion is the "field" itself.The animals here on Earth all speak different languages-humans/monkeys/dogs/cats-but they ALL respond to FEAR regardless of the species communication channel. Some will respond to LOVE-but ALL recognize fear. That is because "fear" is built into the code of this matrix. At the core of BEING here is the underlying fear "will it eat me or can I eat it?". In our evolution-we are just realizing the importance of Emotion. Thousands of years of mental masturbation of philosophy or "thinking about thinking", yet we did not even consider or have a term for "Emotional Intelligence" (EQ) until the 1980s. Lead with the heart not with the brain and hopefully you can get a better glimpse of "The Dance". Have a Great Day💜💟

  2. Observer? Connections ? What about soul ties ( energy cords ) just after casual sex.? Energy and memory of casual sex partner stay forever in mind and body affecting
    future choices and relations . Any comments ? All best .

  3. The term "Observer Effect" is a bit of a misnomer, since the effect doesn't require consciousness, only measurement. The act of measuring interacts with a quantum system such that it yields information about the system's state. This could be anything that forces the quantum system to adopt a specific state out of the multiple possibilities (superpositions) it was in before the measurement.

    The holographic principle proposes that all the information contained within a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to that space, like a hologram. It's a fascinating theory, but it also doesn't require an observer. 3-D space and the objects within it would occur as a projection from this two-dimensional encoding with or without us. Oh, and don't believe everything the CIA says.

    Also, at 2:08, Einstein never said that. You must be thrilled that you manifested me on your channel. 😉

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