Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics & Consciousness


Great radio interview, don’t agree with everything being said… but the knowledge being dropped is tremendous.


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7 thoughts on “Quantum Physics & Consciousness
  1. This is all what lord Buddha preached 2500 years back at the foot of Himalaya. At that time only few people understood as majority were ignorant. (still the case may be) You do not have to look far away but study the teachings which you have access locally. Westerners are pulling hairs to understand this but it is already there friends.

  2. This subject interests me because as far back as I can remember it seemed that I was aware of self but I had to learn all over again any who The things that happened had a link to my destiny. I find that everything hinges on belief that anything is possible. I think this interview brings a lot to think about in terms of Entanglement.

  3. tops! yes i agree, so much information just dumped into my head right now, funny thing is that as i move it around my metaphorical cheeks of my brain, swashing it around the cavern with my brain saliva, it all feels… like i knew it. not saying its all true

  4. this is like 1000000% meatier than most coast to coast am ๐Ÿ˜€ ย very good upload thank you. ย  Don't take it all literally, but I'd bet on this guy being very very close to the way things are found to be once we can test his ideas in like 3000 years with our interplanetary atom smasher ๐Ÿ˜€

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