Consciousness Videos

Quantum physics the secret key to the LAW OF ATTRACTION

Mark Haughton

A layman’s terms description of what quantum mechanics is and how it plays a part in creating reality via law of Attraction.

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39 thoughts on “Quantum physics the secret key to the LAW OF ATTRACTION
  1. Damn i could listen to this guy for hours..its not only the info thats so intriguing but just the way he explains it in a way I can grasp..

  2. The other day I went to play video slots at a pizza place. I went in and the room was empty. I played for about 10 min when I looked down and there was a 100 dollar bill on the floor. I stayed playing for another hour waiting for someone to come in looking for it. Nobody did! It was amazing!

  3. um physics the secret key to the LAW OF ATTRACTION
    Mark Haughton Thank you Thank you Universe!!!

  4. i fink only the matter can collect the information from the universe,
    when the mater burst, energy dispersed into the atmosphere, like u
    saying . Then the energy with information not individuality are
    collected again and again. Until mater collecting information only then
    it is u and me and any others can by individual. Pure energy without
    matter do not work like different individualities , energy working like
    one consciousness. And u ask why we cant live like individualities after def ,
    like salt drop of water in pure lake it become a part of lake not a
    individual. Only one way to by individual mind is keeping yours material
    body functional forever. But do not be sad i have one good or bad news
    for u . Cycle from matter to energy are endless so i fink it is posible
    we would live again and again and again, diferent bodyes different
    individualities, different life forms. So when u hear idea we are the
    same u should agree and fink about it

  5. Thanks again Mark…it's working for me, I just got a new home. I really needed a new place and followed your videos and I manifested the 3 bedroom brick home last week?

  6. Mark how long does a person have to focus on something before it manifest like how many seconds do I focus on an item before it starts to manifest?

  7. 02.04.19..I really appreciate these videos, as I watch them again and again…and here is the best part…I hear something New each time!! In Gratitude, Ana

  8. Top fav channel on this subject, was meant to discover this lately,
    The way you explain it ?
    There were 44 comments before me, and someone mentioned 44 in one of theirs
    The signs of manifestation continue
    Been getting small consecutive wins on scratch offs,
    Shortly after listening in to your content
    As well as Florida symbolism and the color orange.
    Your energy spreads nationwide aha ha!
    Thank you ~

  9. Hey Mark! I was wondering if it was possible to purchase custom made subliminal/hypnosis alpha theta frequencies from you.

  10. one of my favorite manifestation channels … i binge watched a whole bunch of your content the other night, i've been in a bit of a negative vibe. so glad to see you posted this video not too long afterwards ! thank you every day for doing what you do, mark ?

  11. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3

  12. Hi mark, i appreciate all your video, but how is it that you said that we should put our attention to what we desire but also you said that we should not focus on what we desire because it might affect our manifestation and it will not create a reality? I am confused.

  13. Why have I watched, listened to this video over and over…

    Atoms are a source of nuclear energy…
    Which than is a fundamental piece of matter…
    Matter is anything that can be touched…
    Human beings are comprised of mostly water…
    Water is what… two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen!!!

    This Is All Making Sense!!!!
    Thank You Mark. You, My Dear, Are A God Send!!!!!! ❤

  14. Hey Mark, and all else, check out my newest youtube video on my channel that I posted from my trip to Hawaii, manifested for free in just 4 months of conscious use of law of attraction!

  15. Hey brother what's up? You are my favorite guy to listen break it down…and it's wayyyyyyyy easier to believe when my 44years of subconscious doubt tries to sneak in…..anyway with that being said…I love your vids…I was wondering you should set up a room to do your vids in….with plants… atmospheric music in the background.salt lamps and crystals while sitting on a bean bag or some comfortable chair or even on the floor….I'm in South Florida I'm a contractor…so if you want me too I'd build the room if you needed to…I know you probably feel most inspired when in your car and probably don't want a video room…lol…just a thought…I think it would look cool..

  16. Today is the day did I give thanks I really enjoy all of your videos they are very uplifting and keeps me going in the right direction I wanted to give my gratitude and say thank you so much and I appreciate all of the videos keep them coming

  17. I had my phone next to me but I wasn't using it or even touching it when all of the sudden out of nowhere this video just started playing. I guess I was meant to hear this. Thanks Mark, you are so smart and really break it down so we can understand so much better!

  18. 2 states or does it just exist in a higher dimension and we interact with it when we can perceive it in our dimension. Just like an mri machine interacts with the human body in 2 dimensional cross section it shows the human body Seemingly from nothing to 100 cross section and back to nothing. So from the 2 dimensional lenses of the mri machine we seemingly appear and disappear for the hour. But we know here in the 3rd dimension we always existed we just interacted with the mri machine for an hour and allowed it to observe us.

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