Consciousness Videos

Quantum Physics: What It Reveals About Consciousness

Temples Books and Science

I have always been fascinated by the connection between consciousness, the philosophy of Vedanta and quantum physics, and the videos on my channel are based on the wide research I regularly do to understand these topics in-depth. In this thought-provoking video, I have delved into the question of who is an observer and how the behaviour of particles is connected to the behaviour of an ‘observer’. I have explained it with a simple and relatable everyday analogy, hope you like it!

Scientists faced a major challenge when they realised that their intentions could influence the behaviour of entangled particles. The contemplations on this topic eventually led scientists to the scientific experiment that won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022 and revolutionised our understanding of the universe.

When we acknowledge the remarkable fusion of consciousness and quantum physics that has transformed this once-dismissed topic into a crucial and acclaimed field of study, we are left in awe. Indeed the pivotal role of consciousness in shaping our understanding of the quantum world cannot be denied.

Watch till the end!

Here are the links to the videos that I have mentioned in this particular video:
Does the moon exist when no one is looking? | Where Vedanta meets Quantum Physics | Audience FAQs –
Nobel Prize 2022 – Universe is not real –
Cosmic bell test- Using QASARS to prove quantum Physics:
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41 thoughts on “Quantum Physics: What It Reveals About Consciousness
  1. Mam I absolutely love your videos, please try to make videos in hindi also, my mother is very curios, bt it was hard for me to explain this to her in hindi.

  2. If the quantum field transcends time, can’t we argue that the intention from the 2022 Nobel prize winners still impacted the light emitted by the quarsars. Even if it was billions of years ago.

  3. If a blind person is in some room alone. Since he is blind things in that room are not being observed. So whether they will exist in physical form or not?

  4. Aatmiya DIVINITY
    HARE KRSNA…………

    Experiencing Happiness 😊 Observing this video presentation.

    Experiencing Happiness only 😊😊 because of being CONSCIOUS.

    Experiencing Happiness 😮😮😮Now, Hear and in this Vibration (human form) only.

    Knowing, Learning, Understanding presentation also Only because of Consciousness ❤❤.

    Very respectfully Loving 💕🙏 ING You One and All DIVINE NOW and HERE and FAR MORE in this Light and Moment and Vibrations Experiencing Amazingly JOYOUS AWARENESS and Freedom from desire, fear, anger keeping 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 nature of Consciousness.

  5. Observer's effect states that you get what you are looking for.
    If you are looking for waves that is what you will observe-wave and if you are looking for particles that is what you get-particle.
    It is the intention of the observer that can change waves in to particles called Manifestation.

  6. Great explanation mam! We are unable to think. Big puzzle. Will science be able to answer in future? This seems to be out of the scope of present day science we understand. I feel this a total unscientific phenomenon. There is some unknown power or force active keeping us far away. We will have to enter THAT field with enhanced state of wisdom. 13:15 13:15

  7. Thank you so much ma'am, this video help a lot to clear doubts on your last video about physical observer that change entangled particles behavior.

    Looking more informative videos from your sides.

  8. The Past intention and action of the particle can be changed by the Observer. …if the observer intends ,our past actions (sanchita karma) can' also be changed , is it so ?

  9. Can you please answer this – if everything is unreal then who am I, why I have to slog everyday, why should I bother if someone harms me? Thanks 🙏

  10. The main mistake we humans make is dividing a single non dual reality into names and forms.

    Thrs two fundamental dimensions to existence in this moment, thrs that which is changing and thrs that which is unchanging. Thoughts,Perceptions, and sensations are a field of constantly changing phenomenon. What’s unchanging is the awareness of that field of that change. The you that you think you are is a process a constant movement, a collection of patterns, memories , this includes the Universe as well.

    The nature of the Universe is Mind and what is mind nothing but the I thought.

    Every name and form refers to that being which we all call as I without the word. Most Humans have the idea that God/Self is something that they see or exist xpirence this is not so God/Self is the awareness or the Consiousness In which seeing and experiencing happens. Even if Humans don't see God it's still thr always has been. What's not thr is the Human Being and the Universe which is nothing but an ever changing experience appearing in the eternal screen of existence.

    This screen is what scientists are trying to define using all these calculations. Unless the nature of the observer is tackled we won't understand the full extent. Whrs the Universe when you are in deep sleep?

    All these scientific calculations are nothing but bunch of thoughts forms and we are trying to define infinity using words. How can infinity be expressed in words we can't.

    Everything in the Cosmos is being run managed, experienced by that one being you are not sperate from what's being looked at you are what you are looking at..

    Self Consiousness/awareness is the dream of Humanity which is the ability to observe oneself and ditch from the whole, which is nothing but an illusion.

    You have to exist to ask questions that existence is what Consciousness/awareness/presence/being is in other words that sense or presence or existence is what you are. . It is not dependent on words or language, and it is not tied to any particular object or being. How much evidence do you need to know you exist? its self evident.

    Both general relativity and quantum physics says that the observer plays a central role in our understanding of the universe. However, this does not mean that the observer is limited to humans or any other specific objects. The observer can be seen as a formless, nameless presence or energy that is present in all things.

    This energy or presence which people refer to as God/Consiousness,Awareness,energy etc is present even when we are in deep sleep or under anesthesia. It is the constant presence of this energy that allows us to experience and understand the world around us. However, our perception of the world is constantly changing, as we grow and experience new things.YOur body was a kid,teenager,adults etc etc Thought changes, seeing changes,hearing changes, ur experience is in a constant change but u have always been u right? That sense of I is what you are , not your body mind. It’s an inherent contradiction to your experience if you enquire into it.

    This unchanging sense of existence is what everyone refers to as the "I" or the self. It is not tied to any particular thought or experience, but rather it is the constant presence that observes and experiences these things.

    What you/we are is beyond the concepts of existence and non-existence. God is a single, unified energy that is present in all things, thrs not even an atom that’s apart from that Infinite energy. The names and forms that we give to things are illusory, and we impose limitations on our true, infinite being and fight with each other . To truly understand ourselves and our place in the universe, we must look beyond our thoughts and words and simply be present with the nameless, formless energy that is present in all things.

    "I’ refers to the formless, non-objective presence of pure knowing, enquire into what you call ‘I’ without the word “I” which is just another thought, you r that which knows all ur thoughts including the thought “I”. Enquire what this non verbal presence is without getting stuck in thoughts everything will make sense.

    It’s really hard to explain using words, close your eyes ask yourself who am I, the response will be different thoughts which are all different concepts about ur character saying blah blah blah which after a while all these thoughts will be in the past but u still r, u experienced/knowing those. After u do it try defining your sense of existence without words or thoughts stay there.

    What is there apart from ones own self? If the mind subsides the whole world subsides mind is the cause of all this chaos if that subsides things will become much clearer , GOd proclaims itself all time as “I” “I” , its self evident, self luminous its here, its this you are seeing thru it, you are hearing thru it all this is that we are in that It’s nearer than the nearest thought.

    If people whr to be aware of the consciousness instead of the forms that appear in it, they would realize that all these forms are just appearances which manifests in the one indivisible consciousness/awareness/energy., that’s what everyone is looking for, You can be that but you can never see it because not separate from you.

    What comes will also go, what always is will alone remain removal of the ignorance is all that is required.

    Religion becomes when someone understand what they truly are and tries to tell them to the followers that they are what they have been looking for, this message gets translated converted and now we have a modern version of religion. Religion at its core has a simple message that there is only God and every name and form is that.

    Thrs only life/being/presence that’s what God is, some of us understand it and some don’t. When understanding truly happens the self aware knower drops.

    Father You and I are one- Jesus
    We are one,Everything is within- Rumi
    Whoever knows thyself knows his lord- Mohammed
    Look Inside all living beings possess Buddha Nature- Lotus Sutra
    God Dwells in you, as you- Baghdad Gita
    Heaven,earth and Humans are the same- Confucianism

    When we see ourselves as a person or the doer we are caught in the delusion of samsara,When we finally wake up fully and recognize there is no person or doer we are free from
    all the machinations of karma and rebirth.

    The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness


  11. The particle comes into existence due to the process of observation. When something is observed, it involves an eye or an equipment or a mind or anything else which can 'see' it one frame at a time. This process of 'seeing' or 'observation' is what creates the particle.

  12. Your article hits the nail on the head to a certain extent. However according to the actual experience consciousness remains inert and only gets active when there is intense concentration. When a positive and negative force of consciousness meets. Lets take a simple example positive and negative force is there, So energy to be triggered it needs a focus what you call entangled particle. In "thinking" science focus requires a form . This is where the earth pointer comes in to take a form as in the ghosts conversion to human form. There are two types of consciousness not one. This is yet to be discovered. How does the self connect to the universe is one issue. Next is how does the soul disconnect from the material parallel observation is another issue. In my opinion for you to get absolute clarity you will need to become the ghost. Thats what is a school of thought called I am That. The vedic thinking on this issue is Shiva is the observer. So who is Shiva. Shiva carries the Kunjitha Padam in his foot ankle. it means rejuvination of all cells. Biologically your body skin changes completely within a year without you noticing. If it does not change then diseases results.Like that the universe is rejuvenating constantly thats why its not real. For you to get clarity please try to see your soul in the process of waking every morning. If you can capture this minutes of change you will understand. it needs constant effort.

  13. wow thanks a lot ma'am for this amazing and super easy to understand explanation. 🙏🙏🙏. This is so similar to what all upanishad and veda says i am surprised why whole world doesnot take of note of it although some great minds of this world like Schrodinger, Bohr, Heisenberg already acknowledged the fact. Very much excited to see your next post how its aligned with our ancient philosophy.

  14. Taking shape via thinking about someone observing in future. What's wrong in saying about consciousness is present in them. Problem is in few cultures consciousness isn't present in everything.

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