Consciousness Videos

Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)


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In the first of a new TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers. (Introducing the series “Questions no one knows the answers to”)

“Questions No One Knows the Answers to” was animated by Andrew Park (


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46 thoughts on “Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version)
  1. 1. How many universes? Just the one. It’s right there in the name: “UNI”verse. The one set of everything that exists.

    2. Why don’t we see evidence of aliens? Because there aren’t any.

  2. True questions without answers..

    1. " If God created us then who created God? "
    2. " If God created human then why we learn about the Evolution in history and science? "
    3. " According to the History and science human evolution has started from apes then where apes came from and how apes were made? "
    4. " We learn about the beginning of the earth and the big bang theory but who saw the big bang theory happening with their own eyes and how could they surely say that something happened called the big bang theory? "
    5. " How big is space? Is it infinite? Who can explore the entire space and will the Explorer survive the journey alive? "

  3. Being awfully close to 15 after the video was made, I'm curious about when we'll become better people because right now the world feels like a toxic environment. Every day it feels like WW3 can happen any day now with all the wars that are happening.

  4. This universe is large so that you can think about the power of God, who is not limited by time or place. The purpose of human existence is to worship God. Praise be to God for the blessing of Islam. ♥🇵🇸

  5. Or perhaps we can try looking in not out and ask, what is life? what is death what can we know about either. Not from a speculative or faith based perspective but really know? Time? Happiness? Knowledge? Being?

  6. There are some questions that no one knows the answers to, even with the most advanced science and technology. These questions challenge our understanding of the universe, ourselves, and our place in it. Some examples of such questions are:

    – What is dark matter and dark energy, and how do they affect the expansion and fate of the cosmos?

    – How did life originate on Earth, and is there life elsewhere in the solar system or beyond?

    – What is consciousness, and how does it emerge from the brain?

    – How can we solve the hard problem of ethics, and determine what is right and wrong in different situations?

    – Are there other intelligent civilizations in the universe, and if so, how can we communicate with them?

    These questions may seem daunting or even impossible to answer, but they also inspire curiosity and wonder. They motivate us to keep exploring, learning, and discovering new things. They remind us that there is always more to know, and that we are part of a vast and mysterious reality.

  7. There are questions where we don't onow the answers, questions where we will never know the answer and questions where there are no answers.

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