Consciousness Videos

REALITY IS AN ILLUSION: How To Design Your Dream Life & EXIT THE MATRIX | Donald Hoffman

Tom Bilyeu

Restart Your Life in 7 Days

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On Today’s Episode:

It’s pretty normal that you think of reality being the world around us, the tangible things you see and interact with. You probably even include and make space for how your emotions influence perception and tie that into what creates your reality.

Donald Hoffman is joining Tom for another mind-bending episode to challenge if we’re actually living in a false reality. Donald Hoffman is a cognitive scientist that has argued against reality and the limitations of spacetime.

Some questions being posed in this episode that will stretch your beyond your limits are:
What is beyond spacetime?
What is the true structure of objective reality?
Is it possible evolution has shaped us in a way that guides our behaviors and therefore how we see objective reality?

His idea of comparing our current reality to that of living in a virtual headset is being taken to the next few levels up and exploring the strategies we use to survive the game of life.

Check out Donald Hoffman’s latest book, The Case Against Reality, Why Evolution Hid The Truth From Our Eyes here:

Don’t miss Donald’s last conversation on Why Reality Is All A Lie:


“The strategies are ways to survive long enough to reproduce. So you can look at the different strategies for playing the game of life…”

“The game of life is, how do I live long enough to reproduce and how do I raise my offspring to maturity.”

“Our window on the world is trivial compared to in principle what could be available.”

“The probability is one that we don’t see the truth at all.”

“Visual attention, paying attention to different objects, is our way of switching from this representation of fitness payoffs to this representation of fitness payoffs.”

“Spacetime is just our headset.”

“We’ve been short-changed. Really shallow data structure. Only three-dimensions of space, one dimension of time, we got a cheap headset.”

“Reason is telling us its limits. Reason is saying that logic itself cannot get to all truths.”

“It’s better to put something on the table and get a negative reaction so we can say, what are better places to go in this.”

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30 thoughts on “REALITY IS AN ILLUSION: How To Design Your Dream Life & EXIT THE MATRIX | Donald Hoffman
  1. God is the controller, our souls live on, and we are living a mortal life in the meantime. No one is controlling us. This is just a way to think of the eternal through our limited capability of trying to put a paradigm on the eternal through our rudimentary perception of technology. God is the answer. The rest is arbitrary. I think this is a justification to take morality out of the equation, which compounds division, all about me attitude and deceit. Christianity specifically states to love your enemies and model your life like Christ in all that is good. People would rather not do that, but that doesn't mean it is less true of how to live. The Bible is a library of books that has survived centuries. It had to be writen in a way for people back then to understand it as well as us be able to relate to it today. Can you imagine trying to explain Apps and streaming on FaceTime to people who did not know what electricity is? You do not best your dog for failing to solve your linear equation homework, you meet him where he is and just want him to be happy to see you, come over for some love and pets, so does God just want us to know he exists, to love him and develop a relationship with him, right where WE are. It is as simple as that.

  2. Ok someone is going to have to figure out how to explain amplituhedrons, polytopes, markovian shit etc. much better than hoffman can. It seems extraordinarily important but its a brick wall in my understanding, and clearly in Tom's too, so ill assume its the case for most people.

  3. Concerning only perceiving a tiny fraction of the EM spectrum, I'd suggest the vast majority of it is kind of useless "noise" and evolution has honed our perception to detect the important part of it, at least a significant portion of it (yeah i know we can't detect infrared, gamma rays and other useful stuff) but probably we detect most or a lot of the useful stuff. To say .003% or whatever is pretty misleading.

  4. Second posting of this comment, Will YOU delete AGAIN? ???
    'ILLUSIONARY CONSTRUCTION' of REALITY, demands the 'presence' of an omnipotent infallible 'ultra-dimensional?' entity to 'enable' it ! OBVIOUSLY ! Only an ignorant infantile, would be silly enough to disagree with that OBVIOUSLY TRUTHFUL STATEMENT ! SADLY, it is statistically likely that would include YOU ?

  5. Second posting of this comment, Will YOU delete AGAIN? ???
    IF reality is an 'illusionary construct' in some 'profound way' ? THEN for it to be SO, without ''anomalies' occurring, inconsistent with 'known physical-law', being 'discovered and recorded' by modern man's 'technological capability' is OBVIOUSLY an OUTLANDISH PROPOSITION' !

  6. Second posting of this comment, Will YOU delete AGAIN? ???
    CONSISTENTLY unambiguous 'sensory memory' evidence, 'naturally' provided to any sentient cognizant creature AND its subsequent COMPARISON with the 'experience' of other analogous viable entities is ALL the proof needed that REALITY IS OBVIOUSLY 'GENUINE' ! Only an ignorant infantile IDIOT, would be pathetic enough to disagree with that OBVIOUSLY TRUTHFUL STATEMENT !
    SADLY, it is statistically likely that would include YOU ?

  7. Second posting of this comment, Will YOU delete AGAIN? ???
    It is frightening that ANY credence AT ALL is given to the complete and utter ABSURDITY being expressed here, by this 'mind manipulating' DONALD HOFFMAN ! Equally so, regarding this TOM BILYEU , 'naivety-pretending' ' deceiving' accomplice to this unmitigated SENSELESSNESS !

  8. IF reality is an 'illusionary construct' in some 'profound way' ? THEN for it to be SO, without ''anomalies' occurring, inconsistent with 'known physical-law', being 'discovered and recorded' by modern man's 'technological capability' is OBVIOUSLY an OUTLANDISH PROPOSITION' !

  9. CONSISTENTLY unambiguous 'sensory memory' evidence, 'naturally' provided to any sentient cognizant creature AND its subsequent COMPARISON with the 'experience' of other analogous viable entities is ALL the proof needed that REALITY IS OBVIOUSLY 'GENUINE' ! Only an ignorant infantile IDIOT, would be pathetic enough to disagree with that OBVIOUSLY TRUTHFUL STATEMENT !
    SADLY, it is statistically likely that would include YOU ?

  10. It is frightening that ANY credence AT ALL is given to the complete and utter ABSURDITY being expressed here, by this DANGEROUS 'mind manipulating' DONALD HOFFMAN – CONMAN ! Equally so, regarding this TOM BILYEU – UPSTART, 'naivety-pretending' 'treacherously deceiving' accomplice to this unmitigated SENSELESSNESS !

  11. Yes indeed, psychidelics can having an alarming affect, transforming the very core of the mirror image we feed in our superconsciousness, collective transformation, intuitive reactivation❤

  12. Healthy brains… dude has a good memory… 😮 if i brought up monopoly id think fake money not the actual stops. Dude is. Smarr.taa

  13. Ive had massive brain damage. Removed my skull. Legit… you have muscle around your skull. And the pressure on those muscles is actually all a headache is…. so. Headaches are not an illusion… it what i just said… muscle with to much pressure so your brain reacts that way…

  14. Tom, this is an excellent conversation with Dr. Hoffman. I’ve seen interviewers sit down to talk with him only to realize they are in no way prepared to ask this man questions or to engage in a conversation about the topics at hand. Well done, your questions are excellent & as one of those working my through The Case Against Reality, I appreciate that you’ve done your homework. Thank you.

  15. No such thing as ‘’Evolution’’ if it were true then we and other living beings would be changing but we are not changing physically. We are actually regressing mentally.😂 Creation is the truth. God’s truth.

  16. In the mid 90’s I and my hubby once were lying in bed one day watching tv..It was light outside…we had the lights on.then all of a sudden the entire room went dark. Except for about 2 ft of the bottom of the rooms baseboards it was all still lit and looked the same. It was like an old film tape had broken..just part of the room was left. Then it went back to normal. I didn’t say anything about it and wasn’t going to because we were newly weds and I didn’t want him to think I was crazy,LOL. But not 5 mins later my hubby looks at me and say’s ’did you see that? I said what? The room going dark except for 2’ of the baseboards? He replied ‘’yeah that’’. We had other weird things happen too. LOL and I always waited for him to say he saw something first.😃 So I wonder if that experience had something to do with altered reality? We once were at the Lindbergh Marta station during the day..hubby was taking me to dinner and a movie. The station was like a ghost town mid day. We were the only ones there. My hubby was an avid walker that’s why he was in great shape,we didn’t have a car. Anyway he walks down the center of the station from under the eaves into the light..I follow him and all of the sudden we see a big clear sphere with two people inside it. A man and a woman wearing white futuristic lookin attire with Henley collars. They were at the helm of the sphere and it went whoosh passed us really fast. Again I said nothing until my hubby said once again ‘’did you see that?’’ I said yep the two futuristic looking man and women piloting the clear orb down the Marta tracks who looked like time travelers?
    He said yep. Again I said I didn’t want you to think I was nuts😃

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