Consciousness Videos

Rise above ! New consciousness is emerging – Dr Joe Dispenza

Lilou Mace

Dr. Joe Dispenza, is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on five continents. As a lecturer and educator, he is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and unlimited abilities.

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45 thoughts on “Rise above ! New consciousness is emerging – Dr Joe Dispenza
  1. Even more than my own healing, health, and progress, I wish for everyone in the Universe, to feel this love 💗
    That Dr Dispenza is feeling and teaching
    I am new to meditation and all this
    I feel blessed, just like the song Blessed, by Laura Sullivan , for finding this Angel on earth without wings who has brought my smile back to me and I have not even met him yet . I feel appreciation to the universe for this doctor of Empowered healing
    I’m new , I’m obsessed with this healing of love and I am feeling progress in everything each day little bit at a time each day
    Nothing brought me hope in life before , Now I Love every moment while slowing down each moment with appreciation and love like what Dr Dispenza is sharing with us all
    Thank you so much for helping us all , thank you

  2. waouh, merci à cette puissance que nous pouvons contacter en nous pour rester aligné, sans peur, dans l'amour inconditionnel. Cela compense les autres forces à l’œuvre elles aussi. Un seul exemple ahurissant : Que se passe t il en Chine ? Reconnaissance faciale qui a réduit la population de toute une province à obéir sans conditions par le "crédit social" ; système qu'ils souhaitent exportés dans les pays capitalistes. A visionner jusqu'au bout. Accrochez-vous. Courage. Nous maintenir confinés et nous tracer … nous empêchent de nous réunir : en Belgique, notre devise est l'union fait la force. la vidéo qui est déjà censurée outre mer. Je ne sais où en sont les accords commerciaux entre la Chine et la Belgique …. ​@ .

  3. Thank you very much. Please see also: London Real with Brian Rose en David Icke. The Matrix nr. 1. And the movie/ documantery Trive. Thanks in advance.

  4. Thank you! Can we have an open discussion about what is going on in the world right now? Can we address this sudden implementation of "A NEW NORMAL" POST-PANDEMIC WORLD"????!!! Are you getting this???? Our human rights and the future of our children is now threatened – but facts are being censored. The media would have us think that "everybody" is anticipating and just waiting on a "speed vaccine" to help protect us from the virus? We must stay grounded in science and the holy spirit. There is a big misconception and disregard for science and basic immunology/microbiology. There are massive upheavals in the world and peopöe are NOT HAVING IT, but media would have us think we are all on board with this "New World Order" and dangerous technology.

  5. Wrong. Not everyone is working from home. Walmart, Amazon, corporate and government employees are out there. I would guess the majority of people are still working in public. It's the independent mom-and-pop small businesses that are being crushed. You sound like an elitist, Joe, unaware of reality while you work from your Ivory tower. Shame on you

  6. O my gosh….thank Lilou Mace to help us hearing the sound of my great hero and teacher Dr joe dispenza..I never missed any chance to hear him

  7. Thank you, Lilou and Joe Dispenza to help each one of us to expand our consciousness and become the better version of ourselves!

  8. We definitely in opportune time to aquire new understanding of our body and emotional life we experience. the tools and skills are in the book Be Fabulous at Any Age. Empower yourself with knowledge for a new resilent you.

  9. Great interview with Joe, he is amazing. One thing that didn't reasonated with me is this whole new age Idea of changing the perception of death, i lost 2 very close friends to this virus bioweapon and it's really painful! Nothing pretty about it, i won't see them again, i won't have fun with them again ever. Nothing Nice about that either

  10. I have never had flu shots and REFUSE to.When I have had the flu it has last max 3 to 4 days then gone. No Gates bullshit nor other will put vaccines into me. And after hearing about the lies that Doctors and Nurses have been perpetuating in favour of gaining money during this alleged " pandemic" which frankly most of them should be held for murder, but I will never trust doctors ever again

  11. If youre reading this, know that you are worthy of anything you desire. But you might have to let go of the past and release the huge accumulation of fear based beliefs and emotions you have picked up since childhood. Success isnt created by accident but by design. You have a creative mind and unlimited potential. Never forget it. Stay strong and be blessed 🙏

  12. On my list of all that I am grateful for is Dr Joe , his teachings and my elevated level of consciousness allowing the information to penetrate. Thank you so much!

  13. It's crucial especially for those in the U.S. to be aware that there is a cadre of workers, in so-called essential industries (food-processing) who are not being protected, not being warned, and being compelled to go to work in un-safe situations. THEIR fear is well founded – they are being put in the situation of abandoning work and not providing for families or putting themselves and their families in danger. Furthermore, OSHA has actually made statements indicating that they would REFUSE to shut certain factories, even in the face of safety-violation. We are NOT all in this together.

  14. I have so been there, so many times…in bliss in pure love inwardly….its more real than this 3d space reality. Thank you so much for sharing, I am so happy I am not alone. xxx Thank you. This is an exciting time xoxox Love your work Dr Joe! Wonderful Lilou

  15. “Refuse to be victimized by circumstances.” That says it all.. its so so similar to what. Victor Frankel says in his bk Man’s Search For Meaning. ✨🙏🏻

  16. I am dedicating the original song "Rise Above The Pain" in itunes and youtube by Jennie Walker, to you and your guest as we all need to be able to move through the mud to the other side.

  17. WHY is she wearing face paint? We are all naked and wearing clothes. The masks are revealing who really wears masks in their spirit and soul. Stop the face painting ladies, it’s unattractive honestly. Cry for attention if I’ve ever seem one. Heal thyself.

  18. Repent from all unholiness. God punishes the third and fourth generation right. This is the third and fourth generation of factory farms and people are started to being treated like factory farmed animals.

  19. "Telektonon is the distant, far travelling code of information received from spirits and deities dwelling within the Earth."

    "I define in order to love measuring loyalty. (Mercury Archetypes of Love and Universal Water)

    I seal the process of heart with the self-existing tone of form. (Sun Archetype Enlightenment Venus Archetype Magic)

    I am guided by the power of death."( Mars Archetypes of Prophecy and Death)

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