Consciousness Videos

Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness

Brian Scott

“To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or “gears,” or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in the “silent” or inactive right lobe, and are for use in our future evolution. This explains why the right lobe is usually inactive at this stage of our development, and why it becomes active when the person ingests psychedelics (or engages in other right lobe activating practices.)” – Robert Anton Wilson
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23 thoughts on “Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness
  1. We're gonna try something different. We're going to talk about the eight systems of consciousness as discussed by Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson.

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  2. I honestly don't think I would understand half of the stuff I do if I hadn't done so many psychedelics in my younger days. I was a big Timothy Leary fan.

  3. This is very insightful and interesting 🙏. I have listened to the lectures. LSD lecture but not for me. Thanks Brian Scott I value your inputs. I would prefer to do naturally. I don't use drugs nor alcohol. Nor prescription drugs. I do take a lot of vitamins. I think there is 12 levels. The Bible speaks of 11. And when you have more input, please share!

  4. Good to hear people covering the eight circuit model! For those interested in RAW and Leary’s work on personal transformation, I recommend checking out 8 Circuit Yoga, a series that synthesizes Leary, Wilson, Jung, and Ram Dass into a fresh framework

  5. I read Exopsychology in about 1980 and it has stayed with me as a rough template to place experiences against. Many things Leary wrote in that book have come to pass.

  6. "Many are seeking to escape………reckless drug abuse characteristics of the immature…." Um. Trauma? Pain? Narcissistic abuse. Jfc just bc someone isnt a lawyer or doctor….I'm not even going to finish that thought. And all of this is achieved already through self knowledge. Through healing. Being curious, growing. Using your mind & heart together.

  7. Can a robot tell me if it sees a (tear )?, is it a tear of Joy ? Is it a tear of sadness ? Is it a tear of pain ? Brian ask that robot computer if it can ???.💕🧝‍♀️

  8. This means a lot to me. Really helped me understand why I am the way I am. I live in 6/7 circuits but tapped into 8th on a number of occasions using deep meditations, kundalini yoga, and one time some mushrooms through which I performed surgery on my brain and watched myself rewire my brain and create new neurological pathways to bypass ones that kept short circuiting and trapping me in night terrors. I've used deep meditative states to invite e.t. encounters just about always in nature, especially at the beach. I have attended Peaceful Human Advancement gatherings where we meditate together and ask et's to connect with us and we have had success with sighting starships, asking for signs of confirmation and receiving them. I have also had altered dream states with et encounters where they look human but do things and ask questions about humans in non human ways, plus I've communicated with ets by sharing images. I astrally project regularly and have successfully collapsed timelines to manifest my desires. I stopped smoking marijuana in 2015 because I was so naturally high that it was not enjoyable. My regular practice of kundalini yoga has led me towards a mystical hermit life where I explore my subconscious mind in solitude in preparation of interspecies symbiosis and do my best to share some teachings with others interested. Thank you. Peace and Unity,

  9. Thank you for this amazing upload, I will definitely give it a couple listenings more. What I personally would add to this, is that the four terrestrial circuits are holding on to the illusion of physical reality and unaware of this reality being an illusion. Shifting to the circuits from 5 to 8 allows the consciousness to become aware of itself being pure energy.

    The part about evolution also makes sense this way perfectly. At some evolutionary point humanity will I understand that humans are consciousness and not physical
    bodies. It’s not the body or brain that possess these circuits, as body and brain, DNA etc. don’t exist. It’s the consciousness “having” these circuits.

    By the way, we will migrate from this planet as soon as we collectively start to believe that it is possible.

  10. Thank you for this amazing upload, I will definitely give it a couple listenings more. What I personally would add to this, is that the four terrestrial circuits are holding on to the illusion of physical reality and unaware of this reality being an illusion. Shifting to the circuits from 5 to 8 allows the consciousness to become aware of itself being pure energy.

    The part about evolution also makes sense this way perfectly. At some evolutionary point humanity will I understand that humans are consciousness and not physical
    bodies. It’s not the body or brain that possess these circuits, as body and brain, DNA etc. don’t exist. It’s the consciousness “having” these circuits.

    By the way, we will migrate from this planet as soon as we collectively start to believe that it is possible.

  11. Timothy Leary’s mission was to convince humanity about the power of LSD. Eventually it backfired into negative campaigning. Not encouraging anyone to do drugs but LSD really is amazingly empowering and breaks down the illusion being created by consciousness under regular circumstances. As you’re saying, Leary’s teaching is mind blowing. What you learn from the temporary changes, that are activated in your brain under LSD is mind blowing. It should be only used wisely and with a lot of respect though. There should be no unnecessary messing with it. Intelligent, educated people with no major psychological issues can generally use it with no worries as far as they agree to getting their current concept of reality destroyed forever.

  12. Brian , I’m new to hearing all of this information from someone , but now I want to ask you ???.: If someone held you in your Mother while being Born because they thought that Doctor needed to be there , did this cause me to be off the path I’m destined for ???, . The reason I’m asking is because when I’m still and quite I feel like I’m trying to find that Map to get to where I’m supposed to be ….😊💕

  13. The Shamans have a poster print someone gave me that I looked at everyday for at least 3 years , one day while looking towards that poster on the wall ,I saw a image in that print that made my face turn RED!!! I actually saw their idea 💡 of us coming on to this Earth through a Woman’s open legs !!!. Brian she actually was wearing Black High Hills laying on the Earth ,all people were coming out of her !!! . Now I have been smoking off and on through my life ,could this be why this image came through for me to see ??? , I’m asking because I can’t shut this off !!! . My Brain just looks for these images without me even trying, are they trying to Guide ME ??..💕🎤📡😊

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