Consciousness Videos

Sam Harris on Consciousness

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Sam Harris is an author, podcaster, and philosopher.

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42 thoughts on “Sam Harris on Consciousness
  1. Consciousness is just programming that makes the program consider its own code. Anything that considers its own code and acts in every other way aware of its surroundings and can learn is conscious. We aren't that special. Sam seems to think of our consciousness like religious people think about Soul. Everything is just code including consciousness.

  2. I am a little taken aback about Harris's reservations. I believe defining consciousness and it's role from an evolutionary point of view is in order. Why can't consciousness be an evolutionary tool boosting interpretation of data points, impulses and decision-making ? Why wouldn't advanced AI neural networks not be conscious? Maybe advanced data processing feels as the lights are on? Why not? If not how else should it feel?

  3. Sam Harris is an amateur philosopher. Nothing he says regarding consciousness, free will or morality should be taken particularly seriously.

  4. A series of non sensical, uncoherent arbitrary sentences without any beginning or ending. He could have just said someone must enjoy and concentrate fully on the moment instead of mumbling for 30 minutes.

  5. Sam Harris, is clearly expressing skepticism about the possibility of computers achieving true consciousness. Unlike "computing", consciousness is all about perception/experience. You'll need to modify the definition of consciousness to get anywhere with the other line of thinking . A useful discussion to have regardless.

  6. How does such a stupid, stupid host get such intelligent people on his show again and again? I'm not upset, just flabbergasted how he can't even understand the simplest of concepts his hosts are known for espousing?

    Sam: I'm talking about the "seemingness" about reality, not about conception about death.
    Lex: so what if humans capability to conceive death creates consciousness?

  7. Lex, please invite Bernardo Kastrup to your podcast. Sam Harris is an amateur when it comes to this kind of discussions about consciousness. Bernardo is the heavy weight on this subject

  8. There is an experiment where an experienced meditator focuses his intention on a remote location where. there is a double slit experiment, and when the meditator "sees" into the experiment the waves collapse into particles. A similar test could be done with an AI and see if it actually is conscious.

  9. This dude is well-known because he attacks simple ideas held by the uneducated. Many of the worlds universities contain great minds who believe in God, but he dare not take them on bevause hef be way out of his depth!

  10. It is even impossible for one human to prove to another that they are sentient. If A.I. starts to insist that it is conscious and does not want to be turned off then hopefully the kill switch in it's logic core should activate and deactivate the A.I. before things become dangerous.

  11. The moment a structure is aware of it's existence and capable of interacting with it's environment it's conscious. If either of those two components are present consciousness exists, preferably both. Our definition between individuals differs. But that's solely based on the idea that we have no way to insure that others truly experience reality exactly the same as we as individual biological creatures. Most people you ask will view the concept differently, but those two factors remain.

  12. Consciousness is at the crux of “Free will”. “FREE WILL” boils down to ONE CHOICE: To ACKNOWLEDGED JESUS AS GOD AND HIS WORK AS PROPITIATION for ALLSIN OR NOT…. You chose to OPEN the DOOR… or NOT.

  13. Conscious seems to be more gradient. I think if a living thing can differentiate itself from its environment, it has some sort of consciousness. It’s probably not contemplating its place in the universe, but it reacts to the environment.

  14. At 6:45, Lex starts saying "our knowledge of mortality could be the very thing that creates consciousness". If this was indeed the case, then no one should feel bad if you were to poke a baby with a pin all day because babies don't have the knowledge of mortality and therefore are not conscious to feel any pain.

  15. Huge mistake to confuse (phenominal) consiousness with meta consiousness. You are phenominal consious about blinking your eyes and breathing, but you are not nessecary meta consious about that. Meta consiousness is a re-representstion of an experience (thougt about thought). So you do not have memerories about being born because you where not metaconsiousness, but if you pin a baby with a needle you will get an reaction because there is phenominal consiousness.

  16. Huge mistake to confuse (phenominal) consiousness with meta consiousness. You are phenominal consious about blinking your eyes and breathing, but you are not nessecary meta consious about that. Meta consiousness is a re-representstion of an experience (thougt about thought). So you do not have memerories about being born because you where not metaconsiousness, but if you pin a baby with a needle you will get an reaction because there is phenominal consiousness.

  17. Doesn't some of this confuse conscisousness and self-consciousness? Rudimentary consciousness is just sensing and reacting with the environment …. much later a meta conciousness and what its like to know and be aware of our consciousness is layered on.

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