Art Theory

School of Life: A Bad YouTube Channel

Big Joel

The School of Life is a bad channel with bad videos on it, imo.

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Footnote on architecture: So, I want to be a bit specific here. I’m not claiming that modernism had NO impact on architecture, that would be silly. But this video makes a far more ambitious point: That modernism’s effect on architecture was SPECIFICALLY that it inspired architects to build less expensive and aesthetically appealing buildings. And I’m totally unsure of why we’d think that. These capitalists weren’t planning on building small, stone or wood buildings in the first place, that was never their plan. They were going to build large skyscrapers and factories, whether the modernists liked it or not. And sure, aesthetic concerns were relevant, but are we really claiming that the budget for these buildings would have been way higher had modernism never become a movement? If people hadn’t “decided” that art was subjective? Seems unbelievably ridiculous to me, and I’d like to see at least SOME proof of it. I have looked into it for this video and found nothing, but feel free to send me sources showing that I’m wrong here. The weirdest example of this in the video, that I didn’t call out specifically, is that theorists saying taste is subjective produced conditions under which NOBODY was ALLOWED to call buildings ugly anymore, giving capitalists a free pass. Like, that’s not how history works. Another problem here, that I didn’t get into enough in the video, is that there’s a constant conflation of “buildings that were made mostly to serve a purpose” and “elegantly designed modernist buildings that were trying to accomplish a pleasing aesthetic goal and did so well” But like, the Guggenheim was also “inspired by modernism” as were many buildings that were obviously extremely ambitious and attractive to many people. Of course, that conflation is useful to school of life (which simply wants us to reject modernism and embrace tradition, architecturally speaking) but it leads to a problem where, literally all modern buildings can be understood only as a capitalist trick, using modernism as a cudgel. If I ever make a sequel video, I’ll clarify this stuff more.

Videos I talked about:

Why Love Is Never as Nice as It Should Be:
Why Truly Sociable People Hate Parties:
The Advantages of Being Just Good Friends:
Why Nice People Are Scary:
5 Reasons the Modern World Is so Ugly:
The Importance of an Unhappy Adolescence:
The Secret to Leaving Comments Online:


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39 thoughts on “School of Life: A Bad YouTube Channel
  1. Hey there! I hope you liked this video, and if you did, consider becoming my patron! There's an alternate version of this video on there with some different takes, and I talk a bit about a video that I couldn't talk about on here, because the video was taken down for being NSFW lol. Anyhow here's the link!

    Also, do check out that footnote about modern architecture if you're interested! I think I could have made my point a bit better in a few ways (the cost of doing it on the spot, I guess). But if I make another video about School of Life, I'll get more into. The video is honestly worse than I suggested, and I wish I'd gotten into the more complicated reasons why more.

  2. i think that first video is based on the more um… questionable assertions of freud, the ones of the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages and the oedipus complex. aka the unproven words of a crackhead which aren't recognized as correct by basically anyone, but are still largely taught in schools for it's bizarre history, which cause half asleep students to eventually make videos like this believing they are correct.

    edit: (not dismissing freud as a simple crack addict, he had a lot of amazing contributions, but that aint one. it's one of his wilder theories)


  3. If your emotional needs were met properly by your parents in early life then you would be more likely to be whole and adventurous and not expect other people to meet all of your emotional needs. That's the basis of attachment theory and why attachment parenting works.

  4. Oh yeah parties actually suck, I hate seeing people that I like and/or love expressing themselves in a free and happy manner that makes me feel alive

  5. While I agree that The School of Life produces no empirical evidence for its sweeping claims, as something of a fan I have to say that no claims are made that a happy childhood is a) universal or b) determining the rest of our lifespans. So this take-down is a bit provisional. That said, I also understand some of the criticism.

  6. Can someone please confiscate that dude's thesaurus? his sentences are just so incoherent and take 10 paragraphs to explain a 3 word concept.

  7. "This is the sort of shit that fascists would love." What's particularly odd about this is that de Botton once made a film for British TV, for the BBC I think, in which he promoted good quality modern architecture and lamented the fact that most new builds in the UK didn't follow its principles. His examples of good stuff came mainly from a Dutch housing development where people could build anything they liked, but were mostly building in a style that looked strongly influenced by international modernism. In the same doc, he also used the example of his own childhood home in Switzerland, another modernist building, as something really good that we should be doing more of.

  8. Regarding the first video you critique, it may be even worse than you say. To the extent that there is evidence, isn't it that people who had really great infancies where they were shielded from the troubles of the adults tend to have better adult relationships themselves? Sorry, I don't have any studies to cite either, but it's what one hears over and over again and even if it's just commonsensical bullshit, in presenting a counter theory, the SoL would have done well to acknowledge it and concretely debunk it.

  9. You're the first Millennial I'm sort of understanding. I clicked on this expecting comic relief, but it seems, at least in part, a whole generational shift going on here. He's essentially punk rock, and those days are over.

  10. Big Joel, I usually love your videos, but this was a rancid waste of my time. Could you talk to me about that? Could you explain to me, a random internet person, why the video wasn't a waste of my time? I respect you muchly, and eagerly await your response.

  11. "Sounds like bullshit"
    Yea cool this video could have been a 140 character tweet, except you can't monitize that.

  12. I'm always amazed when people like de Boton, who has a degree from Cambridge, a masters from Kings and a PhD in French Philosophy from Harvard can come up with such shitty and idiotic opinions you'd be disappointing to read on the back of a cereal box.

  13. The transactional analysis theory in psychoanalysis- though its fair to disagree with a-lot of the claims of psychoanalysis- relates sexual and romantic relationships relate to the child ego states as opposed to the adult and parental ego states—-this is relating to the first question.

  14. I personally believe that some people who criticize tsol are just in denial of what the channel is trying to show them: the very small significance of their own lifes and the amount of flaws in their own nature and in modern culture, so they prefer to keep themselves distracted with positivistic entertainment, nationalism, greed, religion or intellectual posing… And others are just philosophers who prefer no one without a degree in philosophy talked about philosophy … as if we should all get ourselves into endless discussions on what exact words each philosopher said/wrote and what it meant…

  15. I was breaking up with my boyfriend 2 years ago and we were in the middle of a tough talk. I had asked him what lead to him wanting to break up with me..
    He was in the brink of tears, stumbling over his words. He had been talking about me disliking people and being depressive but nothing had made him so troubled until this point…
    "and…" he said
    "please tell me" I said
    "And…" he seemed really sad about what he had in mind… I felt sad for him. "… and" he composed himself
    " And you even said School of Life is Stupid!!!"

  16. one of the things to note about premodern architecture is that its extravagance wasn't necessarily considered like capitalists would, since displaying the wealth was the entire point. under feudalism you don't have wages or costs, merely the plunder of nations and your power to manifest. if you were, say, a soft fascist youtube philosopher, i can see why you'd want to get back to that

  17. Nice guys don’t go on rants about how no one will date them because they’re nice. Truly nice guys deal with the complexities of relationships, say “ Oh well” , and usually end up ok in the end.

  18. School of I had this one thought that what if this were true and wouldn’t it be neat and tidy if this was caused by this grand sweeping idea yeah let’s make a video about that

  19. Ugh why is this unwashed fool showing up in my algorithms? Alain de Button earned his place to say what his says. I don’t need to hear about how philosophy and psychology are just made up subjects from someone who is calling this his job. Please peddle this baseless and cynical crap somewhere else.

  20. They used to make us watch this shit unironically in middle school. Needless to say being told that I’m always going to be miserable until I’m an adult and then I’ll never find real love when I am grown up did nothing to help my depression.

  21. i. jesus christ the architecture thing is literally just the modernity vs. tradition talking point chopped and screwed with some anti-brutalism thrown in. what makes classical european architecture inherently superior to this man.

  22. Alain has always struck me as a Jordan Peterson/self help type where one guy (he was raised extremely wealthy) has been told that he is so smart and insightful, and the conclusions he comes to MUST be true. Because no one in his life ever said he's not

  23. I am really happy that this video exists and is telling the true. I truly hate school of life, and I noticed how bad they are when they posted a video that is now deleted called "why poor countries are poor and why rich countries are rich". That video is so hypocritical, taking away history, sociology and so on away and just putting the burden on poor countries like they were dumb and corrupt. (no there wasn't imperialism, colonization and so on in our world).

  24. Why can't you just be glad that millions of people have been helped by this channel? It's not for everybody. So what?

  25. I used to watch their videos because I was going through a break up and was just lonely as hell. After like 2-3 videos they were just extremely narrow and unhelpful to any of my situation, I had to like tweak it and once I saw the party one I unsubbed because I am very sociable and love throwing parties. I cannot belive I was so naïve thank god for big Joel for reminding me how much I hate this channel for deceiving me

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