Consciousness Videos

Science Snippet: The Observer Effect!!

jen foxbot

The Observer Effect is (one of) my favorite phenomenons in physics — here’s a quick overview of what it is and why it’s super weird and geeky cool!! ?


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5 thoughts on “Science Snippet: The Observer Effect!!
  1. Young wouldn't be happy looking at this .
    …um jk ?.
    Well I am still learning flip flop and other shit in college lol.but I know this thing.
    In electronics like voltmeter , ammeter affect the current , flowing in the circuit they are connected. Similarly the detectors affect the light particals…
    My perceptive..

  2. do the detectors not somehow interfere? Would there be a different outcome with a different method of measuring or is there no other method? I've never heard of the Observer Effect but you did an excellent job of explaining it, thanks! Reminds me a bit of Schrodinger's cat. less whiskers. Cool channel!

  3. Wouldn't this effect be easily caused by the fact that the very act of observing or measuring by definition has to take a sample of the energy it is measuring. Even if that is a passive measure, this is still a change in inductance or other change in the nearby fields.

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