
Sean Carroll: Quantum Mechanics and the Many-Worlds Interpretation | Artificial Intelligence Podcast

Lex Fridman

Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at Caltech and Santa Fe Institute specializing in quantum mechanics, arrow of time, cosmology, and gravitation. He is the author of several popular books including his latest on quantum mechanics (Something Deeply Hidden) and is a host of a great podcast called Mindscape. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast.

This is the second time Sean has been on the podcast. You can watch the first time here:

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Something Deeply Hidden:
Sean’s twitter:
Sean’s website:
Mindscape podcast:

0:00 – Introduction
1:23 – Capacity of human mind to understand physics
10:49 – Perception vs reality
12:29 – Conservation of momentum
17:20 – Difference between math and physics
20:10 – Why is our world so compressable
22:53 – What would Newton think of quantum mechanics
25:44 – What is quantum mechanics?
27:54 – What is an atom?
30:34 – What is the wave function?
32:30 – What is quantum entanglement?
35:19 – What is Hilbert space?
37:32 – What is entropy?
39:31 – Infinity
42:43 – Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
1:01:13 – Quantum gravity and the emergence of spacetime
1:08:34 – Our branch of reality in many-worlds interpretation
1:10:40 – Time travel
1:12:54 – Arrow of time
1:16:18 – What is fundamental in physics
1:16:58 – Quantum computers
1:17:42 – Experimental validation of many-worlds and emergent spacetime
1:19:53 – Quantum mechanics and the human mind
1:21:51 – Mindscape podcast

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41 thoughts on “Sean Carroll: Quantum Mechanics and the Many-Worlds Interpretation | Artificial Intelligence Podcast
  1. I really enjoyed this conversation with Sean. Here's the outline:
    0:00 – Introduction
    1:23 – Capacity of human mind to understand physics
    10:49 – Perception vs reality
    12:29 – Conservation of momentum
    17:20 – Difference between math and physics
    20:10 – Why is our world so compressable
    22:53 – What would Newton think of quantum mechanics
    25:44 – What is quantum mechanics?
    27:54 – What is an atom?
    30:34 – What is the wave function?
    32:30 – What is quantum entanglement?
    35:19 – What is Hilbert space?
    37:32 – What is entropy?
    39:31 – Infinity
    42:43 – Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
    1:01:13 – Quantum gravity and the emergence of spacetime
    1:08:34 – Our branch of reality in many-worlds interpretation
    1:10:40 – Time travel
    1:12:54 – Arrow of time
    1:16:18 – What is fundamental in physics
    1:16:58 – Quantum computers
    1:17:42 – Experimental validation of many-worlds and emergent spacetime
    1:19:53 – Quantum mechanics and the human mind
    1:21:51 – Mindscape podcast

  2. Even though I love the guy, sometimes it seems like Lex isn't listening. He asked Sean about whether or not universe splitting violates conservation of energy twice.

  3. The universe consists of an expansion field of negatively charged, repelling electrons influinced by the introduction of gravity vibrations within the expansion of the flow of electrons. This gravity is created by the collisions or, excitation of electrons within a torque or, twist of the fabric of the expansion where pressure differences may occur.
    These areas fuse electrons into quark plasma and a galaxy vortex of matter within the expanse.The entire universe is perculating like a tea pot, with each perculated bubble (many words) of electron expansion fields, colliding with other bubbles of electron expansion, providing the collisions as catalysts for the fusion of quarks of matter and galaxies from the singular fundamental particle, the electron!
    Entropy is the decay of matter by the gradual release of energy, activated by the energy of the electrons orbitals to reduce protons into information stored in photons that are emmited throughout the uiverse and to reduce neutrons into neutrinos of information stored in the superconducting surface of a black hole. The electrons continue their flow into the expansion as Hawking Radiation.

  4. Hey, so in the case where the wine is spilt (around 1:11 in the video) won't there indeed be many worlds where the wine does indeed spontaneously go back into the glass? This set of worlds of course would be virtually infinitesimal in size compared to the rest of the worlds, but exist nevertheless? As Wheeler said I think, there will be a world for just about anything you can imagine.

  5. What if the simulation hypothesis is the result of a deterministic reality where an advance AI or lifeform of said reality knowing that it is based in a deterministic reality wanted to create a reality with life that has free will and where the outcome is none deterministic and the only way to do that is to simulate a law that allows for the splitting of wave front. I mean there's even mention of somthing like that in our mythology

  6. We do have an idea how to quantise General Relativity – it’s called Loop Quantum Gravity, all the way to generating eigenstates of volume and area, and the ability to calculate the entropy of an event horizon, made up of quantised area states.

    No one knows for sure, but my bet is that the event horizon is an end to space, the event horizon surface IS the black hole, the information and people are squished into area eigenstates.

  7. At 34:44 Sean states that quantum fields near each other are highly entangled, but; quantum fields far from each other are not entangled. If the higgs field permeates in this way but, evenly throughout all space. Would that imply that it grants mass to particles via quantum entanglement as well. And if so, would that not mean that a string of entanglements between the Higgs Field and, all other Fields, make all Fields with mass simultaneously entangled with each other? What is the difference between granting mass from the particle perspective, via, the wave perspective? Is it done via quantum entanglement? Does that mean the Higgs Field leads to quantum entanglement unity amongst all fields that interact with it?

  8. The comment says "a point in three dimensional Euclidean space can be located by three coordinates" but this is not the case; in order to be meaningful the coordinates must be relative to a point of origin, otherwise they are nothing more than arbitrary numbers…

  9. تاثير عن بعد مم نظرنا لكن اذا علمنا ان البعد اءي نراه هو اقرب بكثير مما نظن
    نحن لا نفهم الزمكان كما يجب هو حقل التغيير حتى يعطي الامور او الاشياء فرصه للتغير من حاله الى حاله عالمنا مكون فقط من طاقه بصور مختلفه
    كتله …. هذه الطاقه تستطيع ان تتغير من شكل الى اخر من مكان الى اخر اما بحصر الطاقه بداخلها او اطلاقها الى الحقل الخارجي
    عدم فهمنا للفيزياء بشكل افضل بسبب عدم وجود علاماء حقيقين كما في الماضي
    الفيزياء الخديثه خدعتنا وابعدتنا عن الحقيقه
    يجب اعاده النظر في علوم الفيزياء من حديد نحيد ما اثبت ونعلمه عن الخرفات
    كوننا مبني من كتل تتحرك في جميع الاوقات. وهذا يعني الكثير
    الاشكال الدائريه
    اذا لم نستطيع اثبات وتفسير الجاذبيه وتعريفها من جديد لن نستطيع التقدم
    للاسف كثير من العلماء جذبونا الى علم خاطأ

  10. When asked if these many worlds can ever interact, Carrol states that there is one of you already there. That there doesn't need to be two or more. My question is, after Carrol and Lex depart for a period of time, and decide to do another podcast together, are they the same two that were together in the first podcast? Do you go home to the same wife that you left for work in the morning? How many times have you mentioned things to your close ones and they don't "remember" what you are talking about? Who you are isn't just what you see. That's my hangup with quantum physicists. They are caught up in being within the status quo of being a physicist. They can't question there own existence or they would be out of a job.

  11. His take on free will as an emergent phenomenon is garbage. Sure, the ILLUSION of free will is emergent.

  12. The greatest scientist is not the person who makes the most or greatest scientific discoveries, instead it is the person who develops (or contributes the most to) the best scientific method.

  13. Multiverse, String, supersymmetry non of these theories are supported by the findings of the large hadron collider, Carroll does not like to admit that, and goes on, like so many others to make weird claims and supports strange theories about a so called independent, substantial, deterministic, machinelike reality

  14. One of a few jaw-dropping moments in my life, one listening to this podcast two listening to Alison krauss sing

  15. It took this episode with the great Sean Carroll–he's phenomenal–to finally appreciate you, Lex Fridman. One can easily say that physics is everything, and thus AI is ultimately derivative. PS Eric Weinstein–a genius among geniuses–has also pointed that out by example, having added physics to his already vast knowledge repertoire.

  16. Bob Ross? THAT Bob Ross? Man who did everything as it shouldn't be done? Who 100%-ly missed the point? King of mediocre?… holy crap, yeah, rot went far… You should be interviewing Deepak…

  17. 500 years ago in 1520 they would have said "yes" we can not understand God anymore than we do now. The Bible is the limit for mankind. We have a history of deceiving ourselves and I think we should be more careful about presuming our limits.

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