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26 thoughts on “Shpongle – Periscopes of Consciousness(Greg Hunter edit).mp4
  1. i am curious, if that voice singing was recorded exclusively for this song, or it is taken from other song or some
    movie πŸ˜‹… anyway, that voice is the main reason why i love this😍

  2. It's basically just an extended mix of Periscopes of Consiousness on its own, with some of the refrains from the rest of the album thrown in. Very, VERY good job in making this song in stand-alone format, it was always one of my favorites from the album.

  3. musical alchemy, simon and raja have been abducted by aliens and this is what they were taught, whoever greg hunter is helluva job on this mix

  4. amazing edit…. i prefer it to the original 1:55 track … not cause it sounds better… but because its such an amazing song!! … and it deserves to be over 5 minutes long πŸ™‚

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