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8 thoughts on “Simone Schnall – How does Art Affect Perception, Cognition, Emotion?
  1. I don't know why,but this reminds me of watching two characters from a Woody Allen movie,but it won't mean anything to anyone who's never seen a woody allen film.

  2. So dissatisfying, I was really hoping for sth interesting here and it seems like she is just afraid to say anything, and they don't get nowhere close to what the video claims to be about, title is misleading

  3. The first 4 min of this interview is just Schnall being a post-modern contrarian endlessly deconstructing a very simple question down to meaninglessness. We don't get a real answer till 4:40. Even then its just "it depends" "what are you looking for" The questions are really simple, and it just devolves into a vacuous exchange. Schnall could've given her thoughts on the matter or hypothesis, or even a general feeling towards an experiment or what the possible outcomes could be. But each question is shrugged off, annoyingly so.

  4. Btw, by effect do you mean it affects our sensations, emotions, feelings, mainly what we experience or it affects the way how we experience?

  5. I think the title could have been something like what questions to ask when it's come to art. The video is mostly about what questions to ask in terms of experiments and cognitive science and their relation to art.

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