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38 thoughts on “Sir Roger Penrose: Are Animals Conscious Like We Are?
  1. This is what we want joe ! Also grab a random fan obviously all of us wish it was them but that’s not the point. We would love a normal person with views on the world

  2. I had an American Bulldog, absolutely beautiful. Dumb as Dirt. Extremely stubborn and difficult to train. Next breed may be a Dutch Shepherd

  3. Dogs can understand human language. I gave my dog a drink of whisky one night. He got drunk and fell asleep. When he woke the next day I asked him how he felt and he said "Ruff!"

  4. I'd recommend anyone here who is interested in octopi or in sentient life/evolution/philosophy to read 'Other Minds' by Peter Godfrey-Smith. One of my all time favourites.

  5. It's actually Octopi, when referring to a large group of them or different species of them and the term octopuses would be incorrect.

  6. Why wouldn't they be…. but if they taste good and I'm hungry, I really don't give a shit. That being said, I don't kill things I don't intend on eating either.

  7. I remember years ago during a soccer World Cup I think it was they were using an octopus to predict the games and I think he predicted 8 out of 9 correct winners before they occurred does anyone else remember that

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