Consciousness Videos

Soul exists as quantum information [Life after death]

Eye of Truth


0:00 Near-Death Experiences
1:22 Patterns of near-death experiences
4:46 Level of consciousness
5:41 Quantum soul theory
9:54 The true nature of the Soul



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26 thoughts on “Soul exists as quantum information [Life after death]
  1. I experienced an OBE in my late teens where I left my body flew two miles away to my work place at the time observed and accurately recalled a conversation between several work mates. I have had some OBE's since and have successfully triggered them with meditation.

  2. Brilliant video. Remarkable work to keep theology and mythology out of the topic. You got a new subscriber. Only the third channel I subscribe to, I'm that much impressed.

  3. I think maybe we remain a part of or the mind of an ultimate being, a “God” if you choose to use the word. We manifest here as both a natural occurrence and for the sake of gaining experience. Experience meaning, every kind of experience: good, bad, meaningful, loving, hateful, human and maybe everything in between. This is my intuitive opinion mind you, but something I often examine.

  4. There's too much "I believe, in my opinion" etc… in this video. Humans have 3 levels of consciousness? What science theory backs this idea up? These quantum theories are trippy and mind-blowing enough without us sprinkling faerie dust it.

  5. This is an interesting perspective I could get behind. I know with reading about near death experiences your consciousness is somewhere other than your brain. This could help explain a possibility of what happens. I love it. Ty

  6. From my experience/experimentation, I believe psychedelics/mediation/sound frequencies breaks down the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, allowing our conscious mind to experience our sub conscious thoughts, feelings and memories….. however I also believe, in our subconscious mind we can access the universal consciousness……

    One of my first truly breakthrough experiences, during my own experimentation was this….. the words/feeling/communication I was experiencing, felt as if they were coming from someone/something/somewhere else, I was completely awake and lucid, I was actually standing at the time while having the communication….

    """"" Hey we've been waiting for you……. don't be scared…… don't be scared……. your family is here with us….. you don't really know him well, but he's family, he's family…… it's (then proceeded to tell me a name) he's safe, he's here with us, he's your family don't worry, he's with us""""

    3 days later I was with my mum and we were talking about our family and I was asking if any of my older family members had caught or been effected by c v….. at first she said no…. then after a short pause she said her cousin….. with the same name I had heard/felt/experienced 3 days before had been in a coma for 4 days with pneumonia and died the day after my experience……… I was gobsmacked and instantly began to feel an incredibly sadness this was one of the most profound experiences of my life……… I had only ever met the man a few times and never really seen him or his family in my day to day life or on social media as I only use this……… there had been no mention from anyone or way of me knowing about his predicament in the weeks prior.

    I was a hard-core atheist before this……. now I have a new found sense of…….. enlightenment amazement, fascination and desire to discover the world to which is there but we cannot see or experience, not in our normal state anyway.

    Peace, power and freedom to all the psychonauts out there…..

  7. Pls I need more information on the superstring theory and M-Theory you mentioned in this video and your own thoughts on them respectively.

  8. their astral body got separated from physical body thats why they saw their physical body from above. the fact that they feel more real in the experience is probably because literally this world is an ilusion viewed from higher planes of existence. the consciousness or the soul travels probably to the source of all consciousness as suggested in video. thanks for video. can you make video about the idea that all the universe is vibrating energy ? 🙂

  9. What is zero, anyway?

    Our understanding of zero is profound when you consider this fact: We don’t often, or perhaps ever, encounter zero in nature.

    Numbers like one, two, and three have a counterpart. We can see one light flash on. We can hear two beeps from a car horn. But zero? It requires us to recognize that the absence of something is a thing in and of itself.

    “Zero is in the mind, but not in the sensory world,” Robert Kaplan, a Harvard math professor and an author of a book on zero, says. Even in the empty reaches of space, if you can see stars, it means you’re being bathed in their electromagnetic radiation. In the darkest emptiness, there’s always something. Perhaps a true zero — meaning absolute nothingness — may have existed in the time before the Big Bang. But we can never know.

    Nevertheless, zero doesn’t have to exist to be useful. In fact, we can use the concept of zero to derive all the other numbers in the universe.

    Kaplan walked me through a thought exercise first described by the mathematician John von Neumann. It’s deceptively simple.

    Imagine a box with nothing in it. Mathematicians call this empty box “the empty set.” It’s a physical representation of zero. What’s inside the empty box? Nothing.

    Now take another empty box, and place it in the first one.

    How many things are in the first box now?

    There’s one object in it. Then, put another empty box inside the first two. How many objects does it contain now? Two. And that’s how “we derive all the counting numbers from zero … from nothing,” Kaplan says. This is the basis of our number system. Zero is an abstraction and a reality at the same time. “It’s the nothing that is,” as Kaplan said.

    He then put it in more poetic terms. “Zero stands as the far horizon beckoning us on the way horizons do in paintings,” he says. “It unifies the entire picture. If you look at zero you see nothing. But if you look through it, you see the world. It’s the horizon.”

    Once we had zero, we have negative numbers. Zero helps us understand that we can use math to think about things that have no counterpart in a physical lived experience; imaginary numbers don’t exist but are crucial to understanding electrical systems. Zero also helps us understand its antithesis, infinity, in all of its extreme weirdness.

    Why is 0 not a prime number?

    Zero is neither prime nor composite. Since any number times zero equals zero, there are an infinite number of factors for a product of zero. A composite number must have a finite number of factors. One is also neither prime nor composite.

  10. This is so true, when i was near death on 2004 due to super high fever heres what happen to my conscious when i was in the hospital. I saw a dark space with dead people and a blackhole in front of me and a flying person with wings and shinning lights on his back and pulling my soul and i was so scared i shouted i want to comeback dont get me and i saw a shadow of a boy faster than a speed of light and go inside of my head and suddenly i wake up, and asking my self who am i, where am i, im not sure if it was a dream but my guardian told me that when i walked up i was super strong ang throw all the patient and heavy bed on a ward room, and i can see all all the patient and nurses in the hospital, i jump so high that can reach the ceiling of the building, throw the two security guards that is 3x bigger than me, they tied me up for days and i was in dream for days and i really thought it was a dream, im talking to my visitors and friends using my conscious not my physical mouth and im not seeing them on a physical world rather on a rotating dark space with stars just like universe and when i was about to wake up and my soul is getting back to my body my eyes open and saw glitches like a no channel television and suddenly seeing my friends faces in a real word ang im feel so weak i cant even move up my fingers. I kept this secret in my entire life and when saw this video its about time share it. It happen when i was single and now i am 11 year married and a father of three young beautiful person.

  11. Love this channel! Can you please tell us what is the background music used at 9:55? It has been in many of your videos, so sorry of this has been answered before.

  12. You're definitely looks like a Hindu who is proving these things scientifically. We Hindus know about this from our childhood from purana and Bhagwat Geeta. These info is a piece of cake for us. Keep it up !

  13. In Bhagvad geeta, shri krishna, one of the avatar of shri hari vishnu the very preserver of existence tells us that the soul or 'atma' of a being is eternal. It never dies.

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