Boston Dynamics
We’re building robots that can keep people out of harm’s way: Spot enables operators to remotely investigate and de-escalate hazardous situations. Robots have been used in government and public safety applications for decades but Spot’s unmatched mobility and intuitive interface is changing incident response for departments in the field today. Learn more:
Read more about how Spot is used to keep people out of harm’s way:
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This is boring! You guys used to show new developments. Cutting edge stuff. I guess the money men have come in and stuck their greedy inept fingers into ever cog at this point, halting any type of creative drive you guys had as a company.
– What's your job?
– Spot operator.
This has so many possibilities, really nice to see how much Spot advanced along the years.
Where was spot on 9/11
Good job spot
Spots gone full commercial now! You know what that means???
Full humanoid robots like Atlas is next!
And it can dance 💃
Who's a good boy?
Fantasticss!! 💛☀️🇺🇸 …..How Much Does Spott Dog Cost?? 💛 I Need One of them!! 😍🇺🇸 ….Reply Please! Thanks 💛🇺🇸🇺🇸
Keep Summer safe !
get me in there in an H.E.V. Suit and we'll see whose better
Why does the frame rate on the controller screen look so choppy and laggy…? Idk I just expected it to be like 60fps or something 😂
Music like The Son of Flynn from "TRON: Legacy".
Stop trying to spam these into society.
Now imagine if Spot could walk underwater.
This is exactly what Robotics should be, for a better and safer world.
Safety and response? Yes. Law enforcement? FUCK NO.
Bro i saw this thing in that cyberpunk game 😱
What we need is a model with a second arm in order to do things like pull open the zip on the backpack.
Boeing should get a couple of these to make sure all the bolts are tight
How much does it cost?
I’m not sure police would use a 100k robot to possibly get blown up
Beautiful. Atlas missing. Won't he have stage fright?
I guarantee this platform is already reverse-engineered and equipped with firearms both by malicious and various government parties
but how many rontgen can it withstand?
Noice 😀😀
It's all flashy fun until the powers that be decide that you're what people need protection from.
camera kinda bad but the rest is cool
너무자잘한 영상을 많이올리면 사람들의 주목도가떨어져서 오히려 채널에 악영향이라고생각함
Need actual industrial applications. These robots are too niche.
Might want to slow the clips down a bit. This isn't a music video, and it gives time for people to parse what the robot is doing.
r6 update leak???
Love the music track to this! Props to whoever made it
Spots check