Consciousness Videos

SSE Talks – Dean Radin – Consciousness, Photons, and Reality 2/5


Gazing at the Minds Eye

IONS Senior Scientist Dean Radin summarizes two experiments to explore the nature of the mind’s eye. In one, an eyetracking system was used to test whether seers could “see” the future. In another, meditators and non-meditators were asked to use their mind’s eye to perceive a beam of photons in a distant, light-tight optical apparatus. Both experiments provided intriguing glimpses of the role of the human mind in weaving the fabric of reality.

About the Author(s):
Dean Radin, PhD, has been Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences since 2001. He also holds an adjunct appointment at Sonoma State University and is on the Distinguished Consulting Faculty at Saybrook Graduate School. His initial career as a concert violinist was diverted into science after earning a Masters degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. For a decade he worked on advanced telecommunications R&D at AT&T Bell Laboratories and GTE Laboratories; for over two decades years he has focused on consciousness research at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, University of Nevada, and three Silicon Valley think-tanks, including SRI International, where he worked on a classified program investigating psi phenomena for the US government. He is author or coauthor of over 200 technical and popular articles, a dozen book chapters, and several books including the bestselling The Conscious Universe (Harper One, 1997) and Entangled Minds (Simon & Schuster, 2006). He has appeared on television shows as diverse as Oprah, Larry King Live, and the BBCs Horizon, and has presented lectures in venues ranging from the physics department at Cambridge University to Google headquarters.

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17 thoughts on “SSE Talks – Dean Radin – Consciousness, Photons, and Reality 2/5
  1. erratum: to clarify…the body-stimulus reation is processed outside this virtual reality, hence the space & time irrelevance in so many of these phenomena.

    I still haven't ruled out the Many Worlds Interpretation…

  2. Thanks for your reply. The timing of your comment is a synchronicity with something going on right this I will share this with you: Tom Campbell's Big Theory Of Everything (Big TOE). A Virtual Reality Universe could explain the results as your body (information) is reacting to other probable information (snake) by a "processor" which exists in a timeless/spaceless dimension. VR theory also explains why fractals pop-up so much. Best Regards.

  3. Agreed, not taking into account that parallels exist. When the pupil of the test subject traces the lines of a snake, in their version of reality, they may see a snake, while the tester sees a rabbit…so there could be a clash created in the observers if we each create our own version of reality. (Which i'm 99.9% certain we do.)

  4. So, when do we put the pieces together & realize that it's not precognition, but pre-creation? "We are inescapably involved in bringing about that which appears to be happening. We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense, this is a participatory universe. Physics is no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, fields of force, into geometry, or even into time and space. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself."
    — John Wheeler

  5. Agreed. I think the twin challenges of adversity and the unknown which so mark Psychophysics research have provided a crucible for the forging of superb scientific minds.

  6. @zadeh79 @zadeh79 Definitely. No sane person of reason and an IQ of at least 100 can read Entangled Minds and NOT be convinced there is something to psi.

    I mean, one meta analysis resulted in something like an 202 OCTODECILLION to 1; a mind numbing boggling number. Arguably, it's statistically easier to believe that the tooth fairy is real than PSI is not.

  7. @fourplusseven My interest in OBEs goes back a long time. I'll certainly read up on the info. you have suggested. Very very much appreciated.

  8. Again, 6:38 really bugs me because it implies the future is somewhat set.

    I don't like not being in control of a future; the 6:38 evidence meaning we only have an illusion of that control.

  9. It has also come to my attention that his book, Entangled Minds has been seen stocked in the "Metaphysical section" of a book seller. While this choice is probably up to the seller, it doesn't exactly help make a good CREDIBLE impression on the public about this very real scientific research.

  10. (cont't)

    I don't understand what the big deal is to scientists that keeps their heads in the sand (ego, careers & money). It isn't as if Radin is claiming a person can do Jedi mind tricks. These anomalies are usually teeny tiny wisps of statistically significant phenomena. Not necessarily a big influence, but a profound one.

  11. Yeah, I've kind of stopped looking at skeptic magazines, websites, etc. Too bad, because they taught me good critical thinking skills…which I turned around and used on some skepticism.

    Radin, I believe is an empiricist; so if the data/evidence clearly shows something is different than the paradigm, it's probably the paradigm that should be changed and not the data ignored, the scientist ridiculed, the subject taboo, etc.

  12. His work is largely under-rated, likely because of the fact that there are so many predetermined skeptics.

    I feel that Dr. Radin deserves a nobel prize for his work.

  13. 6:38 is the most profound statement made since Bell's inequality.

    This should have made the cover of Time Magazine.

    The implications of this really bother me.

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