Consciousness Videos

State Of Consciousness Is Everything

A simple fundamental principle that explains all of reality and spirituality. Changing your state of consciousness will change your life.

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied carelessly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice. Leo is not a licensed therapist.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo’s teachings assume you have a stable mind and life. If your mind is dysfunctional or ungrounded, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. Treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. Never use psychedelics chronically. Never take psychedelics in high doses. Psychedelics will not effortlessly solve your deep psychological problems. The less grounded your mind is, the more selfish you are, the harsher psychedelics will be on you. Psychedelics can create deep existential crises. Do not take psychedelics unless you love the idea of deconstructing your mind and reality.


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28 thoughts on “State Of Consciousness Is Everything
  1. “Everything is consciousness” is ontologically the same as “everything is material”. Instead of atoms you call them figments. Spinoza would say that everything is Substance and that Substance is God. Hindu’s call it Brahman. The ontology you’re describing is basically just subjective relativism. It’s not unique except in nomenclature. Strongly recommend you look up Hindu belief system about reality/consciousness and see how similar it is to your own.

  2. "Your state of consciousness is the most important factor in your life—because your state of consciousness determines how you perceive the world and the actions you take." —Eckhart Tolle, Doorways into Presence

  3. 47:35 when you realise there was no "time before you were born". In fact, there was no time at all, ever. All there is, is an eternal "Now" moment, experienced again, and again, and again, by consciousness, forever. There was no "yesterday" in your life, you never woke up this morning, you never opened your phone and pressed "start" on this video. You're imagining it all. Right. Now.

  4. I got an idea:

    What if all numbers and the structures they make are simply patterns in Consciousness?

    A field is defined as a system of numbers that vary in Spacetime. What if those different numbers are really just different patterns of Consciousness?

    What if a figment of Consciousness is a well-distinguished pattern of Consciousness?

  5. the difference is the setup. Someone asking for my opinion in my life as an ego is different than asking me what I think of this world. That's why I get pissed in discussions. Because in the setup of a topic I am arguing inside this world. Ask me if I take it serious for real and I would tell you no. I am just playing the game. Because assuming the truth in a discussion makes the discussion unnecessary. Except when you have the hint or the idea to enlighten that specific person. And if both of you are enlightened you both are just arguing for the fun of it.

    and to the point on intelligence: exactly. that's why I use infinite anger when I am angry, I use infinite sadness and start crying when I am sad, I am infinitely happy when I am happy. Because the universe apparently wants me to feel it, otherwise I wouldn't feel it. Who am I to argue with the universe? I am infinitely stupid when being an idiot and infinitely intelligent when need to be. And when I have to shit, I need to go now, because it's time 😀

  6. speaking of mosquito bites. We now got Tiger mosquitos from China in germany. Boi, I don't know what else they are drinking but these motherfuckers create some fat bumps. And aggressive as fuck. But what did I expect from communist mosquitos, right?

  7. I just found and watched "nothing exists but you," re solipsism. It is by far the best and most clear explanation on solipsism I've seen.
    I know solipsism is true,—i was first given glimpses of the truth of solipsism in the 1980s—thru experiences I had, not by reading about it or exposed to it in any way other than the Universe giving me tidbits of how it works—or rather MYSELF giving me hints that I am everything.
    I "became" a plant in my office;; I became a cow on a field eating grass (could feel my hot breath coming out of cows nostrils)
    Since this process has come about over many years(I'm 76 now) , solipsism is not weird or scary to me—it is WONDERFUL
    Thank you for the amazing video, even tho I KNOW I'm thanking myself😊

  8. Hm so to be sure, when we meet its gonna be you imagining meeting me in your world. And me meeting myprojection of you in my world, but trully one of us is not real atm?

  9. Honestly, I can't say how I know either, but the very idea of the bottom up approach to consciousness is completely absurd, but don't underestimate yourself cause you are already explaining that infinite consciousness is all there is, and is that not already a part of the explanation? But hey, words are merely just a portal to true meaning and reality of existence. We're either gonna feel it from within, or it's just gonna be useless information coming at us.

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